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Dear Harsha,

> About twenty three years ago, I used to do advanced Bhastrika exercises


> retention while standing on my head (please do not try this anyone!). I

> would make up breathing exercises even more extreme than those mentioned


> the yoga books to observe their effect on the mind/body.


> There are simply too many individual

> variations to recommend any strong breathing exercise without knowing a

> person.


My question is this: what should I do to stimulate "K"? Of course this is

something that can only be answered in my own experience, however,

soliciting opinions from trusted friends sounds like a reasonable part of

this process. :-)


I've followed the "not this - not this" style of meditation for years and it

suits me well. I notice a few years ago that in the stillness following

negation energy would come up especially in the heart center.


Last November while meditating several hours a day for 2 weeks at a Barry

Long course this reached a peak. I became aware of a subjective tube in the

chest. Ever so subtly placing attention in that tube, almost as if attention

went there itself without any volition or effort, energy would rise. At

times, this experience of rising energy was the most extraordinary &

profoundly pleasurable thing I've ever experienced, and when the energy

reached the head witnessing/separation occurred, furthermore, in this

sensation love was known as residing as a constant in 'me' rather being

dependant on some external object. Everything seen was at a great distance

from 'me', including any movement of thought. I've experienced this many

times before but never through "K". There really don't seem to be any

significant negative side effects from this. ... Any rebellious internet

posts can't be blamed on this cause I've always been that way. :-)


Now that I'm back here in my normal working life I don't have time to

meditate several hours a day and still meet my obligations. I meditate

fairly constantly in activity in various ways... And this seems very useful.

My main practice is just to be still, being still & aware of any subtle

energy in the body & thought & emotion, being subjectively aware in all



I have lost the awareness of the tube in the chest, and do not have major

"K" events. Although if I did formal sitting meditation for 2-3 hours a day

I'm sure it would start again. What I'm noticing is more & more all the time

awareness of very subtle energy, or, at least many times a day, nearly

constantly in fact, I put my attention into the body & totally relax it,

release anything false held in the mind, thereby putting my self into a

receptive state, then some subtle "K" will most likely occur. My main

practice is just to be still and constantly release any tension in the body

& mind. However, doing this while in activity is a challenge.


Although no effort is required at any of this, it still seems reasonable to

use volition to arrange receptivity. I did mild breathing exercises when I

did TM: rapid & slow alternate nostril breathing. Also, Edward my mentor,

says I have the disease of heaviness (kapha) and I believe this is the case,

although I've also got a lot of heat in my body (pitta). Especially in the

mornings I'm sluggish. Although "K" invigorates the body, perhaps some

attention on breathing/asanas would assist the process, relieve sluggishness

while not overheating the body too much, and at the same time stimulating



Do you have any suggestions as far as breathing exercises, books, I'm in

Denver if you know of any qualified instructors etc ?? It's not my habit to

seek out any instruction, nor does this seem necessary, but I thought brain

storming with you might be useful & interesting. Perhaps 5-10 minutes of

breathing exercises 1-2 times a day would be useful. But what to try? I've

never investigated this area, and I do have fairly specific intent. I'm not

into experimentation as much as you were, but something might be useful.


Reply privately if you'd like,




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Roger Isaacs [RIsaacs]

Thursday, May 04, 2000 4:25 PM



Do you have any suggestions as far as breathing exercises, books, I'm in

Denver if you know of any qualified instructors etc ?? It's not my habit to

seek out any instruction, nor does this seem necessary, but I thought brain

storming with you might be useful & interesting. Perhaps 5-10 minutes of

breathing exercises 1-2 times a day would be useful. But what to try? I've

never investigated this area, and I do have fairly specific intent. I'm not

into experimentation as much as you were, but something might be useful.


Reply privately if you'd like,







Hi Roger, you are a very experienced person already and I respect your

motivation. Swami Sivananda's book on Kundalini Yoga may be interesting

reading as well as Swami Naryanananda's book "The Primal Power in Man."

Both these books cover pranayama exercises as well. Ramana Maharshi in his

talks sometimes covered the topic of Kundalini from an Advaitic

perspective - See "Be As You Are" By David Godman.


Part of my spiritual training was in the use of mantras with focus on

specific energy centers with visualizations of certain types including

various colors and diagrams (yantras). These are very helpful as well. The

way my teacher taught, the mantras were important both for the sound and the

meaning. Meditating on the meaning over time enables the positivity of the

mantra to sink in the subconscious and the unconscious. This minimizes the

potential problems with Shakti manifestations as the aspirant literally

feels "I can handle anything, I am bigger than any and all experiences, I

myself am the Supreme Guru as Consciousness. Nothing can ever happen to Me

as everything happens in Me."


The topic of Shakti Yoga is rich, complex, and it is a beautiful path with a

variety of blooming colorful lotuses and flowers to see and shady trees to

rest under along the way. Of course, for some, there are deserts and

wastelands at times along the way as well. Sometimes when one is thirsty one

can't find water and the heat of the sun makes one dizzy. Fellowship gives

strength and understanding and makes one aware that all this is played out

in the screen of our own Consciousness.


We are all wanderers and travelers walking in our own way and at our own

pace towards something that words cannot define or capture. We instinctively

understand that the nature of our pain is in fact universal. Shakti Yoga

involves bringing awareness to certain points to experience the energies

from there. When awareness becomes interested only in itself and becomes

aware of itself without hindrance, the Shakti merges in that Awareness and

Reveals It Self as That Awareness which We Truly Are Already.




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Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) <hluthar

> Swami Sivananda's book on Kundalini Yoga may be interesting

> reading as well as Swami Naryanananda's book "The Primal Power in Man."

> Both these books cover pranayama exercises as well.


Thanks for your comments Harsha. Some seem to resonate with the "I am

already enlightened" philosophy. This can be found readily in Ramana's work.

But I've also read in his work something like 'seeking continues right up

till realization.'


I prefer to leave no stone unturned. If there's stillness, there is no need

for technique. However, while various situations challenge stillness, then

perhaps more efforts at coordination are possible.

> Part of my spiritual training was in the use of mantras with focus on

> specific energy centers with visualizations of certain types including

> various colors and diagrams (yantras). These are very helpful as well.

> ...


Thanks for sharing your experience Harsha. When you mention yantras, it

makes me think of Colette's post regarding the Maharishi Vedic Observatory.

Perhaps there is some correlation.



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