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Kundalini questions/Rob

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In a message dated 5/5/00 2:35:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Robert_Weil writes:


<< @ c) What is K to us? How do we experience it, in the sense that we "see"

it happening? How do our (pre)conceptions affect the experience? What part

do fear, love, anger, hurt, hope, faith, and spiritual understanding play?


@ d) What is K's purpose? Is it part of the Human unfolding that ultimately

frees? Is it the very essence of Purpose, arising from the phenomenon of

Purpose, and with no other aim? Does it have a mutational/genetic agenda?

If so, what?


@ e) What part are we to play? How are we able to cohabit in the body with

what we perceive to be an Other force? Does this sense of Otherness make

the situation worse? Have we missed a method, an approach, an understanding

somewhere? If K is inherent in our biological/spiritual development, have

we no capabiliites to engineer our own salvation? Are we in fact the

dreamer and the dreamed, or just the dreamed? ~) >>


Hello Rob,

Ha ha, glad to see you've found this exchange stimulating. You'll note

that l've copied some of your questions, not all of them. Trying to answer

any one of them could spark a list discussion for days, so l'm going to use

them more for a jumping off point than for a que for me to try to fill the

role of k pedagogue here when l'm clearly not one. Perhaps Harsha and others

will tackle you questions more literally -- maybe l'll even give it more of

an effort in a later post.

l don't think

there's any one definition of k that's commonly accepted. l've heard it

defined in so many different ways. lt can be agreed that it's different than

prana, but not always as to how it's different. When l refer to my k, though,

l think l'm referring to a process more than a specific form of energy. l do

this partly because there does appear to be disagreement as to whether k

itself is acting at times or whether it is prana acting in behalf of k. l've

heard swamis say that k itself is so subtle that we hardly notice it, even in

its active form, and that most of what we feel is prana doing the cleansing.

l'm not saying they're right -- many disagree -- but what l do see is a

process that has its own intelligence, its own mission. ln that respect, at

least, l think it can be distinguished from all other energy phenomena.


Do we address k as Ourselves or Other? lf we perceive it as

Other, aren't we adopting a self defeating formulation? That appears to me to

be your question. The answer that comes to me at this moment is that k is

Ourselves. The problem is that "Ourselves" may include much more than we can

comprehend. "Ourselves" may include creative and destructive forces and

tramuas from thousands of years of past lives and human history. So, the fact

that k is only "Ourselves" may not be as comforting or safe as we might


Perhaps this might

help understand how a divine force that is Ourselves can also be so

destructive, l don't know. But l think we too easily forget that k evolved in

esoteric traditions under strict secrecy. lt was taught by true masters to a

small number of students. l suspect these students were either carefully

selected or at least carefully screened, after which they were probably

thoroughly and painstakingly trained over a long period of time on an

individual basis. When k finally did awaken these students were supervised on

an even closer basis in order to monitor everything the student experienced.


Consider the scene today:

people are learning from a hodgepodge of teachers (nearly all of whom are

largely unqualified where k is concerned), a confusing proliferation of

information in spiritual books, magazines, groups, peers, etc, all while

lacking a meaningful connection to any spiritual tradition and being

subjected to the intense pace and pressures of the post-industrial, hi tech

culture. ln bygone ages, students were content to follow the master's

teachings for years. Not us. We want to experience God NOW, not later; in

many cases in order to remove the pain and fill the void in our lives, but in

any event we're not accustomed to waiting.

l talked in my

recent post to TG how l was so hungry to play Chopin, etc that l rushed my

progress. Within 2 yrs of having started as an adult l amazed everyone by

playing monster pieces. l was in ecstasy. l also paid the price later in

injuries for having failed to taken the time to build up my technique. lf

this is true in playing the masters at the piano, it must be infinitely

moreso in seeking to know THE MASTER. Whether we call it Ourselves or Other,

this is God's domain -- sacred ground, where both benevolent and wrathful

deities abound.

Some of us are pushed thru the door;

some of us open it naively, without having been rigorously prepared, unaware

of the perils. l know l'm not the only one who, after searching for years,

has given up trying to find answers to the questions you've posed - at least

for now, at least on a conscious level. Not because they're not excellent

questions. lt reminds me of asking similar questions about my wife, if l had

one. Hey, l don't know what she is, what she wants me to do, what the purpose

of this is .... all l know is she's the boss and my job is to follow orders

and make her as happy as l can. :))))))))




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At 13:18 05/05/00 EDT, you wrote:

>In a message dated 5/5/00 2:35:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

>Robert_Weil writes:


><< @ c) What is K to us? How do we experience it, in the sense that we "see"



Hi jerry, been off sick, hence the slow response.


> Hello Rob,

> Ha ha, glad to see you've found this exchange stimulating.

Yes, as much as I can keep up with it...


You'll note

>that l've copied some of your questions, not all of them. Trying to answer

>any one of them could spark a list discussion for days,


I know. I was just airing them. They represent a check list of my present



I'm presently abnout to go off sick with the flu, and will read your post

later. I expect it will be one to ponder and contemplate, as yours usually

are, and I may not have the framework for comments for a while. D'you mind

if I get back to you at some later date?


so l'm going to use

>them more for a jumping off point than for a que for me to try to fill the

>role of k pedagogue here when l'm clearly not one. Perhaps Harsha and others

>will tackle you questions more literally -- maybe l'll even give it more of

>an effort in a later post.

I don't see you as a pedagogue.





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In a message dated 5/10/00 5:36:03 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Robert_Weil writes:



I'm presently abnout to go off sick with the flu, and will read your post

later. I expect it will be one to ponder and contemplate, as yours usually

are, and I may not have the framework for comments for a while. D'you mind

if I get back to you at some later date?



Hi Rob,

Sorry for the tardy response. l've been busy with garden stuff and

not feeling too well myself, due to k headaches last couple days. Just get

back to me when you have time -- hope you're feeling better.



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