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Harsha's 1001 Enlightenment Stories

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Miguel Angel Carrasco [macf12]


None of this is real, just imagination. My dear friends, you

don't even exist!



Nonsense Miguel! :-). I always find it funny when someone says with much

passion and exclamation point that no one really exists (except perhaps the

one saying it to the non-existent ones with much gusto :-)


I will tell you a story. Will pass this on to a where Siddhas

and Jnanis roam.


Miguel, in ancient days, there was a sect of Sadhus in India. People said

they were totally crazy because their guru advocated suicide for everyone.

Their philosophy was that the world did not really exist, was a miserable

illusion, and the only way out was to climb the big local mountain and jump

off it, head first. The guru of the sect was widely respected.


One day, the king called the guru in and said, "I don't like your philosophy

at all. It is very stupid. Two people last week jumped off the cliff. Some

say they were drunk and others say they jumped off after visiting your

Ashram and hearing your lecture. This Sunday, I propose that your group

gather on the top of the local mountain. I will honor you and your group

there. After that I will have my people push all of you off the cliff. You

will be happy to be free of this worldly illusion and I will be happy to be

free of you."


The guru said, "I cannot accept your proposal my beloved and wise King. Our

philosophy is sacred and the teaching must be maintained. If me and my group

go off the cliff as you propose, who will be left to give this sublime and

noble truth to others? Our ancient and beautiful tradition must remain



The king said, "Sublime teachings my foot. This is all a bunch of B.S. Why

is your noble teaching not an illusion along with everything else. You are

all total idiots! Please be on top of the cliff Sunday morning and I can pay

my respects to you and your group in a formal sort of way."


Well, the guru and his followers ran away and never showed up on Sunday on

top of the local mountain. They applied for visas in foreign lands based on

religious persecution. Those visas were granted and they continued to spread

their noble and sublime teachings in other lands.

>From Harsha's Book of Enlightenment - 1001 stories.


a - We guarantee your Enlightenment and offer extended

warranties on it as well.



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Dear Harsha:


In keeping with the 'snip' policy I will trust others to read the

story. In appreciation of the truth you share with us as a Divine

Friend I designate you Sri MitraAnanda. On this eve before my

birthday I needed a laugh and you presented it to me. You are truly





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