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Fwd: Harsha posts/fiancing

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Dharma wrote:


> [This is forwarded, with permission, from a private list.]


Hello Dharma,


I was wondering if it was possible to to that private list, or

know a bit more about it.


You said:


<< This is moving towards continuity of consciousness, and that's a goal

we have always before us... to be aware on many planes/levels at the

same time. The focus of consciousness, at least while we're functioning

in the outer world, is relatively tight and it's in one place, but we

can be aware in a wider sense on many levels. >>


I do not have your experience of life, so i may be wrong in commenting

about the goal we always have before us, as being the continuity of

consciousness. I do not understand continuity of consciousness as a

goal. For me in that goal shines the last fear one may have of letting

go to the moment, in total spontaneity. But the funny thing is that a

spontaneous action for one may be defined as a continuos action for the



This fear one may have of letting go of continuity of consciousness to

face the emptiness of the moment, may be the only obstacle for becoming




Becoming engaged (fiancer in french)today, :)))

But like I said to my future wife who asked me "would you marry me, if I

would ask?"

"I have been married to you since the first time I have seen your eyes".

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Antoine wrote:

> Becoming engaged (fiancer in french)today, :)))

> But like I said to my future wife who asked me "would you marry me, if I

> would ask?"

> "I have been married to you since the first time I have seen your eyes".



Congratulations love and blessings to you both.



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Dear Antoine,



Now the nonduality becomes ... duality, thus began Creation :-))

>Becoming engaged (fiancer in french)today, :)))

>But like I said to my future wife who asked me "would you marry me, if I

>would ask?"

>"I have been married to you since the first time I have seen your eyes".


Or: Je pourrais bien mourir pour tes beaux yeux :-))





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On 5/14/00 at 10:36 AM Antoine wrote:



¤Becoming engaged (fiancer in french)today, :)))

¤But like I said to my future wife who asked me "would you

marry me, if I

¤would ask?"

¤"I have been married to you since the first time I have

seen your eyes".


Congratulations to you and your fiancée and have a great




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andrew macnab wrote:

> Antoine wrote:


> > Becoming engaged (fiancer in french)today, :)))

> > But like I said to my future wife who asked me "would you marry me, if I

> > would ask?"

> > "I have been married to you since the first time I have seen your eyes".

> >


> Congratulations love and blessings to you both.


> andrew



Same here Antoine. Congratulations and best wishes! Wedding plans?




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Hi Antoine,

>> [This is forwarded, with permission, from a private list.]


>I was wondering if it was possible to to that private list, or

>know a bit more about it.


It's a verrry small list... just a place for me and my students to talk. :)

>You said:


><< This is moving towards continuity of consciousness, and that's a goal

>we have always before us... to be aware on many planes/levels at the

>same time. The focus of consciousness, at least while we're functioning

>in the outer world, is relatively tight and it's in one place, but we

>can be aware in a wider sense on many levels. >>


>I do not have your experience of life, so i may be wrong in commenting

>about the goal we always have before us, as being the continuity of



No, you're right. I said it's _a_ goal... It isn't the only goal... or

the most important goal.

>I do not understand continuity of consciousness as a



I kind of think you've been doing this without using the same words. :)


Whatever is not conscious is unconscious... and I do mean to include

subconscious and superconscious. As we become able to move the conscious

focus more and more into areas that were unknown, we extend the range of

consciousness... that is, of what is accessible to the conscious focus.

What was unconscious has become accessible... and therefore not completely



So the range changes... we become better able to hear the spiritual

guru/High Self and interact. We become better able to BE on those higher

levels... and to do something there... to manage our energy there.


We usually do these things in interior meditation... shut out the world

and the lower planes, so we can be aware of just wherever we are and

whatever we are doing at the moment. In the beginning it can be difficult

to even remember what we did in meditation. :)) Eventually it's easier to

do and easier to remember... the continuity of memory is established...

the higher memory connects with the brain memory.


Then some of these things become easier to do when we're not in deep

interior meditation, but maybe just sitting quietly alone. It's becoming

more accessible.


Continuity of consciousness is about how much we can be aware of at the

same time... and even including in waking, "normal" consciousness. We're

used to being aware of the physical and the emotional and the mental at the

same time... those are the levels of personality. As it becomes easier to

hear the spiritual guru at any time, the continuity of consciousness is

extended. We're aware on more planes at once.


What Matt was talking about... maintaining a kind of openness and

relaxation and non-doing on higher spiritual levels, _at the same time_ as

he is concentrated and focussed enough on the mental level to be able to

sit in the workplace and work at his computer... is extremely difficult.

I don't think I could do that as well or as easily... but then, there's

nothing in my life that pushes me to need to do it. :))) I'm at home all

day, not at a job where I have to be able to do mental work _no matter_

what else is going on. :)


On another front the dream/sleep life tends to change. We become more

aware within dreams... sometimes the line between dreaming and waking

begins to change... instead of waking from a dream, we may experience a

smooth transition from one level/activity to another. It's all part of

developing that continuity of consciousness.

>For me in that goal shines the last fear one may have of letting

>go to the moment, in total spontaneity. But the funny thing is that a

>spontaneous action for one may be defined as a continuos action for the



>This fear one may have of letting go of continuity of consciousness to

>face the emptiness of the moment, may be the only obstacle for becoming



I think you've misunderstood what I meant... I didn't mean that we have to

maintain any kind of rigidity... to be clear, I didn't mean to say

anything that would rule out spontaneity. :)


Let's put it this way. When you "let go... to face the emptiness of the

moment," can you do that at the same time as you are working on a cable

repair? (Knowing you, I won't be surprised if you say yes. :))


BTW, Matt would like to to this list, but his computer at home is

very slow, and he doesn't think he can cope with the volume. But if anyone

wants to say something to Matt or ask him something on the list, I can

forward posts back and forth to and from him.


Again, congratulations! Such wonderful news!




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>Antoine <carrea

>Sun, 14 May 2000 10:36:04 -0400

>Re: Fwd: Re: Harsha posts/fiancing


>Hello Dharma,



>You said:


><< This is moving towards continuity of consciousness, and that's a goal

>we have always before us... to be aware on many planes/levels at the

>same time. The focus of consciousness, at least while we're functioning

>in the outer world, is relatively tight and it's in one place, but we

>can be aware in a wider sense on many levels. >>


>I do not have your experience of life, so i may be wrong in commenting

>about the goal we always have before us, as being the continuity of

>consciousness. I do not understand continuity of consciousness as a

>goal. For me in that goal shines the last fear one may have of letting

>go to the moment, in total spontaneity. But the funny thing is that a

>spontaneous action for one may be defined as a continuos action for the



>This fear one may have of letting go of continuity of consciousness to

>face the emptiness of the moment, may be the only obstacle for becoming





Perhaps it is not empty, the moment. Baroque music provides an example, in

its contrapuntal form. I have found in listening to Bach, that if I follow

the melody the rest recedes into an intricate background. But if I follow

the least apparent melody, the bass line, then all the voices fall into a

delicate balance, and I can listen to them all at once.


So also when we concentrate our attention on the small things, the blade of

grass, the light in the cat's fur as he sleeps, everything else which

usually looms much larger falls into its place in a tapestry of voices, and

for a little while you can hear all the voices as if you were focusing on

each alone.


I am not very strong yet spiritually, and I cannot maintain this for long.

But I wonder if it is not close to this continuity of which Dharma speaks.

Perhaps on the other side of that balanced contrapuntality lies the

emptiness. But this I only glimpse.


What I experience beyond the counterpoint of voices is that the whole mesh

cradles me in its arms like a Woman. And She loves me! This I know as long

as I can hold that concentration and hear it all in balance. And I am drawn

back to it as a moth to the flame. I have turned my life upside down for

that experience, and dumped everything out as one dumps out a basket ... to

make room for Her ...


Gone is my home,

Gone is my wife,

Released are my memories,

Lost is my life


The waterfall calls

and I answer, "I'm here!"

And hear Her voice whisper

"My dear ... "




>Becoming engaged (fiancer in french)today, :)))

>But like I said to my future wife who asked me "would you marry me, if I

>would ask?"

>"I have been married to you since the first time I have seen your eyes".




Beautiful! Remember -- the bird needs both wings to fly ...





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