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Watching your breath

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Dear Harsha,

Would you mind I send this useful article for people who looking for






<start>"Sitting silently, just start watching your breath. The easiest way

to watch is from the entrance of the nose. When the breath comes in, feel

the touch of the breath at the entrance of the nose--watch it there.

The touch will be easier to watch, breath will be too subtle; in the

beginning just watch the touch. The breath goes in, and you feel it going

in: watch it. And then follow it, go with it. You will find there comes a

point where it stops. Just somewhere near your navel it stops-- for a tiny

moment, for a pal , it stops.

Then it moves outwards again; then follow it -- again feel the touch, the

breath going out of the nose. Follow it, go with it outside -- again you

will come to a point, the breath stops for a very tiny moment. Then again

the cycle starts.

Inhalation, gap, exhalation, gap, inhalation, gap. The gap is the most

mysterious phenomenon inside you. When the breath comes in and stops and

there is no movement, that is the point where one can meet GOD. Or when the

breath goes out and stops and there is no movement.

Remenber, you are not to stop it; it stops on its own. If you stop it you

will miss the whole point, because the doer will come in and witnessing will

disappear. You are not to do anything about it. You are not to change the

breath pattern, you neither to inhale nor to exhale. It is not like Pranayam

of yoga , where you start manipulating the breath; it is not that.

You don't touch the breath at all -- you allow its naturalness, its natural


When it goes out you follow it, when it comes in you follow it.

And soon you will become aware that there are two gaps. In those two gaps is

the door. And in those two gaps you will understand, you will see, that

breath itself is not life -- maybe a food for life, just like other foods,

but not life itself.

Because when the breathing stops you are there, perfectly there -- you are

perfectly conscious, utterly conscious. And the breath has stopped, breathng

is no more there, and you are there.

And once you continue this watching of the breath -- what Buddha calls

Vipassana or Anapanasati Yog ---if you go on watching, watching it,

watching it, slowly you will see the gap is increasing and becoming bigger.

Finally it happens that for minutes together remains. One breath goes in,

and the gap.. And for minutes the breath does not goes out. All has

stopped. The world has stopped, time has stopped, and thinking has stopped.

Because when the breath stops, thinking is not possible. And when the breath

stops, for minutes together, thinking is absolutely impossible -- because

the thought process needs continuous oxygen, and your thought process and

your breathing are very deeply related.

When you are angry your breath has a different rhythm, when you are sexually

stimulated you have a different breath rhythm, when you are silent a

different breath rhythm again. When you are happy a different breath rhythm,

when you are sad a different rhythm again. Your breathing goes on changing

with the moods of the mind. And vice versa is also true -- when the breath

changes, the mood of the mind change. AND WHEN BREATH STOPS, MIND STOPS.

(tanda in dari saya, perhatikan ini!)

In that stopping of the mind the whole world stops -- because the mind is

the world. And in that stopping you come to know for the first time what is

the breath inside the breath; life inside life. That experience is

liberating. That experience makes you alert of GOD -- and GOD is not a

person but the experience of life itself. <End>



*Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh is one of India's most widely known and respected

spiritual teachers. He is Tantric, a Taost, a Zen, Budhist, a Sufi, a Yogi,

a Christian mystic, and a Hasid. Belonging to no one particular tradition,

he incorporated in his teaching what is most valid for the modern seekers

from each of the ancient traditions.

Bhagwan was born on December 11, 1931, in a small village in Madhya

Pradesh, India, he achieved his own realization (enlightenment ?) at the age

of 21. He had no guru, no spiritual master. For nine years he served as a

professor of philosophy at two collages, resigning from his professorship in

1966 in order to devote his life totally to the spiritual awakening of

others. As he traveled around India delivering revolutionary discourses on a

variety of subjects, many people came to recognize his level of

consciousness and spontaneously began surrounding themselves to him.

Although he has always claimed he is not a guru, he soon has thousands of

disciples. "I am not a guru", he says, "but I do not deny your need to be a

disciple. My every effort is to awaken the guru within you."

Although Bhagwan has never been outside of India, thousands of Westerners

have been attracted to his rapidly growing ashram in Poona (near Bombay).

Many of these Westerners have become disciples of Bhagwan and within the

last two years numerous Rajneesh Meditation Centers have opened in Europe,

North America, USA, South Africa and Asia where thousands practice his

meditation techniques daily" ( this book was published & printed in 1976)."








Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) <hluthar


Monday, May 15, 2000 10:28 AM

Harsha's 1001 Enlightenment Stories


> GCWein1111 wrote:


> > In a message dated 5/11/00 2:46:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> > hluthar writes:

> >

> > <<

> > The king said, "Sublime teachings my foot. This is all a bunch of B.S.


> > is your noble teaching not an illusion along with everything else. You


> > all total idiots! Please be on top of the cliff Sunday morning and I

can pay

> > my respects to you and your group in a formal sort of way."

> >

> > Well, the guru and his followers ran away and never showed up on Sunday


> > top of the local mountain. They applied for visas in foreign lands

based on

> > religious persecution. Those visas were granted and they continued to


> > their noble and sublime teachings in other lands.

> >

> > From Harsha's Book of Enlightenment - 1001 stories.

> > >>

> >

> > Ha ha ha ha .... l loved this story, Harsha. So that's how so many


> > these phony lndian teachers got over here???? :)))))

> > love,

> > jerrysan

> >


> Thanks for appreciating the humor Jerrysan Rinpoche. I was just making the

story up more or less. I am not cynical about gurus, just realistic. Being

an ordinary person, I understand that human beings at times exhibit

weaknesses of different types at different times. Most gurus are no

exception to this rule.


> India is truly a land of spiritual geniuses. Its history and epics are

steeped in mysticism. It is a place where Yoga and Tantra have developed as

sciences and art forms. India's spiritual gifts to the world are undeniable

and overwhelming. Genuine spirituality and those who make religion a

profession have always existed side by side in India. This is true of other

cultures and countries as well. Just as spirituality is not the exclusive

domain of any particular religion or tradition, phoniness seems to be quite

universal as well. To a large extent, what is phony and what is genuine

> seems to be in the eye of the beholder.


> You have attained lofty heights Sri Jerrysan Rinpoche. Your standards are

high as they should be. I believe your compassion must be even greater.

Perhaps Jimmy Swagart's public confessions brought tears to your eyes and

when he asked for forgiveness, you really did without giving it a second

thought! Same thing with Jimmy and Tammy faye Baker. Hey, temptation

happens! When Oral Roberts went up to the top floor of his school and

started fasting, perhaps you were all choked up. When he asked people to

send his organization money or God would call him home, perhaps you looked

in your

> wallet to see what could be spared.


> Like you Sri Jerrysan, I have seen many gurus "fall" over the years.

Sometimes the masters weep and ask their followers for forgiveness as well.

That kind of stuff does not bother me as it has been part of the landscape

for thousands of years. Even genuine yogis make mistakes or give into

temptation because they are human. This is the cyclical nature of life.

There is many a slip before the cup touches the lip! Today's phony is

tomorrow's Sage! One never knows.


> Love

> Harsha



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> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


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> www., and select the User Center link from

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