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$I wish I could have been at the retreat too, but

$unfortunately, the air fare to Boston / Rhode

$Island is a bit over what I can afford right now.

$If not, I would have been there and extended my

$congratulations to the both of you personally.






This goes for me too - from the Canaries it is not only some

$500 more expensive then from mainland Europe, it is likely

the journey will take some 24 hours... No direct flights other

than to Madrid or Barcelona (sometimes to London) first, (4

hours) means waiting some 4...12 hours.. When I went to Latvia

a couple of years ago I had to be at the airport at 2.00 AM

and arrived in Latvia at 8.30 PM :)





Hi Jan and Amanda. It would be wonderful to have both of you. As you all

know, the retreat itself is free. Furthermore, the Zen Providence Center has

provided very reasonable rates for food and lodging and the use of their

facilities. Europe is not that far away but I understand the money and the

time issues related to travels, especially for students and those who are

retired on a small pension like Jan.


I have often joked with Jan that if he were to declare himself a Guru,

devotees would quickly be donating Rolls Royces to him and he might soon

have his own jet plane! :-).


Seriously, perhaps in the future, it will be possible for us as a group to

overcome the money issues and help those who wish to come. Over the summer,

I will be taking a course to develop a website. I I am planning to introduce

HarshaWear on the website. it will consist of a line of fashionably designed

underwears, pants, shirts, well, you name it and we will put it up there.



With love and smiles


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On 5/16/00 at 10:25 AM Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar) wrote:



¤Hi Jan and Amanda. It would be wonderful to have both of

you. As you all

¤know, the retreat itself is free. Furthermore, the Zen

Providence Center has

¤provided very reasonable rates for food and lodging and the

use of their

¤facilities. Europe is not that far away but I understand

the money and the

¤time issues related to travels, especially for students and

those who are

¤retired on a small pension like Jan.


¤I have often joked with Jan that if he were to declare

himself a Guru,

¤devotees would quickly be donating Rolls Royces to him and

he might soon

¤have his own jet plane! :-).


It would be strange indeed to proclaim being a teacher of what

is THE most natural and undeniable; apart from that, during

the sixties there were "easy" victims (flower power

movement).. The present "performance" generation wouldn't

easily "fall" for that :) But the money issue is a nice one

that could be boiled down to: if an MD examines a patient and

prescribes a treatment, the patient does have to pay for it

(even if it doesn't work) whereas a Guru, prescribing a

treatment for the "mother of all disease" has to do it for

free. Some gave the comment "a mystic did receive his/her

power(s) from God", to which I responded with "and from whom

did the MD receive the power to become a MD?" and it remained

silent :) But paying for instruction in recognition of

"no-thingness" surely is bearing the suggestion of selling

sandcastles on the beach :) To earn some pocket money,

becoming a Reiki practitioner seems to be the only valid

"application" for K. and every profession has its natural



¤Seriously, perhaps in the future, it will be possible for

us as a group to

¤overcome the money issues and help those who wish to come.

Over the summer,

¤I will be taking a course to develop a website. I I am

planning to introduce

¤HarshaWear on the website. it will consist of a line of

fashionably designed

¤underwears, pants, shirts, well, you name it and we will

put it up there.



¤With love and smiles



That's a great idea... Why not introduce "nirvana cruises" and

those wishing to attend the retreat can also pay for their

fare by working on a cruise ship... That could lead to a

permanent retreat with changing visitors all the time with the

benefit of very cheap personnel for the cruise ships :)



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