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What is Nonduality?

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The following was received and place on the What Is

Nonduality? web page along with a couple of recent items

from the list:




Please scroll to the bottom of the page.


Thank you,




"Non-duality isn't experienced. All experience has a

beginning and an end; one's real nature hasn't. "


This is from one of the definitions on your page and its

very close to the mark.


Hence the 'nothing special' teaching of Shunryu Suzuki. If

one is hanging out for an experience, one is looking in the

wrong place!


If you're committed to a life of meditation, you are

constantly called to pay attention to what is here and now

- the actual, not it's imaginary ramifications.


The human condition being what it is, this is very

difficult for us. So we have to learn to give our undivided

attention. There's your 'non-dual'!


'Non-dual' is from 'a' - 'not' and 'dvai' - dual or

divided. Not-divided. Undivided. Hence when there is

thought about 'me' and 'mine' , then naturally your

attention is divided - between what 'I' want, and 'the



Very simple. But it takes a life of utmost commitment and

dedication to realise it, to live from that simplicity. It

takes a religious dedication, even if one foregoes the

trappings. There is no pay-off for this. It doesn't,

Anthony Robbins nothwithstanding, make sure all your bills

get paid.


-- Jonathan Shearman

233 lower Plateau Rd

Bilgola Plateau

NSW Australia 2107

Ph 0414 243 641




We are the Nonduality Generation.


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Your recent changes to the appearance and many hours of work on the website are

wonderful!! Loved the caveat and warning before contacting living masters, very

cute...but Jerry, who "possesses a very sound psychological makeup" ??? Maybe


people think they do, but it wasn't until I understood how flawed the whole

thing is

and learned to laugh at mine that I found any real basis for peace. Nonduality


appear "dangerous" at first perhaps, but how can the way it really is be


Nonduality is coming to one's senses, coming home, knowing the truth of that


seeing" (who said that? Nick somebody)... what's really scary is duality. Just


around at the effects of that !!


Admit it, Jerry..you just go for that rebel sexy image...doncha?


Love you truly,


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Your recent changes to the appearance and many hours of

work on the website are wonderful!! Loved the caveat and

warning before contacting living masters, very cute...but

Jerry, who "possesses a very sound psychological makeup"

??? Maybe most people think they do, but it wasn't until I

understood how flawed the whole thing is and learned to

laugh at mine that I found any real basis for peace.

Nonduality may appear "dangerous" at first perhaps, but how

can the way it really is be threatening? Nonduality is

coming to one's senses, coming home, knowing the truth of

that "clear seeing" (who said that? Nick somebody)...

what's really scary is duality. Just look around at the

effects of that !!


Admit it, Jerry..you just go for that rebel sexy



Love you truly, Glo




You think I have a rebel sexy image? Cool! Yes, someone has

to rebel against Western Civilation. If I can turn

civilization around and meet girls at the same time, why



What's a sound psychological make up? I think it's what you

say: laughing at your own psychological make up, whatever

that is, or laughing at the concept of it. I'm screwed up,

but if I can laugh at it, then that's sound.


I've been getting good feedback on the 'sound psychological'

thing, and I will make changes to the web page reflecting

the comments. What I'm really trying to do is cover my legal

ass and I was speaking to the Judicial System.




Angry at the world,





We are the Nonduality Generation.


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hi folks,


this is my first post here... i know some of you from other places, and it's

good to meet the rest of you... i've been lurking for several weeks now, and

am not a person who posts very much... i am grateful to Harsha and

congratulate him on starting such a wonderful list...


i find the term "non-duality" very funny because it seems to me to be part

of the duality "duality and non-duality"... i usually assume that folks are

talking about "oneness" when they say "non-duality"... but it always seems

kind of humorous to me...


the definition that i enjoyed the most from

http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/umbada/whatis.htm is:

"For me.... It simply means.... being one with your duality. tg"


teegee, you always amaze me... and make me laugh and smile...





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Hi percyval,


Welcome to Harshasatsangh!


Is this my old friend with a new email address? :)

>this is my first post here... i know some of you from other places, and it's

>good to meet the rest of you... i've been lurking for several weeks now, and

>am not a person who posts very much... i am grateful to Harsha and

>congratulate him on starting such a wonderful list...


>i find the term "non-duality" very funny because it seems to me to be part

>of the duality "duality and non-duality"... i usually assume that folks are

>talking about "oneness" when they say "non-duality"... but it always seems

>kind of humorous to me...


Actually, NDS - the Non-Duality Salon - is a separate list. Many of the

same people are on both lists. I'm not, just because I can hardly find

time to keep up with this one. :)


Glad to see you here!




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