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Phony Teachers/Harsha

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Thank you Jerrysan for your thoughtful and characteristically honest,

direct, and in-depth reply. you are truly a magnificent diamond, hard in

some ways, and yet your spiritual light is soft and beautiful and we can't

help enjoy basking in it.


Jerrysan, you raise important issues and point to facts about gurus that

cannot be dismissed. I have often in the past cautioned people about

picking the right teacher, Eastern, Western, American, Indian, Tibetan,

Chinese, it does not matter. Dharma can tell you that even more than two

years ago, I often commented on the guru theme in the business of

spirituality. It is a double edged sword. It is my conviction that the best

protection in the long run is the student's own sincerity, purity,

awareness, and feeling for the Truth. Perhaps others can comment on this as



Jerrysan, I wish I could give you the biggest hug and somehow make it all

better for you.


Lots of love brother




GCWein1111 [GCWein1111]

Monday, May 15, 2000 12:44 PM

Re: Phony Teachers/Harsha



Dear Harsha,

As l sometimes do, l felt a twinge of regret after sending the above

statement to the list. l was really only trying to be amusing, but one must

be careful with humor, and l wasn't careful enough. Knowing you're from

lndia, l'm sorry if this clumsy attempt to be funny caused any offense. And

thank you for your thoughtful response. l hope you won't mind if l use it to

say more about this.

Ever since l first went


15 years ago, lndia has always been my favorite country. l used to go there

every year and felt a special connection to the land and its people. As soon

as l would get off the plane l always felt as if l belonged there. l only

stopped going because of physical problems caused by k, and several times

l've wistfully told friends that if l'm ever able to travel again there are

two places to which l have to return: Kyoto and lndia.


So you'll get no argument from me in singing the

praises of lndia's legacy as the great mother of spirituality. lt's a


that l always felt permeated the air there, from visiting sacred sites to

looking into the eyes of the poorest of its residents. One cannot be

unaffected by it. l think l got more out of being around poor people there

than the ashrams and teachers, which was a lesson in itself. l had to ask

myself, why am l more open to the downtrodden here than in my own country.


lt's difficult for me to even discuss gurus in general terms,

because l've found that so many of the cliches and platitudes about teachers

fall apart when specific cases are considered. Hey, blame it on my legal

background if you will :), but l prefer facts to theories. Yet, in spiritual

circles there appears to be a remarkable resistance to looking at facts


gurus are concerned. So many people prefer to live in denial and to cling to

comforting illusions. This makes a real dialogue impossible and prevents us

from ever getting to interesting questions, such as: who is this person? was

he always false or did he become false? if the latter is true, what

happened, and why? what lessons are to be learned for all concerned?


You mention Jimmy Swaggart, Tammy Faye and Oral Roberts. l think

part of the disillusionment that many of us feel is that we expected better

from the eastern masters. We've always seen Jimmy, Tammy Faye and Oral as

pond scum, long before revelations of their indiscretions, and we don't feel

it's asking alot to expect eastern teachers to rise above their level. lt's

like asking geniuses to do better than morons. Not necessarily to be


but to do better.

l also think it's not

unrealistic to hold a teacher to the same standard we set for ourselves. l

don't lie, defraud, cheat or harm people; l could certainly see myself being

tempted sexually, but l never have or would rape or sexually molest or

harrass a woman, much less a young girl or boy. Yet, most of the above acts

have become standard behavior for prominent gurus in the west - conduct that

would land anyone else in prison. lt goes beyond fallibility to the point of


lf this phenomenon occurred


we wouldn't even be talking about it. But it is more the rule than the

exception. THAT is what troubles me. When highly immoral conduct becomes the

norm, when it becomes hard to find even one guru who hasn't fallen, then l

have to wonder. lt goes beyond moralizing to questioning the system and its

inability to produce role models. Where are they? Where are the realized

masters whom we can hold in high esteem? l ask this not mockingly, but

sincerely, because altho l assume there are a few out there, l don't

personally know of any, except you Harshaji :))). We seem to have only a few

masters from the past and ourselves to look to.


You mention compassion. l can feel loads of

compassion for the sort of teacher you mention, one who is finally honest


asks his students for forgiveness. The problem is, this is so rare. As you

know, nearly always the guru is enmeshed in lies and institutional denial to

the end. Most of them have perpetuated a structure built on deceit to such


colossal height that there is either no desire or means to return to


How can one feel compassion in such a situation? l honestly consider myself

as compassionate as anyone. (Before you take this as a display of ego, let


hasten to say that l have my flaws, ha ha, it's just that lack of compassion

isn't one of them.:)) l humbly submit that compassion isn't the appropriate

reaction to an abusive guru who, like most, never comes clean or shows any

remorse for his misdeeds.


Ahhh .... enough,enough. Just a final thought. l'm including

American gurus as well as lndian, and the Tibetans have also displayed feet

of clay. ln fact, l was going to do a post on Tibetans, partly because this

area has become personally relevant to me right now. l don't claim to have

the answers where this subject is concerned. l just don't want to avoid the





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