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Dirk/Jil/TM-Maharishi's Guru Dev, a nyone?

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Hi everyone. I am forever thankful for Maharishi's involvement in my

life. Just thought I'd share this - someone just shared it with me.

The Ivy League Populist

> A conversation

with presidential hopeful John Hagelin



> Colorado Daily

Staff Writer

> http://www.codaily.com


> If John Hagelin

were to win this fall's U.S. presidential

> election, he'd

be the most highly educated president ever.


> A Harvard-trained

quantum physicist and an educator, Hagelin

> is expected

to be the presidential candidate of the Natural

> Law Party for

the third time this fall. He is also pursuing

> the nomination

of the Reform Party, in hopes of building a

> third-party

coalition with enough power to pose a serious

> challenge to

the Democrats and Republicans.


> It's not easy

to pigeonhole the Natural Law Party's platform,

> at least not

using the traditional left-vs.-right political

> terms.


> Skeptics have

said the party is really just a front for the

> Transcendental

Meditation movement founded by the Maharishi

> Mahesh Yogi,

which in the past has claimed that meditation can

> enable people

to hover in mid-air.


> But speaking

to an enthusiastic crowd of more than 600 people

> in Denver last

week, Hagelin delivered a message that was very

> much down-to-earth,

focusing on populist and progressive

> themes like

campaign-finance reform, curbs on corporate power

> and a moratorium

on genetically engineered foods until such

> foods can be

safely tested and labeled.


> The Colorado

Daily caught up with Hagelin for an interview

> following his

speech. The following is a condensed version of

> that conversation:


> Colorado Daily:

What made you decide to run for president?


> Hagelin: I

really see a nation, a humanity that -- for reasons

> of education,

primarily, I suppose -- are failing to live

> their full

potential life, to enjoy life as richly as

> possible, be

as successful as possible. ...


> I was drawn

into education for that purpose, and then I

> basically feel

that politics similarly must awaken to the need

> for education

that really harnesses the vast untapped

> potential of

the human resources of the American people. If we

> continue to

graduate students who are not reaching adolescent

> levels of development,

we're going to live in an adolescent

> society. Adolescents

shouldn't have nuclear weapons.

> Adolescents

shouldn't have chemical or biological weapons.


> Not that everybody

in society acts on that level, but if you

> look at the

decisions of our government, the fact that the

> Senate, the

Republican Senate, fast-tracked and defeated the

> Comprehensive

Test Ban Treaty, that's immoral. It's criminal,

> and it plays

only to the interests of the nuclear

> manufacturers

and no one else.


> We already

have, obviously, nuclear superiority, the most

> advanced, the

most extensive nuclear arsenal on Earth. We

> weren't content

with that. Instead we had to spend more money,

> special-interest

money, on nukes. And that has given not only

> license but

motivation to India and Pakistan and other

> countries all

over the world to get busy, to keep up

> developing

nuclear arsenals. And it's given them the moral

> authority to

do so. It's an outrageous vote, and it was rushed

> through without

debate by the Republican Senate, in the pocket

> of special



> Ultimately,

these are human problems -- avarice, greed,

> underutilization

of our full potential. That's what my life

> has always

been dedicated to as an educator. But now it's

> taken a political

voice. Of course, since I entered the

> process, I've

seen up close and become frustrated with

> virtually every

area of national policy. Genetic engineering

> and the complicity

of our government rushing these untested,

> unsafe foods

to the market. Of course, our energy policy is

> 180-degrees

backward. Foreign policy is based on the export of

> weapons. And

I'm pretty much equally fired up and motivated to

> change national

policy on all of these issues.


> CD: I've heard

a lot about a connection between the Natural

> Law Party and

Transcendental Meditation.


> Hagelin: The

party has a very pragmatic philosophy. And me as

> a scientist

running for office, similarly, I always stick my

> neck out for

what works, whatever is effective,

> cost-effective,

whether it happens to be a treatment for high

> blood pressure,

physical rehabilitation, education,

> agriculture.

And (Transcendental Meditation) has been found to

> be effective

by the National Institutes of Health against high

> blood pressure,

heart disease and stroke.


> Half of our

seniors on Medicare are at risk of heart disease,

> and heart disease,

we now know, is a preventable form of

> disease. One

of the things that irritates me is knowing that

> Medicare kills

585,000 grandparents every year by denying them

> coverage for

preventive programs, like Transcendental

> Meditation,

that could have prevented the onset of heart

> disease and

death. I will be similarly bold about sustainable

> agricultural

methods, renewable energy technologies, whatever

> works. ...


> Other than

that, there's no connection, no financial ties

> (between Natural

Law and the TM movement).


> CD: Your field,

nuclear physics, is very empirical. How do you

> make the leap

from that empirical world to all this spiritual

> stuff? You

don't typically think of a nuclear physicist as

> doing that.


> Hagelin: Most

haven't, admittedly. But quantum physics,

> especially,

destroys the myth of materialism. ...


> According to

quantum physics, we're living in a connected

> universe, and

according to the latest developments in quantum

> physics, by

which I mean unified quantum field theories, we're

> living in a

unified universe. So when you really pursue

> science to

its limits, you end up with a spiritual message:

> the ultimate

unity of everyone and everything in creation. ...


> Right now our

government is based upon, really, 18th-century

> barbaric policies

and practices. I'd like to update government

> and base it

upon the most updated, comprehensive knowledge of

> natural law,

knowledge of the universe. And the moment it's

> updated, policies

will start to be life-nourishing,

> universally

beneficial, like preventive health care.


> It's a win-win

program; it's a win-win solution. It's good for

> fiscal conservatives

because it saves money; it's good for

> liberals because

it improves the quality of life.


> CD: That's

sounds so radically different. To some people

> that's obviously

very refreshing, but others might dismiss you

> as "out there

somewhere," you know?


> Hagelin: Well,

actually, they look at the platform, which

> boils down

to, again, a very simple mantra: Government should

> be based on

what actually works, not what's bought and paid

> for by special

interest groups. It's a message people get.

> It's a very

pragmatic message; it's a down-to-earth message.

> As a scientist

I would support what works, but by the same

> token I would

un-support what doesn't work.


> The problem

there is that currently -- and this, for a

> scientist,

is just maddening -- there is no review process in

> government

to re-examine programs that have been on the books

> for a quarter

century, that may have failed from the beginning

> or may have

long since become obsolete.


> There's a saying

in Washington, D.C.,: "What's goes in the

> books, stays

on the books," because no one ever goes to

> Washington,

D.C., to remove obsolete and expensive, failed

> policies. (They

go) to Washington, D.C., to bring home the

> bacon by adding

new policies that benefit their states.


> Traditionally,

people have described the political spectrum as

> left vs. right.

Some people in the populist movement are

> talking more

about a top-vs.-bottom axis. Do you place

> yourself anywhere

on either of those spectrums?


> Hagelin: Firstly,

we transcend those one-dimensional politics

> completely.

.... That whole view of politics is based on a

> zero-sum assumption

that there's only so much resources, so

> many limited

health-care dollars, for example, to go around.

> And what we're

saying is that we can structure win-win

> solutions where

everybody enjoys better health care, where

> everyone has

access to health care at a net cost savings to

> the nation,

by preventing disease and promoting health, or by

> education that

puts to work the limitless creativity and

> intelligence

of the American people. ...


> I would say

that Natural Law solutions are life-nourishing and

> universally

enriching. ... You can really unite opposites by

> transcending

the surface squabble.


> CD: Do you

favor a national, single-payer health-care system?


> Hagelin: I

don't think it's necessary. I think we'll find that

> a combination

of public and private-sector health-care works

> when we unburden

systems from the growing demand for

> disease-care

services, through the prevention of disease

> through proven

methods. At that point, we'll re-examine the

> system and

see where it needs to be tweaked.


> There's certain

things I would do that I would call systemic.

> I would give

Medicare rs medical vouchers, basically

> a check that

they can use to purchase the medical coverage

> they want.

That will foster competition among medical

> providers and

improve both the cost-effectiveness and quality

> of medical

care, but it will also allow people to choose, for

> example, a

system that offers preventive health care.


> CD: I know

you favor a holistic approach to everything, but if

> I can ask you

your opinions on some very specific things --

> what about

the defense budget?


> Hagelin: It's

too large. For starters, we could trim $40

> billion a year

from useless weapons appropriations that the

> Pentagon, branches

of our military, don't even want, like more

> B-2 bombers

at $2 billion apiece. These appropriations come

> from committees

within the Congress that are tightly wed to

> the military-industrial

special-interest groups. It's all

> well-documented;

it's a matter of public record. There's a

> tremendous

waste there.


> But the other

thing we can do to strengthen our defense while

> cutting the

defense costs -- this is the real Natural Law

> Party solution

-- is to stop creating enemies throughout the

> world. We sow

the seeds of enmity every day all over the world

> through our

so-called foreign policy and defense policies,

> doing hateful

things in the name of the American people.


> One thing about

foreign aid, about which we all tend to be

> somewhat proud

-- it's almost all military aid. It's coupons

> that we give

to foreign countries that get redeemed to U.S.

> arms manufacturers

for weapons. So in a sense it's very much

> an inside-the-beltway

subsidy of the arms-producing

> industries.

As a result of that, we're now known as the

> country that

will provide a rifle to every man, woman and

> child. We are

on both sides of every conflict on Earth. We

> come across

our own weapons in the battlefield, and we sow the

> seeds of enmity.


> That's why

we're the principal target of terrorists throughout

> the world.

Not because we stand for freedom but because of the

> hateful things

we do in the name of the American people. And

> there's no

defense against it. We could spend a trillion

> dollars on

Star Wars -- and that's what it's going to cost --

> (and) when

all is said and done we'll be able to defend

> ourselves against

one country, North Korea. And even not

> against North

Korea, because North Korea would never use such

> a high-cost,

high-tech, traceable delivery device like an

> ICBM, when

they could simply float a crude nuclear device up

> the Potomac.

So there's really no defense against terrorism,

> and the only

way to strengthen our security is to stop

> creating terrorists.


> CD: Speaking

of sowing the seeds of enmity, do you favor

> ending the

sanctions against Iraq?


> Hagelin: Yes.

And Cuba, just because it's so obviously a

> failed policy.

It's galvanizing the whole country against the

> United States.

I think we're probably keeping Fidel Castro in

> power by galvanizing

his role as a national hero standing up

> against the

big bully to the north. It's time to review some

> of these failed



> CD: What about

the War on Drugs?


> Hagelin: It's

a failed war. We certainly should revisit and

> soften a lot

of drug penalties, especially for possession and

> use. I think

there are a million people in jail like that, who

> are there for

such nonviolent drug offenses. That's a waste of

> a generation,



> But we must

focus on the demand side of the drug economy by

> reducing the

desire to take drugs. And I really think the way

> to do that

is proper education that gives our coming

> generations

access to their full potential and access to their

> full professional

potential, instead of an educational system

> today that's

fallen to all-time lows in comparison to other

> countries.


> But the reason

why I wouldn't just open up, legalize drugs

> completely,

is that as the head of a brain research institute,

> I have very,

very graphic, state-of-the-art images of what

> even six months

of alcohol or even marijuana, heavy marijuana

> use, can do

to a person. It's not pretty. ... I don't want to

> send the wrong

signal to youths by implying that drugs are OK.


> CD: You say

you can cut taxes "deeply." Where is that money

> going to come



> Hagelin: It's

going to come from $150 billion of savings in

> the public-sector

health arena. Not in year one, not in year

> two, but beginning

in year three, year four, year five. It's

> going to come

from ending our energy dependence on foreign

> oils and all

the military expenditures that are tied up in

> keeping a fleet

there in the Middle East. In fact, half of our

> trade deficit

that the Reform Party members scream about,

> rightly, is

due to foreign oil. And we can wean ourselves from

> that addiction

very quickly when we put our engineers and our

> American ingenuity

to work.


> The costs of

crime are quite staggering considering the

> property costs,

the direct costs to property and to human

> life. By cutting

crime through effective crime prevention

> programs that

work, you can save probably $125 billion to $145

> billion. ...


> The whole idea

of the Natural Law Party platform is proven,

> cost-effective,

humane solutions. And we could, for example,

> live right

now -- if we get rid of all the corporate welfare

> and simplify

the tax code -- we could live with a 17-percent

> flat tax, for

example, with a generous floor, a $36,000 floor

> below which

you don't pay tax. And that 17 percent could

> probably fall

to between 11 and 12 percent in four or five

> years, maintaining

a balanced budget and actually retiring the

> debt and shoring

up Social Security and Medicare.


> CD: You refer

often to these "proven solutions." What are

> they?


> Hagelin: Our

platform has all the scientific references that

> show that,

for example, improving the nutritional quality of

> school lunches

will improve attention span and academic

> performance,

that malnutrition has a serious debilitating role

> in the effectiveness

of education, especially in our

> financially

disadvantaged neighborhoods. ...


> The real blessing

of doing what I'm doing is that I get the

> benefit of

input from thousands of people who are conscious of

> solutions that

are working in their classrooms, on their farms

> to prevent

the erosion of soil, in their health care

> practices.


> CD: Is there

a unifying theme throughout these solutions?


> Hagelin: They're

prevention-oriented, sustainable, in harmony

> with natural

law. Which, for example, genetic engineering is

> not. And that

means an education, of course. We want to

> harness the

laws of nature that govern learning and govern

> child development,

the maturation of the human brain. ...


> It's more or

less common sense, what's in tune with natural

> law. But if

there's ever any doubt, science can show what is

> effective and

what is not.


> CD: How do

you counter the notion that a third-party vote is a

> wasted vote?


> Hagelin: I'll

point to history and say, "Third-party votes are

> the only votes

that have ever accomplished anything." It's

> only when a

third-party movement reaches a million votes, 2

> million votes,

that the Republicans and Democrats scramble:

> "What do they

have that we don't, what are we missing here?"

> And then, these

ideas become absorbed and become part of the

> political mainstream.

That's another way of winning; that's

> the way third

parties traditionally win.


> We're going

to do better than that. ... Jesse Ventura -- like

> him or not,

he's really a fresh voice in politics -- he made a

> lie of the

Republican and Democratic spin that third- party

> candidates

cannot win. They can win. In three weeks, he went

> from nothing

to governor, and we have seven or eight months to

> do that.


> CD: I was in

Washington and watched some of the demonstrations

> against the

IMF and the World Bank. A lot of people who read

> our paper are

very concerned about that, the WTO, NAFTA. How

> do you feel

about it?


> Hagelin: Well,

those are different institutions. The WTO, I

> have issued

a statement saying that if they don't revise their

> behind-closed-doors,

undemocratic practices, if they don't

> admit significant

input from environment, from human rights,

> labor concerns,

that I would withdraw the country from that.


> But I'm not

surprised that these trade organizations or trade

> policies are

warped, because they're warped in the very same

> way, by the

very same special interests that have warped and

> co-opted every

other area of government policy.


> I believe in

trade. Particularly now, the U.S. is spearheading

> the global

information revolution, which is a good revolution.

> It takes us

away from gross material consumption and is more

> about self-knowledge,

self-development. But we need markets

> for our ingenuity,

and trade is going to be essential to make

> sure that people

who aren't benefiting from this incredible

> economic prosperity

can benefit from it.


> So trade is

good, but (not) trade policies that are dictated

> by multinationals,

by corporate interests alone. When trade

> with China

is all about selling Coca-Cola, Marlboro and

> pharmaceuticals

with no concern for human rights, the

> environment

or labor, then it becomes self-destructive.


> You know, some

of these changes will happen by themselves when

> our public

servants become public servants, because right now

> they're not,

really. ... Books like "The Buying of Congress"

> have proven

that is the case. And until Americans really know

> that, it won't

change. I think if Americans knew what I have

> learned, they

would take to the streets. I think the Natural

> Law Party can

prevent that.


> CD: Some people

did take to the streets, in D.C.


> Hagelin: And

many will. (But) the Natural Law Party can effect

> a peaceful

revolution by acting within the system, according

> to even the

perverse democratic laws that we currently have.


> CD: A lot of

the things you've said tonight really mirror a

> lot of what

people like the Green Party, the New Party are

> saying. Where

would you say that you really differ from those?


> Hagelin: The

Green Party is a subset of the Natural Law

> Party's broader

platform. The New platform is even closer to

> the Natural

Law Party's platform. The Reform Party is a small

> but important

subset of the Natural Law Party's platform. The

> Natural Law

Party is unique among third parties in that it's

> not a special-issue,

single-issue party. It's a broad-based

> platform, a

comprehensive platform of solutions that most

> Americans,

literally, will feel comfortable standing behind.

> ...


> I am committed

to forging a coalition of American third

> parties in

this campaign. I am seeking the Reform Party's

> presidential

nomination. ... It's a party in search for a

> message and

in search of a messenger, but most members of the

> party have

far deeper support for this type of reform, for

> inclusive,

life-nourishing, common-sense, proven solutions

> than Pat Buchanan's

style of reform. So I expect to win that

> public vote,

and anyone can participate in it -- Republicans,

> Democrats,

Independents, Natural Laws, Greens.


> All we need

to do is get the word out that there are two

> possible directions

-- this type of reform or Buchanan's

> reform. And

we'll win that vote. When we do, we'll have forged

> a very powerful

coalition of parties that I hope that the

> Greens will

participate in.


> CD: You said

that you're suing the Federal Elections

> Commission?


> Hagelin: That

suit was actually initiated back in 1996, and

> we're expecting

to hear back any moment. Because the

> (presidential)

debates commission, which the FEC oversees, is

> not a legal

commission. It's not legal in that it shouldn't be

> tax-exempt.

To enjoy tax-deductible contributions, you have to

> be nonpartisan.

And nonpartisan is not bipartisan. And that

> debate commission

consists essentially of two people, former

> Republican

and Democratic chairs, one of which is now a

> lobbyist for

the gambling industry. And they are being paid to

> concoct some

rationale to rubber-stamp whatever the Democratic

> or Republican

candidates want.


> In 1992, they

wanted Perot; in 1996, they decided they didn't

> want me or

Perot, so they concocted an argument that would

> keep us out.

The criteria, by law, must be objective, or else

> they can't

claim that it's nonpartisan.


> CD: How does

challenging their tax-exempt status help?


> Hagelin: That

would mean there would have to be objective

> criteria for

participation next time. ... They have to buy TV

> time, and the

Philip Morrises of the world won't contribute to

> that TV time

if they can't get a tax-deduction, so it would be

> a very strong

incentive for them to open up the process.


> CD: Some people

have said this country's elections are so

> corrupt we

should have the United Nations monitoring our

> election process.


> Hagelin: Well,

they are corrupt, and they are really the least

> democratic

of elections on Earth. They have fallen to that

> degree. But

I think that we as a people can monitor ourselves,

> and it's just

a question of education. People need to know to

> what degree

our democratic process has been co-opted, and they

> will exercise

their right to vote no matter how many hundreds

> of millions

of dollars of propaganda George W. can throw at

> us.


> No one has

voted yet; no one has voted anything yet. No matter

> how much money

is spent, if people are simply alert, they're

> educated about

their candidates and what they really stand

> for, then no

amount of special-interest control of our

> government

will be enough, will be sufficient. So we're on an

> educational

campaign. ...


> On the campuses,

which have really been asleep, politically

> speaking --

compared to the '60s, sound asleep -- we're

> starting to

see an awakening, almost the start of a grassroots

> brush fire.

Only 11 percent of students voted in 1998. That's

> just appalling

by any historic standards; it's outrageous. But

> the students

have no investment in the Republican or

> Democratic

parties. When I speak to a poli-sci class of 150

> people and

ask how many are Republicans, two hands go up. How

> many Democrats?

Three, four. The rest, they're all waiting,

> looking for

a reason to vote. They have no investment in

> either party.


> Once this starts

on the campuses -- wow! Students are

> connected,

you know, on the Net, and you can reach a critical

> mass on the

Internet so fast.


> For more information

on Hagelin's candidacy and the Natural

> Law Party,

visit www.hagelin.org or www.natural-law.org.


> -----


Haueter, Dirk wrote:

Hi Jani,

I don't think there has been much written about Guru

Dev. Long ago I read a book called "The Whole Thing, The Real Thing". It

was printed in India. Sorry I don't remember the author. Maharishi wrote

something short about him in the intro to his book "Love and God".

Books about Maharishi are a little more common, but they seem to have a

tabloid quality to them. My favorite is a book called Darshan which is

mostly just pictures. Maybe the best way to get a flavor of Maharishi would

be to hear some of his lectures. A few of the older ones are available

on the web. Since you are in Finland the site in England might be closest:


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