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Non Breathing.

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mumble cat [mumblecat]

Tuesday, May 23, 2000 9:16 PM

Non Breathing.


For me, losing the breath and the heartbeat has "always" indicated death of

the physical

body or at best, a serious disease, requiring one

of those electrical shocks they give in hospitals

to jump start the heart and body back to life again.








Hi Amanda. Thanks for making some excellent points. By the way, have you

studied or attended classes with a teacher or been involved in a particular

form of meditation?


In general you are indeed right. My understanding is that losing the breath

and irregular heart beat or skipped heart beats or the heart stopping can

indicate medical problems. The human body, as you know from your experience,

is capable of many things which are difficult to understand. Examples of

that would be long term breath retention which even deep sea divers can do

and control over the autonomic nervous system which has been demonstrated in

the laboratory to some extent by Yogis. Meditation also produces states

where the body is capable of things which it otherwise would not be. For his

time, Houdini also did many things considered to be miracles.


Yogis and Swamis are not immune to diseases of the body. Many yogis like

Swami Yogananda and Swami Muktananda died of heart attacks. Swami

Vivekananda had a nose bleed when he died at the age of 39. Some doctors, I

believe, felt it was a hemorrhage. His disciples said that Kundalini Shakti

had left through the brain center.


It is quite possible for a yogi to consciously leave his body. My teacher's

teacher's teacher died in Ahamdabad in India when he was well over a

hundred. He called his students, sat straight, went into Samadhi and exited.

My teacher's teacher died doing the traditional fasting of Jain monks,

typically done at the end of their life, especially when there is a terminal

illness. Once, I asked my teacher about the tradition of fasting to death

practiced by the Jain monks. He said that it was a way for them to create

peace before leaving the body.




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