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[i heard years ago of the healer who could heal teeth and didn't know he

was still working. People have received new teeth and new fillings... all

documented, it really happened. Someone asked me a while back what his

name was, and I couldn't remember... here it is. This seminar is almost

over, but it should give a clue as to how to find him.]


[From the Colorado Daily]


The 'Tooth Fairy' visits Boulder



For the Colorado Daily


The "Tooth Fairy" is coming to Boulder.


That's the title that Rev. Willard Fuller is known

by, but tooth healings are only a small part of his

ministry. And Fuller will be bringing his healing

ministry to Boulder when he hosts a week-long seminar

at Hanna Kroeger's School of Healing.


The 84-year-old Fuller is still as spry as ever, and

his healing services and classes are inspiring -- and

in some cases have healed people. His seminar will

run from May 19 until May 27, and his classes are

geared toward teaching the average person how to

perform healings. Students of the class are also

eligible to be ordained as ministers in a course that

is legal in all 50 states.


Dr. Fuller is a Christian minister, with an

acceptance of all kinds of faiths and beliefs. His

philosophy is simple -- if you believe in the power

of yourself and the mind, you can create healings.

Fuller doesn't attribute his talents to himself; he

says he owes the power to God.


"It's funny, because although I'm known for the

dental healings, that's only a small percentage of

the healings I do. Out of 169,000 people that have

reported their testimonies to me, 120,000 were not

dental healings.


"But I'm in my 39th year, of doing this. Back in

1959, I was cured of an incurable disease, and that

changed my entire life. I had been a Baptist, had a

seminary degree and was the pastor of four churches,

I even did some evangelical work with the Rev. Billy



In the '50s, Fuller was diagnosed with an incurable

case of arthritis in his leg. He was very frustrated,

in great pain and in a desperate state. Fuller says

he prayed, and was eventually healed of his arthritis

-- but the Baptist church didn't buy the idea of

miraculous healings.


"I became aware that we Baptists don't know

everything, and they really don't discuss the healing

of the spiritual body. But that healing changed my

life. I believe that you can indeed accomplish things

and heal yourself, but you have to find out why you

believe what you believe," explained Fuller.


Fuller eventually was led to a minister who convinced

him that it was time to try out his new-found healing

talents. Fuller found that people attending his

services were getting healed, but it took awhile

before he realized that he had the ability to heal



When the public discovered Fuller's talents, he hit

the mainstream media. He was featured in a "Rolling

Stone" article, appeared on the "Larry King Show,"

"Geraldo" and the 1991 CBS movie, "The Mysteries of

the Unknown." And as Fuller became more popular, the

skeptics started coming out of the woodwork -- and in

some cases, his abilities were questioned.


"Early in my ministry I had a lot of opposition and

people called me a charlatan. But now we've had so

much evidence and documentation that I don't get that

much opposition anymore. I've even had a NASA space

scientist track me for six months, and then he did a

documentary on me called, 'God Can Fill Teeth.'


"Today there's so much more interest in spiritual

matters, and we have more concern than any other time

in history. More people are interested, and they're

attracted to things like healings. There's a real

awakening going on," said Fuller.


And that's what keeps Dr. Fuller and his wife, Althea

Cook, touring around the country. Last year Fuller

made three trips to Boulder, and the rest of the year

he travels around the country and internationally as

people flock to his seminars.


"Do you want to know the reason why this works? It's

because of faith. You have to realize that everything

that comes through God is faith -- and that faith is

contagious," said Fuller. "That's why we spend so

much time at the services and classes pumping people

up -- because my effort is to raise the faith level

of the entire group. When that level is raised and

you believe -- then you have healings."


You can virtually feel the energy lift in the room

when Dr. Fuller speaks. And as he inspires faith and

energy, that's when the healing occurs. At last

summer's sessions in Boulder, many people showed off

their new dental work, and other ailments were healed

in the uplifting environment of Hanna Kroeger's

Chapel of Miracles.


"God's not looking for beggars -- he's looking for

believers. And I've seen people cured of lung cancer,

spinal problems and all kinds of healings, and even

some fillings filled. Anything that God can do will

stand the test of time," said Fuller.


As Fuller carefully explained, some healings are

instantaneous and they are called miracles, while

other healings can take weeks. And not all healings

occur on a physical level. You can be healed on a

spiritual, mental or emotional level, and that can

affect your physical body.


"There was one little girl in Marin County, Calif.,

and she had these yellow teeth, and all the kids

would tease her and call her 'yellow tooth.' Nothing

happened at the service, but she got up the next

morning, and she told me that her teeth were turning

white. It took 10 days, but she had a set of

beautiful white teeth.


"I get to the point where I'm not amazed by anything

anymore. I just believe that with God all things are

possible. But I still get excited every time I see

these things happen," concluded Fuller.




FYI: Dr. Fuller will host his seminar May 19-27 at

Hanna Kroeger's School of Healing at Peaceful Meadows

Retreat, 7075 Valmont Rd., in Boulder. Call (303)

442-2490 for info.

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