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After a long period without postings on the K-list, the time has - at

last - allowed me to post something. I've been extremly busy. Believe

it or not, but my mission the last months have been to prevent a

disaster, a possible nuclear disaster indeed, through negotiations

behind the scenes with my life at stake. Such is my life, it seems:

Living on the edge between disasters and breakthroughs....

And I've yet another time experienced the truth in the Chinese

ideogram for "crisis". It means the same as "possibility". However,

here's something I posted to some people privatly, and to some secret

societies in the US, and I found the time mature to publish it to a

broader audience.

April the 14th, 2000

AN IMAGINATION FOR EASTERIn the Western world there’s an image,

a painting, which is well known among Christians. This is the

painting of Archangel Michael and the Dragon. Most people believe

that these image is a man-made construction, something artificial,

something made-up, something coincidental. But it isn’t.For the

Spiritually opened eye, these image is in reality a mightyRevelation

of one of the fundamental Laws in Earth’s Life.The Christian

mystic Jacob Bøhme used the word "Sulphuric Fire" in hiswritings of

Revelations and visions. But very few of his contemporaries, not to

mention modern readers, have understood the esoteric meaning of these

term.Summertime is in reality a process of combustion. Our aura is

penetrated by these substance which Jacob Bøhme called "sulphur". If

we could see down from outer Space on Earth in Summertime, with the

spiritual eye, we would see the humans as looking like glowworms. So,

when we in the midsummertime see glowworms, it could remind us about

how we ourselves look like, clairvoantly.And during the summer, we

can experience these "Sulphuric Fire" in thealtered state of

consciousness where Theta- and Beta-brainwaves existsimultaniously.

These is the state of consciousness where we are awake under deep

sleep. Under one of the instructions in a certain kind of esoteric

society in Europe, the Guide says – before entering these state

of consciousness: "In front of You stands a Guardian. Ignore him

completly."When Autumn comes, however, it’s dangerous to

experience these "SulphuricFire" these way. These glow attracts

certain beeings, which is dangerous for our health. And these beeings

are related to the Fallen Archangel of the First Ray (not Lucifer of

the Third Ray). Clairvoyantly, it’s possible to see these

Spirit, these Entity, undulate and roll in it’s

dragonshapedownwards through Earth’s astral atmosphere towards

the "sulphur" of humans.And at the same time, we celebrate at

September the 27th, what we callMichaelmas. Michael is the Archangel

of the First Ray, the Ray of Will andPower. So instead of these

diving into the sleep-awake consciousness, these Theta-Beta

combination, we need Will and Strength and Power.At Autumn we also

experience meteors, shooting stars, falling stars, on the Sky. And

their element, the Iron, contains the ingredients to counteract

against the damaging effects of these "rolling dragon" – these

"Guardian of the Threshold", as the Guide calls it.And these Iron is

the Sword of Michael, the Sword of Truth. This is but one way to

interpret it. Others exists. But this is the true Mighty Image or

Portrait, seen Clairvoyantly at Autumn; which have been portraited

asArchangel Michael and the Dragon.Soon, we experience Easter. In

order to understand the Image of Spring, wemust understand that in

mid-Winter, Earth is mostly Earth. All theelementals, "those living

underground" according to folklores, rests in the elements of Earth.

In midsummertime, these elementals have left theelements. They move

upwards to the atmosphere, to Heaven. We can say thatthis is the

BREATHING-PROCESS of Earth.And during Easter, when the elementals

leave the elements, the elementsbecomes "restless". And just like the

"sulphur" attracted these "Guardian"or "rolling dragon", so does these

"restlessness" attract the same beeing,which makes attempts to invade,

to make a shelter in these elements.And up there, in the Heaven,

Archangel Lucifer makes attempts to takeposession of these

elementals, to transform them into pranic material intowhich he

himself can make a body.Some weeks ago, I had a vision. And I also

got these strange message, fromthe Spiritual medium of mine, that

"our house would fall together", that "it ’s foundation pillar

would break". I had a vision in an altered state of consciousness of

something similar to BATS – thousands, millions of "bats" on

the run, escaping from something. And I was warned by a *shaman* that

these "bats" was an OMEN according to the ingenious people, the

ancient people and tribes around the Earth. I pondered a lot about

these images, since it’s a huge difference between having a

clairvoyant experience and UNDERSTAND it.However, last Friday, there

was an EARTHQUAKE nearby where I’m living. Andinside –

Yes ! – our House, there is now cracks in the foundation wall,

and in the planks inside another wall, as a remniscent of these

earthquake.When getting closer to Easter, these "rolling dragen"

takes the shape on the astral of something very similar to what we

call bats in the physical realm.And the Mighty Image of Easter, which

is not a made-up image, but aSpiritual meditation symbol, is the

etheric Christ – Sananda as he is called in occultism, standing

on Earth and connecting Heaven and Earth. He stands on Earth, above

the "underground" as a symbol of having overcomed the last Enemy, the

transition called death, preventing these *bats* to take the elements

in their posession. And He is stretching upwards towards Heaven in

order to rescue the elementals from beeing swallowed by Lucifer. And

admidst these Marriage of Heaven and Earth, we find the Archangel

Raphael as the Healer, the Archangel of the Fifth Ray, bringing

Healing, Unity, between the elementals on the Sky and the elements

inside Earth.In such ways, it’s possible to live with the

rhytms of Nature, of Earth,with Imaginations following each of the 4

Seasons: Autumn (Michael), Winter (Gabriel), Spring (Raphael) and

Summer (Uriel).


April 26th, 2000


Greetings !

I received positive responses from dedicated persons on my E-mails

about the "Imagination of Easter". On April the 22nd, I received a

very strong influx of Light during my Kriya Yoga meditations

(circulations of Kundalini) - an intensivly Bright Yellow energy went

up my Spine, while a GREEN energy form from above descended downwards

on the front side of the body. In autumn 1999 - I believe it was then

- the Spiritual Guide of mine, transcending my everyday consciousness,

told me a message: "There's something Green within Earth, which You

haven't seen Yet !". I believe it was this energy form I received

from Heaven on April the 22nd.

I'm preparing a paper, intending to show how Archangel Michael, the

angel of Autumn, influence us in Spring from Beneath, and how

Archangel Raphael is the master of the human breathing process

(pranayama), etc.. So, we have these polarity in the seasons: Spring

(Raphael (+), Michael (-)), Summer (Uriel (+), Gabriel (-)) etc. I'm

going to post something about the CRYSTALS, which is one of Archangel

Uriel's main characteristics, how the Spiritual opened eye see

crystal forms beneath Earth, and how these lines and figures appears

as quadrats, triangels, quadruppels etc. as opposed to the irregular

shadows down there, which creates disorders in these order, and how

these contrasts is the reason behind "Her Eyes of Admoniishing" of

Uriel. But, something have preventing me from doing so. I know how I

experienced a depression when realizing the contrasts between the

regular, Silver-coloured, coordinates beneath Earth's surface, and

the alcymistic transformation of these in Heaven into "Gold", the

light-body of Uriel, and that kind of stuff - and I became depressed

of these contrasts between *should* and *was*.

Also. I became temporarily paralysed in my little finger on my left

hand during these light influx on April the 22nd, something I also

experienced when beeing initiated into a spesific technique,

intending to stop the ordinary flow - the River - of Prâna (life

force), in order to FORCE it to travel through the "side rivers",

opening up our unused sides of ourselves and that kind of stuff.

But, I have to digest the present influx of Light before transmitting

anything more to others. I promise to post You these

Uriel-imagination, because it has the uttermost importance in the 7th

phase of the 7th veil rending. But, I do need some time ground the

present influx. I cannot express in words the feelings of depression

I have in these days, during these last days of an Age, when seeing

how the Belief Systems of People prevents them from exile.

In Europe there are 12 Intiates, performing the 144,000 mission. It's

the mission of the 500 in Norway and the 500 in Sweden, the positive

and negative aspects of the energy here in the North, to *popularize*

so to say, the socalled *secret doctrine*. And these mission could not

be granted to any other European countries. While the Eastern coast

(Sweden) consists of souls carrying with them into the Spiritual

World what they have learned during the AWAKE state, it's the mission

of the Western coast of the Scandinavian Penninsula to teach souls

about what they've learned during the intermediate state between the

Awake (Beta) and the Dreamless Sleep (Theta) state. In these twilight

zone, the people of Norway are beeing tought Natural Kingdom Secrets

about the Spiritual beeings of Nature, living in the vegetable

kingdom, in Stone and mountains and rocks (Delta), in the whistle

from the three's, and the surging Sea.... I also could post something

about the Spiritual mission of the people up here, how it explains the

hidden reason about the migrations from Norway along the western

coasts, beginning from ca 200 AD, and that kind of stuff, not found -

and never would be found, in any present *history book*. But I NEED

some time to digest it for myself and recover from these


The time of Imminent changes is right in store, but some people SLEEPS

WITH THEIR EYES WIDE OPEN. "Let the (living) dead bury the dead" ! You

will get the Uriel Imagination ASAP.


<...>magneaga (AT) monet (DOT) no

<magneaga (AT) monet (DOT) no>Tuesday, May 02, 2000 7:47 PMSubject:

hello>Hi Magne Aga,>>I am <...>, the lady you talk to when you call

<...> in the United>States. <...>>>I enjoyed talking with you this

morning.>>Hope to hear from you soon.>>=====>warm blessings, love,

light and peace><...>

Thanks !Your E-mail gave me the final *kick* and inspiration to write

down what Imentioned in the phone call today. However, since there

are polarity ineverything, there's polarity in the Seasons: Autumn

(Michal (+), Raphael(-)), Christmas (Gabriel (+), Uriel (-)), Spring

(Raphael (+), Michael (-)), and Summer (Uriel (+), Gabriel (-)).Each

season has a dominant archangel (-), but also it's feminine

pole,working from Beneath, through Earth during each season.I'm

posting these message to the few. Some voice from within have

prevented me from publishing it on the discussion groups.....I AM

DIAMOND - The Uriel ImaginationHumanity today has to a large extent

lost its connection with Nature, acontact we find today as a

remniscent among the ingenious people around the globe. We have lost

the ability to sense, to feel, a community with Earth, to live WITH

everything, to germinate with the vegetables, to flower with the

flowers, to mature with the fruits, to live in ONENESS with every

living beeing. "Those who walk on me, walks on Earth", Jesus said

– words with profound meaning for those who dive not only into

the Theta-Beta combination of consciousness, but even reach the Delta

realm, the plane of consciousness of the minerals.When diving into

Theta in Spring and summer – the experience described here

becomes more intensive the closer we get midsummer Eve – we

enter thedreamless sleep, the realm of the vegetable consciousness.

Some esotericgroups here in Europe, performs these Theta-Beta diving

these days, but asfar as I know, they do not take into account the

rhytms of the Season. AtAutumn, when the vegetables dies, we must

also feel these death spiritually, within ourselves, if we have made

comittments of following Natures rhytms spiritually. But we must

never allow death to become the master, to take the charge. We must

overcome the Last Enemy by Will and Power. This is no criticism of

their practice. I’m not speaking on their behalf, nor making

attempts of criticism. I’m just adding the importance point of

Will at Autumn, and that these Theta-Beta combination otherwise can

be dangerous, attracting Beings which makes every attempts to prevent

the Spiritual Plan of these planet to be fullfilled. At Pentecost,

1997, I received channelings during meditation from one of the

leaders of these groups, and I do not feel that their practice is

completly ”wrong”, just because they lack these

information.Here’s a meditation until Midsummer Eve, when the

present time ofEaster-Pentecost comes to an end. In fact, it’s

more than a meditation, it’s receiveable through the mirroring

imagination Chakra, the 6-bladed "Manas Chakra", one of the secondary

chakras in the head connected with the 3rd eye.When diving down in the

Abyss of Earth during Theta, or more precicely –looking

clairvoyanly Beneath Earth, we will in these twilight zone, thesesoft

"moon-shine consciousness", see CRYSTALS emanating from

Earthsmineralkingdom. In Theta, everything down there look like

Crystals with anamazing Beauty. We can see lines, angels, triangels,

quadrats, quadruppelsetc in a dark-blue Shade. It’s called

"moon-shine consciousness" becausealmost everything in these

consciousness seems darker. And these figures are penetrated by

"silver-shimmering" lines of Crystals, or etheric Diamonds.And

it’s important to contemplate then that I AM THE DIAMOND. My

body isgrown out from these dark, blue underground; it’s a part

of me – and myauric envelope becomes penetrated and configured

by these "silver-shimmering", "Moon-shine lines" of the Crystals

– absorbing me intowhat may be termed "Cosmic Will".Making an

U-turn, and looking upwards to Heaven, we sense a waving, livingand

very intensive Yellow Light – A Yellow Light similar to the

Sun. Andwithin these Light, which may appear as a Life-form, covered

with redclouds, there’s the appearance of a shape, a guise

– and these guise is the Archangel named by Christians as

Uriel. Covered with red clouds, She appears with a serious, grave

face.The "silver" streaming upwards – that is, the elementals

of Earth, becomesabsorbed by the golden, Sun-penetrated waves in

Heaven, and transformed into "Gold" – a process of Alchemy.

Carbon was the symbol among alchymists in medievial Ages, the symbol

of the *philosophers stone*, the *stone of the wise*, and carbon is

DIAMOND.And Archangel Michael, the angel of Autumn, creates his

shining robe – soon lightening up in "Sun-gold", soon shining

like glistening "Moon-silver" - from the transformed upwards-going

stream. And in these "Gold", the transformed "Silver", slumbers the

Force of Life in Earth at midwinter. The "Sun-gold" of Heaven sinks

into the bosom of Earth at Autumn, penetrating Earth during it's deep

wintersleep accumulating new life for the coming season of Spring and

a new Birth.However, when diving into Earth in Theta at summertime,

we see disturbingshadows with irregular behaviour. They appear....

and then disappear again, as opposed to the divine order of pure

crystallizations. And these shadows are the reflections of all the

errors of humanity. And it’s these contrasts which is the

object of Uriel’s "Admonishing Eyes". Our virtues are carried

upwards with the elementals, the upstreaming "silver-shimmering"

lines and figures, surrounding Uriel as the red clouds mentioned

above.At midsummer Eve, Archangel Uriel represents the Conscience of

our Age. And these contrasts represents a mean of measurement, a

measure of mankinds Spritual stage of evolution, reflected in Her

"Eyes of Admonishing".Above, from the Light in her eyes, a white

shape, similar to a flying dow,congregates. The Golden, floating and

waving "Sun-Light" in Heavenrepresents the archaic "Father", the

Spiritual male aspect of the primordial existence.Beneath, the

"silver-shimmering" coordinates and dark blue crystals

–intervowen with the shadows, the ghosts of human errors,

represents theFemale aspect of primordial existence, the

"Moon-mother" of PrimordialMatter.And the offspring of these

Ying/Yang poles is the *Son of God*, mankind, in perfect balance

between Earth’s "Moon-silver" and Heavens "Sun-Gold". This is

the Mighty imagination at Midsummer Eve, seen by the mystics of the

Past, and described with symbols mostly remaining as a mystery by

their contemporaries.When I received the clairaudient channellings in

1997, I also heardwonderfull music. And I searched like in an

emptiness, without any clues and wayshowers, about these music in the

physical realm. In fact, I thenbelieved it to be something only

existing on the Spiritual realm. Some days later, I received a CD

from an aquaintance of mine, "The voice of theFeminine Spirit" by the

Norwegian Cecilia, adopted by one of these esoteric European groups.

And the music I heard during meditation was "The Sacred Hum" and

"Love of a Silent Moon". In fact, I’m still listening to these

CD on almost a daily basis.THE LYRICS OF THE SACRED HUM:I toiled and

toiled and then I found,the source of all eternal sound.What tone is

that? I’m often asked.In what phrase is it cast?I cannot say

from whence it comes,it runs and runs.My heart knows, ‘tis from

above,eternal love.Within lays a mysterious fact,taken from an ancient

tract.Tell me, is it fluite or drum?Nay! it is a sacred hum.Within

that hum, a violet huecomes flashing through.In that tone, the

healing lightwith all its might.Angels voices bending space and

time,calling all heavens bells to chime;inviting souls that are pure

of hearth, become,the sacred hum.This is OM, actually pronounced

AONG, an intermediate form between A... and O...., together with

NG.... in a bass-tone, but written OM and AUM in the Western world

due to limitations in our alphabet. It’s well-known

inNada-Yoga, but also among western mystics like Theresa from Avilla,

andothers. Mystics in Europe denoted these sounds as *the song of the

sphere’s harmony*. Similary, the Spiritual Realm contains

WORDS.I’ve just finished a larger study of the Buddhist Lotus

Sûtra, and made two translations, and I know how I received adverse

reactions because I refused to neither condemn nor defend the

viewpoints of Soka Gakkai – the modern followers of the

prophetic, Japanese mystic Nichiren (1222-1282). I’m not going

to cause more controversies, I’m just trying to say that when

copying sûtras, it was a tabu to change or modify a single line, a

single word of the texts. Why? Because these words was not only

words, but LIVING words in the Spiritual Realm. In fact, the Reiki

Healing System derived from the Lotus Sûtra.Similarily, the Mighty

Uriel-vision at midsummer Eve, is intervowed insounds and Words,

functioning as a way-shower for the intruder into theTheta-state of

consciousness.Watch our activitythe Awakening Light (Heaven,

Primordial Spirit or Father)the warming lifeLive Earthly

preservingand breath ut forms (Abyss, Primordial Mother)as an

active beeingFeel your human substance of boneswith heavenly light

(In the middle, Son of Man)in the ruling context of the

worldMaterials materializedErrors corrected (Tones similar

to organpeal and trombones)Hearths divided (analysed)BLESSINGS FROM



May 16th, 2000

Greetings over there!

I have to apologize that my E-post about Norways spititual mission

have not arrived yet. The reason is intensive work and diplomacy to

prevent disasters. I can not specify it, but.... in a sense I'm

working with it anyway. If Norway fail it's mission, then Europe will

also fail.

It is only the people on the Western side of the Scandinavian

Penninsula who receive secrets about certain entities in Nature

during deep sleep, it seems.... When beeing awake during dreamless

sleep, the first entity we meet is Our Holy Guardian Angel, then

angeloi, archangeloi and archai (elohim)..... Maybe the imaginations,

the imprigments within the auric fields of Raphael and Uriel is

something unique for the Norwegian populations in these last minute

part of the program? Questions, questions.....

However, when the people in Central Europe - at least during the

previous Century - failed their mission, it only disturbed their

minds with nationalism. Two World War's was the result of souls

reincarnating in Europe with an extremly short intermission on the

other side. These souls didn't comprehend the True Nature of

fulfilling the duty of their nations; they perverted it into

nationalism instead of fullfilling a spiritual mission. If the people

in Norway fail, it would not *only* disturb their *minds*. It will

cause physical consequences. In short, we will be a dying race. There

is a certain configuration of the physical bodies of people on the

western coast of these penninsula, which makes the Uriel imagination

possible. And if they fail, if I fail, if we fail, then the failure

will give genetic disasters.

Norway, Japan and Israel.... I believe these points is crucial in

order to manifest the Second Coming, that is, the clairvoyant ability

among the masses to see the etherical Christ, not the physical Christ

from Palestina.

If we fail, if I fail, then the catastrophee is unevitable. I'm

working intensivly to prevent and avoid Sivil War. Armed reactions

against corruption. I DO NOT WANT A BLOODBATH. I've been working more

than a week to calm the situation. Today there were two meetings,

dangerous meetings, with armed groups in order to prevent things. I'm

the only one who can reestablish BALANCE and Healing - The Green Ray

of the fifth archai.

If I fail, a disaster can happen. And we are not allowed to fail!

These is the way of the warrior, and the greatest enemy of the

Spiritual Warrior is - our own Ego.

Again - I'm sorry. I'm admidst a very tense situation. Too much is at

stake. This is a posting in a hurry. Everything is - however - under

control. I just need time and extensive work on the physical plane to

prevent serious conflicts between people. I do believe it's over in a

short span of time. Maybe at June the 13th.

And - I have a mission here on the physical plane until at least 2013.

That's what my Guide, my spiritual medium told me. Many, many lives is

saved during lesser than a week, thank's to intensive work. I will

send You a message when it's over.



When entering through the portals of "death", the first thing we

experience is our Holy Guardian Angel. In fact, our whole light work

is the Communion with our Holy Guardian Angel. It's the Direct Way

Upwards of the Pearl of Compassion into the Ultimate, Infinite,

Measureless Light. It's the raise of the whole man in a direct line

upwards. Any deviation from these line tends to be black magic. Any

other action is black magic.

While Kundalini makes attempts to CROSS the Abyss in our Head, causing

a waterline between the pineal and pituitary glands, our Holy Guardian

Angel make a movement in the OPPOSITE direction. Kundalini travels

through UNITY, while the Pearl of Compassion moves downwards through

DIVERSITY, splintering our lower ego into ten thousand pieces. The

blending of the "two of us" (the one and the many), is called the

crucifixion. And the resurrection is diving into the tomb, between

the shells of our former personalities, reconstructing the fragments,

finding the Pearl and return upwards in order to be reborn on the

other side of the Abyss, in order to be One Self as one never was


When I received your material in 1995 - and paid $ 144 ( ! ) - I saw

the Door, with the Limitless Light imprisoned, and in front of it the

Guardian. A vision before having read anything of it, just touching

the packages I received from the local post office.

However, the Communion with our Holy Guardian Angel is not limited to

Initiation. Every night when we fall asleep, these Angel is waiting

for us. Waiting on the Spiritual Ideas and Emotions and Actions we

have performed during the awake cycle. And when going to the portals

of Death or Initiation, which in fact is almost the same, we deliver

to our Angel the Spiritual Fruits of our life.

The more we have gathered in the Spiritual realm during the awake

cycle, the more we experience of warm, attracting sympathy from these

angelic realms, our Holy Guardian Angel, the Archangels and the Archai

or Elohim. Souls entrapped in materialism, however, experience a

feeling of cold, of antipathy, of beeing pushed away from these

realms. And it's paramount to understand these phenomena in order to

understand the reason behind two catastrophes and World Wars - in


We all have a spiritual mission to fullfill for our different

countries and states and tribes. And the only way to fullfill it, is

to understand and love it's spiritual mission. Those who return into

another incarnation, having experienced the cold, the feeling of

beeing pushed away from the angelic realms, they do NOT fullfill

their mission. They becomes AUTOMATES, "living death". They live as

automates, machines, acting and living more or less automatic in the

sense of accepting all and every "programs" from our social

environment blindly. While Lucifer influence our emotions with anger,

hate, envy etc., the "rolling dragon" entraps us in BELIEF SYSTEMS,

opposing each other in bitterly wars. And I'm not talking about

religious belief systems or political ideologies. I'm refering to all

and every "small" and "non-important" belief systems about ourselves.

Everytime we say to ourselves: "I'm not fit to that mission", "I am

these and that", etc... - thousands of *Pinc Elephants* we have

about ourselves and the world, it's belief systems. And the problem

with these belief systems is that they are so sumblime that we do not

see them ourselves.

The souls incarnating in middle-Europe during the past century, was to

a large extend souls *frozen out of Paradise* so to say, beeing pushed

away. And they reincarnated with a very short intermission on the

other side, due to these *push-away* phenomenon. And they

reincarnated and lived with their nations in a Non-Spiritual,

materialistic way. And instead of fullfilling their mission, their

presence caused antagonism, nationalism and wars. They were

automates. They obeyed the orders of their leaders blindly, as

automates, without any spiritual grounding. They caused Holocoast. In

fact, the whole aim of the *Rolling Dragon*, is to transform the whole

humanity into materialistic automates without souls and spirit and

individual freedom.

But these catastrophees in the 20th Century had a history. A history

related to the akashic record of the first Centuries AD. At that

time, Christianity became widespread in Sothern Europe, first and

foremost Rome and ancient Greece. In those areas we find the peculiar

phenomenon of Christianity mixed with ancient wisdom. We find

Gnosticism. We find the works of Origenes. And we find an ancient

heritage of wisdom.

When Christianty spread towards middle-Europe, however, it changed

radically. At the time when the Germanic tribes went south, the

Spirit of Christianty, its life and soul, became more and more

substituted by static belief systems. Gnosticism was renounced.

Origenes (182-254) was renounced. Constantin the 1st (286-337 AD)

made Christianity into a State Religion, an exoteric religion. The

Roman Emperor Julian (331-363) was condemned as "Apostata", "the

fallen one", when trying to reintroduce Gnosticism. 529 AD, the

mystery school of Platon in Athen was closed. About 300 AD, the

original Living Spirit of Christianity was influenced by materialism.

And these materialism was a result of souls living in these world as

automates, living in it AND of it.

And at the same time, we find in Norway and Sweden (or rather, what

later became Norway and Sweden) a living doctrine about the gods,

about the divine, about the spiritual world. Beginning with 300 AD,

the people here in the North began their migrations towards South.

The Swedes and the Goths on the Eastern part of our Peninsula, went

southwards with their gods and culture. But everywhere they came,

their cultural influence became subdued, softened, by other people.

They are the feminine, the minus pole, of our Peninsula. The souls on

the western coast, however, travelling downwards to Cicilia, Nothern

Africa, Spain, England, America, had a character of the active

element, of actions, of Will. They are the masculine, the plus pole,

of our Peninsula.

The spiritual mission of Sweden is to bring to the other side, to the

Holy Guardian Angel, the lesson learned in the AWAKE state. The

opposite is true for Norway, where the mission of the souls is to

bring to the other side what we have learned during deep sleep. It

may sound silly, but it's possible to KNOW something without knowing

it consciously. And the reason behind these active-passive

differences bewtween Sweden and Norway, may sound a bit strange too,

but a little contemplation will probably be enough to understand it.

When beeing awake, we are only awake in our thoughts, in the mental

realm. In the awake state, our WILL SLEEPES. And during dreamless

sleep, our Will is awake, while our thoughts sleeps. And the

emotions, the feelings we experience in the awake state, are not

completly conscious either. They correspond to the dreaming state.

So, we find in our everyday language names like *Daydreaming*. And in

a sense - it IS a dream. Our feelings are the dreams in the awake


When Spirituality stagnated around 300 AD, it was the spiritual

mission of the people on the Western coast of Scandinavia to

reestablish WILL among the people in Southern Europe. This was the

hidden meaning between their migrations soutwards. To save the South

from spiritual stagnation and materialism. And the same happened in

the previous Century. In 1937, the radical raise in the frequency

vibration began all around the globe. And the catastrophes in Europe

was the reaction from those *exiled from Paradice*. And today, the

situation is the same. It's the mission of the people on the western

coast to reestablish a moral code of conduct derived from WILL, not

thoughts or philosophy. And I repeat: If we fail, if I fail - Europe


When, in the combination of Theta and Beta, the people on the western

coast are beeing taught lessons about certain secrets of Nature. The

Norwegian character in our Age, have certain talents, making it

possible to learn about certain secrets in Nature - Not through our

thoughts, not through the conscious mental realms - but through the

wisdom developed in the auric envelope during deep sleep, without

using our outer five senses nor the mental, intellectual

understanding. In Out of Body experiences, subsconscious astral

jorneys, we experience the spritual in the vegetable kingdom, the

spiritual in stones and cliffs, the spiritual in the whistle from the

trees and the surging seas...... We learn about the entities, the

living entities hiding in the cliffs, the spiritual forces living in

vegetables, the spiritual within the roar of the sea against our


And the reason behind these ability is the sharp contrasts between the

seasons here in the North. I repeat: The people in Europe can

experience diseases in their minds if not following the spiritual

path. In Norway it's more dangerous. If we fail, the karmic response

will hit our genetic material, our organism, and we will become a

dying race.

Once, in a previous incarnation, Tennessee was the place from where I

entered a long Jorney northwards through the Appelachean Mountains,

in a very critical phase of USAs history. My life ended in

Ghettysburg. So, I was reincarnated here, in these MOUNTAIN-FILLED

Country, *The Way Towards North* (Norway), with most of my infancy

living among farmers. And today, I'm working intensively to prevent a

New Civil War. Isn't it funny how things repeat themselves?

Here I have to leave off - again - a substansial cosmology undeveloped or undiscovered.

+ + +

"I am Existence-Knowledge-Bliss absolute.

I am THAT by my very nature.

I am the One in All and the All in One.

I am the impersonal Personality of the whole Universe,

What can make me afraid? I care not for natures ‘laws’.


I beat in every breast, throb in every pulse, smile in every flower,

shine in the lightening and roar in the thunder. I flutter in the


I hiss in the winds and I roll in the surging seas.

I am the immutable and indescribeable Atman, the Dynamic Principle of

Existence and the infite Ocean of everlasting Glee.

In my Presence all hells and all heavens are effaced into shaddowy

nothingness, and the whole Universe is a mere bubble ever ready to


- Babaji (Kut Humi)


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