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Hi Glo,

>This all reminded me of having those "flying" dreams when I was very

>young, around 4,

>and I just thought it was great fun. Though I knew I had to be asleep to

>do this, it

>seemed very real for a dream.


I had those too... I think it's fairly common. I love flying! :)) It

seems to be real flying on the astral/emotional plane, which is where I

think dreaming mostly takes place. But whether we were actually out flying

around in the etheric, I just don't know. :) Yes, it feels so real, it

seems like you ought to be able to do it while awake. :)

>Anyway, this helped when I had my tonsils out at age 7

>and I clearly remember watching this operation from the ceiling. It was a

>a bit of a

>shock to see myself lying there, but I remember thinking this was sorta

>like those

>flying dreams, and deciding not to watch what they were doing in my

>throat. I just

>had a feeling after waking up that it may not be a good idea to tell

>anyone about

>this, besides which I couldn't talk for a few days.


When my son was in grade school, I took him a couple of times to a dentist

who used gas... not to put people to sleep entirely, but just to help with

relaxing and help with pain. The first time Dave had gas, he came out all

excited and told me he saw the most beautiful colors. The second time, he

said he just shot right up to the ceiling and watched the whole thing!


There have been cases of people watching surgery like that who could tell

significant details or bits of conversation afterwards... things they

couldn't possibly have known if they'd really just been out cold.

>Now I think a lot of children have very significant experiences like this,

>but the

>adults around them do not listen and tell them its all just their

>imagination. Funny,

>cause it IS imagination in a way. What do you think?


I think it's very real... but there do seem to be more people now who take

these things seriously. :)




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Hi Harsha and everybody,


On Mon, 29 May 2000 19:30:28 Harsha wrote:

>Thanks Amanda for sharing this. I am a bit late with

>my reply.


No, in fact, you're not. :)

I remember you making a reply to it quite soon after I posted this on the


Or maybe that happened only in my imagination. ;)


Anyway, thank you very much for taking the time to make

a reply.

>Normal Kundalini

>awakenings for many people can be highly positive experiences and need not

>be frightening given that person has established the proper groundwork, is

>familiar with the territory, and knows what to expect.


That was my problem, actually,

knowing nothing on beforehand,

knowing nothing of the territory at all,

and only being told negative things,

or finding negative stories when seeking information,

the negativities in many ways dominated the minds of many ppl, and being passed

off as "helpful


was by far the worst experience of all

in connection with the energy,

surpassing even losing the old world view

and having to face some of my worst fears in the

other realms.


Other ppl that could have been helpful

were very tightlipped to the

point of being secretive and giving off the air of

wanting to belong to a very exclusive club.

So reading the old sources where positive aspects

of the energy may have been overemphasized was in fact

the most helpful thing for me.


And believe me, I'm not a very positive person.

>Certain negative

>mental and psychic experiences are par for the >course.


Being aware of this is of course not unwise.


I keep thinking about something someone said on connection with all of this:

"There is no wrong way

with Kundalini-Shakti, in the end it will all be resolved." (This was said in

connection with having

difficulties with the energy going into the medha nadi

instead of the susumna.)


So in that, I see my own negative experiences

as less negative, less of a duality problem.

I also got the impression after a while,

some duality problems stemmed from myself

and my own preconceived views

and not necessarily the energy in itself.

>I started panicking and thought I was dead and in Bardos or

>something. I was remembering my mantra and my teacher. It was a very

>bizarre situation. After a while, I don't know how, it ended, and my mind

>went back to sleep. When I woke up I was again body/mind!


Of course, that sounds scary.


I'm glad you share this story with us, though. :)

>Gradually, I came to see that no matter what experiences happened, nothing

>could ever really happen to me, as I existed in something bigger than me,

>the Big Me! I appreciated the experiences. They help in the unfolding and

>the unwinding. Then, one day the "Big Me" swallowed me. And I saw that I

>was the Big Me! I had always been the Big Me! I saw that there was no

>bigness or smallness. There was only unspeakable and silent Me-Ness. Totally

>full of itself and completely empty in every way.


Thank you very much for writing Harsha.


I feel you're trying to point directly at what

you're saying when you talk about the Me-ness.


We just need to be able to see it more clearly.









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In a message dated 5/30/00 3:30:06 PM Mountain Daylight Time,

mumblecat writes:



>Gradually, I came to see that no matter what experiences happened, nothing

>could ever really happen to me, as I existed in something bigger than me,

>the Big Me! I appreciated the experiences. They help in the unfolding and

>the unwinding. Then, one day the "Big Me" swallowed me. And I saw that I

>was the Big Me! I had always been the Big Me! I saw that there was no

>bigness or smallness. There was only unspeakable and silent Me-Ness. Totally

>full of itself and completely empty in every way. >>


Somehow I missed the original post, but this is one terrific description,

Harsha. And the swallowing was so quiet and simple, like a pinecone dropping

off a tree. Holly

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mumble cat [mumblecat]

Tuesday, May 30, 2000 9:25 PM



Other ppl that could have been helpful

were very tightlipped to the

point of being secretive and giving off the air of

wanting to belong to a very exclusive club.

So reading the old sources where positive aspects

of the energy may have been overemphasized was in fact

the most helpful thing for me.


And believe me, I'm not a very positive person..........snip....


Thank you very much for writing Harsha.


I feel you're trying to point directly at what

you're saying when you talk about the Me-ness.


We just need to be able to see it more clearly.







Thanks for sharing Amanda. You are so funny to say that you are not a

positive person! :-).

My feeling is that if you hang around positive people, you will become

positive. Also, you intuitively understand what is meant by the Me-Ness.

That is a positive sign Amanda! :-).




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