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Mistaken idea that man tends to understand duality better than the non-dual

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The identity of the "I" sense with the impressions of the mind is the

result of takes and images and impressions made by the mind in

relation to the sense of realness that permeates the "I"



We are told that we are separate and that God is separate, and lacking

any other idea, we cling to and identify with the ideas presented to

the mind as "I" and build an identity with them accordingly


But, as these ideas are inherently false and illusory like a mirage,

and as the "I" is always without images and impressions, when the

Truth is revealed, That which is True recognizes Itself and comes

quickly to overcome the world of senses and ideas, images and

impressions, as the sense of "I" is realized to be always abiding

singly in Itself without any association to the mind.


With the realization of the Truth, the sense of doer and doing, of

being an actor, thinker and so on fade and vanish.


The moon of the mind is no longer necessary to see even though seen in

the clear blue sky of day, as the Sun of the Self has risen.


This truth is so completely apparent and transparent that, once

"heard," ideas of duality fade quickly as being meaningless.Then,

even non-duality becomes meaningless, as all concepts vanish

entirely. One abides singly as all pervasive Self. (Lk 11:34)


Thus, it is not true that duality is easier for man to grasp or that

non-duality is a higher truth that man has to be lead to. When That

which is True "hears" Its Name ("I AM") described, It shines forth

and that which is false (the identity and focus of attention the "I"

sense to images) vanishes.

The Path of duality is extremely difficult, as the mind builds up an

enormous internal conflict, where we are told there is a, the Supreme

Being ("I AM"), Who is separate, and yet we, also grounded in the

sense of "I am" with identities to this and that" are trying to

become closer. We are taught that we are like 2 magnets of opposite

polarity trying to become closer, and the effort to do so becomes

greater and greater, until for some of us there is a "Satori" - a

reversal of polarity where the Truth flashes forth for a moment, and

the false teaching is for a moment exposed.


In the Path (Way) of non-duality is easy and the burden is light, as

the Truth is revealed from the onset, and hat which is true outshines

and quickly overcomes the false images before It, and we abide as the

Singularity of the Self.

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