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Cosmic Stirrings

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>From a Jyotish (Science of Light), which is the Sanskrit name for

Vedic Astrology, perspective this time period is an exciting one. In

the past 2 weeks both Jupiter and Saturn have moved into the sign of

Taurus. Jupiter and Saturn only conjunct every 20 years and the

conjunction will set a stage that will be in effect for the next 20

years. It is possible that we will experience a shift from the

highly aggresive nature of Aries into the softer and kinder energy of

Taurus with a greater emphasis on cooperation and heart centered

security rather than the frentic searching for external


This is a time of transition for all of us as on the heels of the

conjuction and movement of these two great planets we have now moved

into the Solstice which effects the electro-magnetic field and

therefore our auras and nervous systems. Following the solistice

Mercury goes retrograde on June 24th in it's own sign of

Gemini...sign of discrimination and communication...a definte pull

towards meditation and inner searching. During the month of July we

will experience 3 eclipses...one in Gemini and two on the

Cancer/Capricorn cusp. Intelligence merging with emotions for

conscious beings. For many it can also indicate a time of deep

seated fears regarding security issues....hopefully, there will not

be too much action based upon those fears. In August the Moon's

nodes will switch to the Gemini/Sagittarius axis where they will

reside for the next 18 months. The nodal points are known as karmic

indicators and indicate old issues to be faced and new levels of

being reached. On a more universal level they can indicate where

society is shifting and can set the tone for us all. The good news

is that the nodes are now going to be associated with benefic rulers

and we may be witnessing a definite 'lightening up" of energy. This

is a welcome climate as the past 3 years or so have been stressful

for many people with extra ordinary challenges.

In the area where I live (upstate NY) the weather has been a constant

surprise and it is certainly not easy to plan easy summertime

activities. In my work I am running into many people who are

experiencing unexpected changes and great levels of stress and fear.

Within myself it appears as if rapid fire shifts and realizations are

occuring which are welcomed but at the same time I feel the need for

some simple 'R&R'. This will probably continue throughout the summer

for us all on some level. However, this time is a transition into a

time of exciting possibilites as well as a time of feeling at ease

within the self. Hopefully, we will all enjoy a summer on the cosmic

roller coaster.


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