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[More from DK, via Alice A . Baily and the MGNA, with their suggested



During this transitional period in history, at the beginning of

one age and the end of another, the past and the future have swung into

conflict. The Piscean influence is not yielding without struggle to the

potent Aquarian energies, and the immediate effect is the destruction of

the old forms so the new can be built. Men know fear and separateness. The

problems of war seem insoluble, yet all the while the rush for money and

material possessions, and the search for pleasure, continue. At the same

time more and more people are seeking for spiritual Reality, and a great

expansion of consciousness is taking place.

Indeed, history has always presented, on the one hand, the unspeakable

cruelty of man to man, and on the other, the upholding of a vision in the

hearts of men, and the constant struggle for human freedom and dignity.

Proof that the vision is not an idle dream lies in the

achievements of servers everywhere and in the common striving of many

groups toward peace and toward the welfare of all men. This vision embodies

as much of the great Plan (on which the Hierarchy is working) as men can

grasp, not through the persuasion of scientific or philosophical proofs,

but through inner spiritual recognition. Because the Kingdom of Heaven is

within them, they can conceive of its externalization upon the earth, when

as Sons of God in full expression of their indwelling divinity, they can

act as transmitters of Light and Love, and bring blessing to all manifested

forms. Right relations will be the keynote - right relations between

younger and older brothers, based upon reverence for the life within and a

deep sense of responsibility. In the New Age, all the kingdoms in nature

will begin to function as one creative whole.

The work of the Christ and His Disciples [meaning here the

spiritual hierarchy, or those who are guiding humanity] falls into the

following parts:


1. The production of a human synthesis or unity which will

lead to a universal recognition of the one humanity, brought

about through right human relations.


2. The establishing of right relations with the subhuman king-

doms in nature, leading to the universal recognition that

there is One World.


3. The anchoring of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual Hierarchy

of our planet, in open expression on earth, thus leading to

the universal recognition that the sons of men are one.


Right relations on earth are the reflection of the order which is

in Heaven. One man helps another; we uplift each other in turn. Only

through such interaction is progress possible. The Christ's injunction to

love one another is the most scientific teaching we have ever received. All

evolution proceeds upon the power of Love - Love which is not sentiment,

but concern for the needs of others, wisdom, self-giving, inclusiveness.

The time is coming when men will know a oneness of heart, mind, and soul,

such as is known on the higher planes, where to know is to "become one

with" - and union is Life. Then they will experience the truth that

Brotherhood is a fact.

The will, that aspect in man that puts him in touch with divine

Purpose, expresses itself in humanity as goodwill, leading to

understanding, cooperation, and peace. Together, love and the will-to-good

flower forth as wise activity, which is not limited to action on the

physical plane, nor is it limited to one "spiritual" field of endeavor. All

possible channels should be used - all that enlightens the minds of men,

all methods of transmuting knowledge into wisdom, all that expands the

consciousness of humanity and of all the subhuman states of awareness, all

that dispels glamor and illusion and that disrupts crystallization and

static conditions.

Many, today, see no answer to the world's problems; but there is

an answer: creative building. Each act of building adds to the Light. Each

action made sacred is a stone of the Temple. The Kingdom of Heaven must be

established upon the earth by man. The greatest gift of God to man is to

have made him His co-worker, that, through activity, he may demonstrate his

freedom, be self-determining. For man to use his limitations as an excuse

for inaction would be a betrayal of himself, of humanity, and of the Plan,

because, as it has been said: "All that is necessary for the triumph of

evil is that good men do nothing."

Thus the Festival of Humanity is a call to service. Humanity is

going now through a crisis of growth. It is not easy to change and to break

bonds, but it leads to Light, to the Real, to Immortality, to Beauty. This

is the time of awakening. There is much cause for Joy. Let Joy enter into

all our activities.




1. Enter into quietness, taking a few deep breaths. Align-

ment of the physical, emotional, and lower mental bodies.


2. Visualize the Christ standing with his Humanity pouring

out upon the world the blessings from the "center where

the Will of God is known." This is the gift given by Buddha

at the Festival of Wesak.

Visualize yourself and your fellow servers pouring forth

this blessing, too.


3. Creatively meditate upon the seed thought given below.

See it actually being brought about by the servers of

humanity. Think what you can do to help in this work.

"The anchoring of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual

Hierarchy of our planet, in open expression on earth,

thus leading to the universal recognition that the

sons of men are one."


4. Say:

The sons of men are one and I am one with them.

I seek to love, not hate;

I seek to serve and not exact due service;

I seek to heal, not hurt.

Let pain bring due reward of light and love.

Let the soul control the outer form,

And life and all events,

And bring to light the love

Which underlies the happenings of time.

Let vision come and insight.

Let the future stand revealed.

Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.

Let love prevail.

Let all men love.


5. Close with a blessing to the whole world.

Compassion to All Beings

North - South - East - West

Above - Below

Compassion to All Beings.




The Significance of the Festivals


Today, slowly, the concept of a world religion is beginning to

emerge. In this new world religion the Three Festivals, and the Full Moon

periods, will undoubtedly play an increasingly important role, because they

establish a relationship between the work of the Christ and of the Buddha,

and demonstrate the link between East and West, particularly if Shri

Krishna is shown to be an earlier incarnation of the Lord of Love, the

Christ. Thus three major religions - the Christian, the Hindu, and the

Buddhist - will be intimately related.

The Festivals can be seen also to be the means of anchoring upon

earth a new religious idea, which, at some later time, will bear fruit and

inaugurate a new method of drawing nearer to God. It will be a religion of

Great Approaches - approaches between mankind and the great spiritual

Centers which operate behind the scenes upon the inner planes.

Religion is that which brings together, in ever progressive

measure, man and Infinite Reality, through the growing awareness of all

that is; for man can contact onlv that which is in some measure present

within him, something which he can recognize. When contact occurs, it

changes him, because it brings about fusion with new areas of the divine

Reality. Thus interaction between one center of consciousness and a higher

center produces growth at an ever increasing rate.

On this sense of relation, is based the Science of Invocation

and Evocation. There is a spiritual Law, which can well fill us with

unbounded hope: the Higher inevitably answers the invocation of the Lower.

Always we get, in time and space, what we invoke, and the knowledge of this

fact, scientifically applied, will be one of the great liberating forces of

humanity. Religion is the name given to the invocative appeal of humanity

and the evocative response of the Greater Life to that cry.

We should not believe that invocation is only a voiced appeal.

Any reaching toward the Light is an invocation - any effort, any hope, any

suffering for the sake of the Vision, is invocative, and shall not remain

unanswered. The lives of all servers are invocative.

Nor should we believe that "contact" is only rarely achieved.

For each man, there are days when Holiness fills the air, and even the most

humble gesture is an act of Joy, all things express Divinity, and he finds

the bridge into "his brother's heart." A man who links to the Divine is a

channel of Light; his radiation to the world forms the horizontal arms of a

cross - or perhaps a star.

But at the time of the Festivals comes the culmination of all

invocations and all contact. A great Cross, or Star, is built, through the

interaction of united men and united spiritual Beings. Religion in the New

Age will undoubtedly be based on the fact of man's relation to God, on the

fact of immortality and of the continuity of divine revelation, and on the

truth that God is Transcendent, yet Immanent within every form of life. The

keynote of this religion will be Divine Approach. "Draw near to Him and He

will draw near to you." The method employed will be the scientific and

intelligent use of invocation and evocation and the recognition of their

tremendous potency. Man invokes divine Approach in various ways: by means

of the inchoate, voiceless appeal or invocative cry of the masses, and by

the planned, defined invocation of the spiritually oriented - by all, in

fact, who form the New Group of World Servers.

The New Age will be, ever more, an age of group work. At the time

of the Festivals, we are seeking to carry on a group endeavor of such

moment that, at the right time, it will sweep forward on its growing

momentum a potent magnetic impulse. This will reach up to those Lives Who

brood over humanity and our world civilization, and will call forth from

Them a responsive magnetic impulse. This will bring together the

overshadowing beneficent Forces Who embody the Love of God and a needy


Through the concentrated effort of the New Group of World Servers,

Light, inspiration, and spiritual healing can be released in such a flood

of power that definite changes will be wrought in human consciousness, and

conditions in the world will be definitely ameliorated. Men's eyes will be

opened to the basic realities which are as yet only dimly sensed by the

general public. Humanity will then itself apply the needed correctives,

believing it is doing so on the strength of its own wisdom and power; yet

all the time, behind the scenes stand the grouped aspirants and disciples,

working silently and in unison with each other and the Hierarchy, thus

keeping the channel open through which the needed wisdom, strength, and

love can flow.

The purity and the potency of the Energies reaching humanity are

inconceivable, and require an intensity of cooperation for which men should

prepare themselves through silence, self-dedication, and one-pointed

concentration. The essential quality of the Festivals is livingness: two

magnetic fields, earth and heaven, meet, the kingdom of men fuses with the

kingdom of Souls, and this interplay will bring to pass the transfiguration

of the earth.

It is essential that we bear in mind, as we face the activities of

the future, that matter and substance and their fusion into living forms

are aspects of divinity. It has been the prostitution of matter to selfish

ends, and for separative purposes, which has been responsible for the

misery, the suffering, the failure, and the evil which have characterized

the career of mankind down the ages. Today, humanity is given a fresh

opportunity to build on sounder and more constructive lines. If man can

demonstrate a gained wisdom in the creation of a form which will house the

spirit of resurrection and express the enlightenment gained by the bitter

experience of the past, then humanity will rise again.

Divinity, however, awaits the expression of man's free will.

Only through the power of his spiritual will (which is one with the Will of

God) can man handle energies and forces and establish the Kingdom of Heaven

upon the earth. In terms of the Will, the Festivals may be seen as



WiII and Life, the first Aspect of the Trinity, at the

Festival of Easter;

Will and Love, Relationships, the second Aspect, at


Will and IntelIigence, Expression, the third Aspect, at the

Festival of Humanity.


The beauty of this synthesis and the wonder of this opportunity

are surely apparent to those who consider these aspects of the divine Plan.

Great Forces, under potent spiritual leadership, are ready to precipitate

Themselves into this human world of chaos, confusion, aspiration, and

bewilderment, and the Hierarchy is closer to mankind than ever before.

World servers are also standing attentive to direction in every country in

the world, united in their idealism, in their humanitarian objectives, in

their sensitivity to spiritual impression, in their love of their

fellowmen, and in their dedicated selfless service.

Thus, from the highest spiritual Being upon our planet, through

the graded spiritual groups of enlightened and perfected men who work upon

the inner side of life, on into the world of daily living, where thinking,

loving men and women serve, the tide of the new life sweeps.




From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into the minds of men.

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

May Christ return to Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide the little wills of men -

The purpose which the Master knows and serves.

From the center which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.



- "The Three Festivals of Spring," MGNA Publications

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