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Free Will or Destiny?

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Hi Greg and KKT... great stories!


A while back, a friend of mine decided to move, but was now in a state of

confusion trying to figure out whether to move back to Kissimmee (her prior

hometown) or Sarasota. She had moved the previous year to West Virginia and

was very unhappy there. I asked her which place did she REALLLY want to move

to, if she didn't have to worry about all the small details once she got to

her destination, which seemed to be a factor. After pondering a moment, she

said Kissimmee. Once she realized that, she decided to move back here, and

was very excited with her decision. She then began to worry about the ways

and means of moving now that her decision was final. She also began to fret

about where she would live once she was here. I talked her into leaving the

ways and means and other worries to a higher power, which she did. She was

one happy person!


A couple of days later, she met a man, fell in love, and now they are

engaged. She decided to stay where she was at.



> Here's another coin story, from something we used to do in grad school.

> It's an actual decision principle we used to use to help us in those

> moments of indecision...


> "Should I go to the beach for my vacation, or to the mountains? I feel

> 50-50, can't decide. OK, I'll flip a coin." So I took a regular coin and

> agreed to abide by the toss, "Heads, it's the beach. Tails, it's the

> mountains."


> I flipped the coin. "Hmm, it landed tails - so it's the mountains. Well,

> err, too bad. AHA!! So that's what I really wanted - the beach! OK, so

> I'll go to the beach. Thanks to the toss for making that clear!"


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Dear Greg,The problem of "Free Will or Destiny"always annoys me

enormously :-))In the story of the Japanese general, could someone

give some comments? Is there really Free Will or Destiny in that

case?Peace,KKTHello KKT,


Free Will or Destiny in that case? Good question... Could come, in

asking, did the mother of the general give birth to him of free will

or according to destiny? Is there a case different than others that

may affect other cases as to express will or destiny?



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Who Dares to Ask?


I created space and all dimensions, realities and beings.

I animated them with Myself.

Nothing else would do.

There was nothing else but Me.


The Mystery of You and I!

Do enjoy it!

Make choices if that is your will.

Follow your destiny if you can find it.


Live as if there is no tomorrow!

The only goal is to be alive.

Open your heart to the treasure that is Me that is You.

We are One.


Do you believe this? Too bad.

Do you deny this? Too bad.

Poor Baby wants it all!

Oh, what will you do?


There is nothing else but Me.



from The Awakening Heart - Mu

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