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the Singularity of the Hrdayam

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Welcome to everyone and thank you for sharing your presence. Michael, the

Avadhuta Gita is available on the internet. Of course, the words of Jerrysan

Rinpoche qualify as scripture as well.

Jan and Pieter are well known to us. Below, I give two of their contributions

to the list.

Love to all


Pieter Schoonheim Samara wrote:

Jan Barendrecht

[janb (AT) axarnet (DOT) com] Nirvikalpa

samadhi and deep, dreamless sleep have in common that there are

no thoughts, no sense-experiences.

The difference is that in nirvikalpa

samadhi, only awareness is whereas

in deep dreamless sleep the awareness is

veiled. It is possible for all

veils to dissolve, or to be awake

independent of the vicissitudes

of mind-body. In practice this means the

mind-body has undergone adaptations

as not to veil awareness in any way.

The label "adaptations" can be

exchanged with transformation or

transfiguration but it refers to

the same. Jan

The awakening

of awareness in the Hrdayam:But

there is another awareness that dawns of Its own, that already Is awake

as the Ground and Substratum of Being, which is not dependant on any practice

whatsoever, but involves a simple and direct awakening to the subject "I"

as independent from the objects seen. This comes

about more from "hearing" (Sravana) than any practice, though practices

involving stillness of the mind, such as those indicated above, make for

a stillness where the True Hearer remains single, such that the slightest

mention of or description of the Truth Consciousness or true Being, as

found in the dialogues of Ramana Maharshi, Nissagadatta Maharaj, Yoga Vashitha,

the Gospels and teachings of Christ, Avadhut Gita, Faith Mind of the Third

Z Patriarch,Ribhu Gita (Ch 26), the 100,000 Songs of Milarepa and others,

the Self recognizes Itself as the Truth and one abides as the Singularity

of the Hrdayam. Words that where formerly considered odd or curious,

but with no real sense of meaning, appear out of a soundless absorption,

such as "undifferentiated,....without body,.......without time,......space-like,......no

mind,...."Everything is released, everything discipitates,

all forces dissolve, beatitudes are discarded, the pole of the mind is

fixed in radical disregard of all that is seen, the pole of the Hrdayam

(Spiritual versus psychic Heart) abides as the Singularity of a Black Hole,

as having tapped into and been absorbed by the universal "zero-point-energy,",

the Mind of Virtue, without virtue or non virtue, Self Illuminated, the

Mind of Compassion and perpetual forgiveness, All-Pervasive, abiding in

ever deepening cognition and non-judgement, the Christ Consciousness.

The outshining is like the blasting apart of the atoms that make up the

body/mind, not a brightness in one place or another, in this center or

that, but all-pervasive without any relation to the mind/body or any world,

seeing and seen having no meaning whatsoever duality and non-duality relinquished

concepts. "The eye [seer] is the light of the body. When

thine eye is single [the awakening of the Singularity of the Heart], thy

whole body will be filled with light [outshined,... transfigured."

Luke 11:34


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