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How To Attain Spiritual Consciousness

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-- An Introduction to Meditation --


How to Attain Spiritual Consciousness


by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj


All saints and mystics agree that there is one way to attain spiritual

consciousness, and that is by tapping within ourselves. Whether we call the

process of tapping within prayer, meditation, or introversion, the practice

shares one common element. It is a matter of focusing our attention within

instead of in the outer world.


Meditation is not a practice limited to only saints and monks. It can be

practiced by anyone, young or old, healthy or infirm, rich or poor. It is a

simple process of inverting our attention within. It requires us to sit in a

position most convenient in which we can sit the longest. Then we focus our

attention at a point between and behind the two eyebrows known as the single

or third eye. By concentrating at this point, our sensory currents begin to

withdraw from the body. When they are focused at that point, we contact an

inner Light. To keep the mind from distracting us from thoughts of the world

or of the past or future, we can keep it occupied by repeating a mantra or

any name of God. Those who are initiated by a spiritual Master are given

Names to repeat to keep their attention focused. If one is not initiated,

one can repeat any Name of God with which one feels comfortable. By

repetition of the Names of God and focusing our attention within, we can

gradually rise from physical consciousness to spiritual consciousness.


The inner journey begins with seeing various lights, flashes of light, red,

blue, orange, golden, blue, green, violet, or white light. From there the

spirit transcends through a region of inner sky, stars, moon, and sun. It

then may meet its spiritual guide or Master who will serve as a guide on the

inner journey. The guide will take the soul through the astral, causal, and

supracausal planes until it ultimately merges back into the ocean of



This meditation technique is available to all those who wish to learn it. It

is a free gift of God like air and sunlight. It can be practiced as a

science. One need not convert to a new religion to learn it. It can be

integrated into one’s own culture and religion. It is practiced more as a

science in which we can experiment in the laboratory of our own body.


Through meditation we can attain spiritual consciousness. Then we will find

all the treasures of divinity available to us. We will experience divine

love. We will gain all-consciousness. We will find ourselves free from fear.

We will attain a sense of unity with all love. We will experience peace and



It is my prayer that each one experiences these gifts in his or her

lifetime. All it requires is a desire to bathe in the ocean of all bliss and

love. Just as the ocean has been there for people of all ages, so is the

spiritual ocean of bliss lying in wait for us within. By learning this

simple method of meditation we will find this ocean of love within us. §





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