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FREEDOM The mind is an almost unbroken current of thoughts

and images careening from past to future. We can see this

for ourselves, just by watching our own mind. Who, or what,

is the watcher of the mind? It is the mind's own mother,

the pure awareness from which the mind is born. Awareness

embraces the mind as a loving mother holds her child.

Awareness itself is clear and silent. Living each moment

from the silent clarity of pure awareness is called



LONGING We can immediately fulfill our deepest longing for

freedom, clarity, and joy. All we have to do is change our

understanding. We do not have to search for fulfillment; it

is within the very eye of the longing-storm. Don't look

away from the longing towards another country, look

directly into it. Throw yourself into it and love it with

every cell of your being. Loving the longing without the

tiniest reservation is fulfillment.


INTEGRITY Integrity means to be whole and undivided-to be

authentic-as when our true heart speaks through our

thoughts, words, and actions. If our experience of inner

truth is not made real through our actions, we will lose

the power of authenticity and feel the twinge of

self-betrayal. Realization must be demonstrated in even the

simplest of our actions. Then we are whole and undivided,

and not just thinking we are.


KILLING THE MIND A workshop participant asked how he could

"kill his mind." I asked why he wanted to go to all that

trouble? Why wage war on the poor little thing? After all,

isn't there enough room in reality for a mind? And, a mind

is a useful thing, as long as we don't use it incorrectly.

My mind doesn't bother me as long as I don't contract and

become what my mind is thinking or believing or perceiving.

If we live from a big enough space of awareness, our mind

exists to scale, like a single flower in an endless

mountain meadow.


ATTENTION Our mind is usually focused on our creation, not

on the creator. Images, thoughts, beliefs, identities-all

these are created and sustained by the mind. If we begin

paying attention to the creator rather than the created,

something marvellous happens. Another world appears, one in

which silence and beauty run rampant through the streets of

every city and town.


PRESENCE When we are quiet, a Presence can be felt. It is

the single soul of all people. It seems to be from within,

but it is equally without. This Presence has character, and

the words we might use to describe that character include

loving, generous, peaceful, clear, caring, respectful. To

the degree that our behavior reflects these qualities is

the degree to which that Presence is alive within us.


CONFUSION I can't count how many times people tell me they

are confused about who they are, where they want to go, or

what they want to do. Their confusion is never true. We are

never truly confused. We are only afraid, or deaf. When you

feel confused, sit down, be still, listen, accept, and then

act. That is all. Listen deeply, accept honestly, act

fully. Confusion cannot survive in this equation.




Voicemail: 415.705.0807

E-mail: robrabbin

Web site: http://www.robrabbin.com


Mailing Address:

20 Sunnyside Ave., # A-118

Mill Valley, CA 94941 USA



We are the Nonduality Generation.


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