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[My friend and student Arul was fortunate enough to be able to meet with

Anandi Ma last weekend in Chicago. With his permission, here is his

account. I forwarded Harsha's long post on Ramana Maharshi, and Arul's

second note below was written after reading that.]

>"Sengodan Arulmozhi (UO/QAW4.1)" <arulmozhi.sengodan

>Tue, 11 Jul 2000 08:48:06 -0400

>Meeting with Anandi Ma


>My dear Dharma ,


>I was in the presence of Anandi Ma on Saturday evening . We did some

>meditation alongwith her and she chanted some Mantras. Sunday morning she

>gave shaktipat in the traditional lineage way to all those who wished to

>take Shaktipat and I took it alongwith the rest. She gave her energy and

>then opened the third eye and joined the head centres for all. Personally I

>did not feel anything other than slight muscular shaking through my legs and

>hands. The person next to me went into crying.


>After Shaktipat we were given a mantra to do sadhana and Dileepji explained

>the process. The program ended at 1:30Pm and there was a lunch. I skipped

>lunch and rushed to catch my flight at 2:30PM. I was just 5 minutes before

>the departure time and by the time I reached the gates the plane had taken

>off. I did not get a seat in any of the flights for the day. I simply rented

>a car and drove back to detroit.


>I think the shaktipat on me was on a very subtle level and since I had

>cleansed most of the stuff already I did not feel anything else.


>I did think of all you guys during the evening and morning and it is quite

>possible that all of you felt the energy of Anandi Ma.


>One noticeable thing is that I seemed to have lost apetite. I eat very less

>and it is always once a day only. I seem to be in a light state most of the

>time and I can feel my astral body moving in its own domain. Yesterday night

>I went to bed early as I was tired and I noticed that my astral body wanted

>to sleep on the right side. It was like I had two bodies partially merged

>into each other and the physical body was extended to the left and the

>astral body extended and turned to the right of me. I got a phone call late

>in the night from a friend of mine and when I got up to pick the phone I had

>no sense of place or time of the day or why I was attending the phone. I

>simply took the phone and asked them to call tommorow as I was so

>disoriented with myself.


>Today morning when I sat for meditation I was very calm during the

>meditation and I had to put extra effort to come out of it to go to my work.


>Anandi Ma is all love, she has the spontaneous nothing held back kind of

>laughter when you speak to her. It is very obvious that she has transcended

>everything human.





>"Sengodan Arulmozhi (UO/QAW4.1)" <arulmozhi.sengodan

>Tue, 11 Jul 2000 16:27:45 -0400

>RE: Meeting with Anandi Ma


>My dear Dharma,


>You are at liberty to post any material I send to you, if it is of help to



>Ramana Maharishi's teachings are very straight forward and based on self

>inquiry. He is very non-dualistic in approach, advaitic in nature.


>Anandi Ma and Dileepji on the other hand walk a tight line between Bhakti

>yoga and Kundalini Maha yoga. The Sadhanas they have asked us to perform are

>more on the bhakti side and rather ties you down to a set of rules, whereas

>Ramana Maharishi has total abandonment. It might be because they come from a

>lineage that is as old as Ramayana. Their lineage is supposed to have

>started from Rama and continued to this day and there is a lot of importance

>given to the lineage. All their teachings are a request only and they very

>clearly say that the Kundalini has started and depending on each person's

>individual karma the Kundalini shakthi would take her own path and time.


>Frankly when I understand the true "I" i lose all identity and also the

>lineage. It really does not matter to me. I am more advaitic in nature.




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