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A Dan re-post

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For all those who may be missing Dan as much as I do, tho he has never left, nor


my heart, not even in San Francisco.


I got to feeling what we could use about now is a breath of fresh air from Dan,

so I

dipped into my saved Dan messages and picked a couple that mean a lot to me.

They are

possibly even pertinent to whatever is going on here now, I mean very likely


are, being as how being is so timeless and and all that. When IS

he getting back, anyway? ~~ Sentimental Glo




< >

Wednesday, August 25, 1999 3:09 PM

Harsha/awareness and essence





Harsha: <snip> The wise say, that, "I am the doer"

notion is bondage. To go to the root of the ego,

one should bring the awareness upon its own

essence and thus stare at the originating point of

thoughts and feelings.


Dan: I like the simplicity of the inquiry

you suggest. My findings here: awareness,

attempting to view its own essence, finds

nothingness. There is no "originating point" for

thoughts and feelings "within" itself. Thus,

awareness is faced with the falseness of its

orientation around a

self, the lack of any substantiality to the realm

of its supposed existence -- sees its embededness

in the past, in unreality, in anxiety. It also

sees that it attempts to use this seeing

in ways that continue itself (e.g., pondering

on what it has realized about the "unreality

of self.")


The self can never free itself from itself,

its inquiry is always biased toward preserving,

enhancing, or otherwise continuing itself.

Its visions of transcending ego are subtle ways

of preserving itself.


Only a truly honest and direct approach can be

useful, only an inquiry that leads to an opening

for what is truly unexpected, surprising, and not the

projection of an image. No matter how glorious

the projection (i.e., "Nothingness,the Self,"

"Love,God") it is still a projection -- only

the coming in of Reality itself is the ending of

projection by the fase self - which had erroneously

believed itself to be an independent entity

inquiring into important matters (and which

subtly was intent on acquiring and/or avoiding

various things, experiences or concepts - and on

maintaining an image, and collection

of images, that allowed its misperceived

sense of its own reality to continue).




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All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. The Radical Truth is Radiance of

Awareness. It is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A


devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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