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We are experiencing a very rare phenomenon in July 2000. During this one month we will have three Eclipses

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Celestial Assistance (8) by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace <A

HREF="http://www.1spirit.com/eraofpeace/">Era of Peace Welcome

Page</A> E-mail: PattiCR (AT) aol (DOT) com FAX: 520-886-4897 PO Box 41883

Tucson, Arizona 85717 We are experiencing a very rare

phenomenon in July 2000. During this one month we will have three

Eclipses. There will be two Solar Eclipses, one on July 1st and one

on July 30th, and a Lunar Eclipse on July 16th. The last time three

Eclipses happened in one month was in December 1694, and that

unusual Celestial occurrence will not happen again until December

2848, according to Blum’s Almanac. That is pretty awesome,

isn’t it? Eclipses are of the utmost importance in the

unfolding Divine Plan. Celestial events of this nature are always

significant, and they affect Humanity far more than most people

realize. The Light that pours into the Planet during Solar and

Lunar Eclipses imprints and encodes matter with new archetypes from

interplanetary and interstellar sources. The Light being released

during these Eclipses is dynamic and profound. We are all subject

to the Natural Laws of the Universe whether we are aware of them or

not, and we are all affected by everything that takes place in the

Heavenly Bodies surrounding the Planet as well. When the Earth, Sun

and Moon align as they do during a Solar or Lunar Eclipse, their

unified forcefields create a Portal of Light. That portal

penetrates through the multidimensional octaves of existence from

the Core of Creation in the Heart of our Father-Mother God to the

Divine Momentum in the Center of the Earth. Then, once the portal

is established, the entire Company of Heaven and the Legions of

Light from Galaxies beyond Galaxies have the ability to flood the

Planet with frequencies of Divine Light than normally cannot

penetrate through the effluvia of Humanity’s miscreations.

The effects of these Eclipses are being greatly amplified by the fact

that our Solar Christ Presences have been birthed in our hearts and

are gently and lovingly taking dominion of our Earthly vehicles.

Every human Being can now assimilate more Light than ever before,

and each person is now more capable of absorbing the benefits of

these new frequencies of Divine Light. Fortunately, it is not

critical for everyone to consciously grasp the magnitude of the

moment in order to benefit from the effects of these incredible

Eclipses. The Solar Christ Presence of every man, woman and child

is going to be bathed in this unprecedented Light regardless of

whether or not their conscious minds are aware of the Celestial

events. The myriad Lightworkers who are consciously aware of the

monumental opportunity being presented to Humanity will assimilate

the Light through their Heart Flames and breathe It into the

atmosphere of Earth. This selfless service will make the new

patterns of Divine Light available for every particle of life

evolving in the physical plane. These rare Eclipses will empower

Humanity in previously unknown ways. The added influx of Light from

the Eclipses will help each person to be strong, assertive and

courageous without the lower human ego’s flaws of aggression,

dominance and emotional outbursts. Through these new frequencies

of God’s Light we will find greater self-confidence and begin

to understand our leadership potential. This is a very important

turning point in our lives. We are being given the opportunity to

remember who we are and to truly fulfill the Divine Missions we have

come to Earth to accomplish. Our missions may be something

completely new and different from what we are doing now. We are

also being given the opportunity to let go of old patterns,

addictions, beliefs, behaviors and relationships that are

unproductive and no longer serve our highest good. The new

Light pouring into the Planet during the Eclipses will enhance our

ability to reevaluate our lives, and it will assist us in

establishing a new course of direction that is more in alignment

with our true Divine Potential. Through our Solar Christ

Presences, we will now be able to “see with new eyes and hear

with new ears.” As we lift up in consciousness, we will

perceive new, viable solutions to problems that have been plaguing us

for years. New ideas will filter into our conscious minds and past

situations that seemed insurmountable will become quite manageable.

We are becoming Solar Beings, and these Eclipses are going to

create spiraling forces of Light that will dramatically affect the

Sun’s electromagnetic energy field. During that time, Solar

Rays will be intensified, and greater Solar Light will pour through

the opened portal to affect all facets of human consciousness.

The Light from the Eclipses will bring us new opportunities to learn

and grow. The amplified Light of the Sun will stimulate our

Spiritual Brain Centers, and our pituitary and pineal glands will

begin to function in a way that will assist in awakening our Crown

Chakras of Enlightenment. This amazing influx of Divine Solar Light

will also intensify the Light of the Twelve Solar Aspects of Deity

that radiate through the twelve-pointed Crown of the Elohim which

rests upon every person’s brow. That gift of Light will

encourage us to think in new, more universally harmonious ways, and

It will create an environment through which our Solar Christ

Presences will flourish. The effects of Solar and Lunar Eclipses

usually take time to be assimilated before they filter into the

physical plane. The powerful effects of these Eclipses, however,

will manifest much faster through the radiance of our newly born

Solar Christ Presences. As the results of these Eclipses push us to

think and respond in new, innovative ways, we will create much more

positive circumstances in our lives. Eclipses permanently change

us. Whether the change is forced upon us or whether we change

because we want to, it matters not, we are, nevertheless, changed

forever. These unique Eclipses are destined to make us more whole

and balanced than we ever were before. We are going to see our lives

from a new perspective. Our lives are going to have a deeper

meaning, and we are going to have greater insight about them. As we

progress day-by-day, we are going to witness creative, inspired

shifts taking place in our lives through our own concentrated

endeavors. As our Spiritual Brain Centers are influenced by this

magnificent influx of Light, we are going to become more intuitive

and develop a deeper level of understanding regarding our feeling

natures and our emotional Beings. We will respond from the heart in

a way that we haven’t previously experienced, and we will reach

new levels of generosity, creativity, adoration, exuberance and

Divine Family Life. Know that everything is being accelerated and

to try and resist our forward movement into the Light is futile. If

we dig in our heels and try to hold onto old, obsolete behavior

patterns, we will create unnecessary pain and grief for ourselves.

A wonderful quote by Charles du Bos states: “The important

thing is this: to be able at a moment’s notice to sacrifice

what we are for what we could become.” Remember this as

you walk through this wondrous moment of unparalleled opportunity,

expectation, anticipation and joy.

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