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Eastern Nodes

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Hi All,>The Full Moon this morning, July 16, looks like a whopper. I

don't know>about you, but I'm feeling incredible energy from it

already. The exact>time will be 1:55pm GMT; that's Greenwich Mean

Time, 4 hours from EDT.>In the West the North and South Node are

considered to have an influence>similar to Jupiter and Saturn, if

milder. In the East the North Node is>seen as personal karma and the

South Node as group karma.

The East looks at the Nodal Points

In the "East" the North Node is akin to Saturn and the South Node to

Mars. The nodal points are considered as the dragon's head (North

Node/Rahu) and the dragon's tail (South Node/Ketu)a reference to the

kundalini energy and the South Node is considered more malefic as it

swallows up the head of Rahu. On a more mundane level Rahu is

considered to be one's new karma or the point of intake for new karma

and experiences and Ketu is considered as one's old karma. As a result

of this belief Rahu would bring in many unexpected events,people and

opportunities. This serves us well in giving new experiences for

growth. Ketu on the other hand tends to bring in experiences that

force us to go within and find our 'spirit' for it builds upon what

is deeper within us. It is one of the key factors in charts of

yogis, monks, scientists, research workers and those who walk outside

the 'mundane'. In Eastern or Vedic Astrology these eclipse points are

just finishing up their ingress in the Capricorn/Cancer axis and many

are experiencing issues related to family and security matters. The

planet that rules the signs in which the nodes reside are considered

a key to understanding their actions and for the past 18 months due

to the Saturn rulership of Capricorn/Ketu this cycle has been one of

hard work, family responsibility and challenge. Rahu being in the

sign of the Moon has taken it's toll on the emotions and

relationships of many. On a positive note this has forced growth and

new levels of inner maturity for many. On August 31 the nodal points

and therefore the eclipse points will take place in

Gemini/Sagittarius giving us an Mercury/Jupiter influence over

worldwide as well as person karmic play. These are benefic

influences and coupled with the recent move of Satrun out of it's

sign of debilitation (Aries)along with Jupiter into Taurus a Venus

ruled sign we are truly looking at a bright upcoming cycle. A time

to be able to enjoy the benefits of the 'house-cleaning' that has

gone on in the recent past. As many of us are aware this July

contains 3 eclipses and represents a golden opportunity to work

within to create harmony and peace on all levels of life.


// All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

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Hi Linda,


Thanks for this... I appreciate the information and the time you've given.

I have little time to write just now... I'm packing to move to California

later this month.

>> Hi All,>The Full Moon this morning, July 16, looks like a

>> whopper. I don't know>about you, but I'm feeling incredible

>> energy from it already. The exact>time will be 1:55pm GMT; that's

>> Greenwich Mean Time, 4 hours from EDT.>In the West the North and

>> South Node are considered to have an influence>similar to Jupiter and

>> Saturn, if milder. In the East the North Node is>seen as personal

>> karma and the South Node as group karma.


> The East looks at the Nodal Points


I have not gotten into Vedic astrology. I think it's enough for me to use

one system and keep understanding it better... in this life at least, I

don't have the time to work with more than one. I read that somewhere,

about the nodes as personal and group karma, and I've found it a useful way

of viewing them.

> In the "East" the North Node is akin to Saturn and

> the South Node to Mars. The nodal points are considered as the dragon's

> head (North Node/Rahu) and the dragon's tail (South Node/Ketu)a

>reference to

> the kundalini energy


Very interesting! Can you expand on how you understand this in an

individual chart re. Kundalini?

> and the South Node is considered more malefic as it

> swallows up the head of Rahu. On a more mundane level Rahu

> is considered to be one's new karma or the point of intake for new karma

> and experiences and Ketu is considered as one's old karma. As a result

>of this

> belief Rahu would bring in many unexpected events,people and

> opportunities. This serves us well in giving new experiences for

> growth. Ketu on the other hand tends to bring in experiences that force

> us to go within and find our 'spirit' for it builds upon what is deeper


> us. It is one of the key factors in charts of yogis, monks, scientists,

> research workers and those who walk outside the 'mundane'.


Hmm... Rahu has just passed over (and is still near) my natal Pluto at 28

Cancer, and I will indeed be meeting new people etc. in my new location.

But I can't see it as completely "new karma"... I'm moving to join my

recently rediscovered life partner, Matt, and we seem to have very old ties.


In the larger picture, in recent years transitting Pluto (ruler of my Sun

sign, Scorpio) trined my natal Pluto and then moved across the very bottom

of my chart (Asc. 4 Virgo, IC 0 Sag.) Those years brought much change and a

number of long-distance moves. Pluto has moved across my natal Venus at 6

Sag., bringing to the forefront the natal Grand Trine of Pluto, Venus, and

Moon. I started to write more detail about these years, but realized I

could write a book on it! :)) But I do find it very interesting to look at

the movement of the Nodes re. certain dates and occurrences.


In other words, what's happening now doesn't feel to me like something

completely new. It all grows out of what's been happening in recent years.

>In Eastern or

> Vedic Astrology these eclipse points are just finishing up their ingress in

> the Capricorn/Cancer axis and many are experiencing issues related to


> and security matters. The planet that rules the signs in which the nodes

> reside are considered a key to understanding their actions and for the

>past 18

> months due to the Saturn rulership of Capricorn/Ketu this cycle has been


> of hard work, family responsibility and challenge. Rahu being in the

> sign of the Moon has taken it's toll on the emotions and relationships of

> many. On a positive note this has forced growth and new levels of inner

> maturity for many. On August 31 the nodal points and therefore the

> eclipse points will take place in Gemini/Sagittarius


I don't understand this... there's no New Moon or Full Moon on Aug 31.

Are you referring to the movements of the nodes and therefore to the

eclipse points of today's eclipse?


Or maybe you meant to say July 31? BTW, that eclipse will take place at 8

Leo with Praesepe and the Aselli. The old books give this as a degree of

blindness, but I have found these degrees (8, 9, 10) to be related to light

in any way... sight, insight, intuition, illumination, etc. To me these

degrees or those squaring or opposing them seem very important... most of

the people I work with have a planet or important point at one of these


>giving us an

> Mercury/Jupiter influence over worldwide as well as person karmic play.

> These are benefic influences and coupled with the recent move of Satrun

>out of

> it's sign of debilitation (Aries)along with Jupiter into Taurus a Venus


> sign we are truly looking at a bright upcoming cycle. A time to be able

> to enjoy the benefits of the 'house-cleaning' that has gone on in the


> past. As many of us are aware this July contains 3 eclipses and

>represents a

> golden opportunity to work within to create harmony and peace on all

>levels of

> life.


Thanks again... if you don't object, I'd like to forward this post to a

couple of lists.




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Hi Dharma:


I do not mind you forwarding what I wrote...however....there was a

major typo - I did mean JULY 31st. Thanks for picking it up.


I'm pretty swamped right now myself and plan to read your letter a bit

more slowly after the craziness that is showing itself to be today

:-). At a future time I will give some more information on the link

between the nodes and kundalini....it is quite interesting to those

who are interested in both yoga and astrology....especially with

regard to Rahu who has behavior very similar to those who have active

kundalinis without humility, purity or bhakti. I can certainly relate

to the Pluto transformations in your life as I do not disregard the

outer planets but prefer to work with the 7 majors and 2 nodals as

there are remedials for them.


Good luck on your move and while you have 'old' history with Mark

maybe you'll reach 'new' levels at this time. I am in a similar

situation as I currently live with my ex-husband due to his waiting

on disability and need for a place to live. It's been an interesting

journey....married for 26 years....apart for 1....back again for

now.....guess I've grown while he's always been a good friend so many

of the buttons are just not there now.


Thanks for taking the time to write in between your packing.



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Hi Linda,

> I do not mind you forwarding what I wrote...however....there was a

>major typo - I did mean JULY 31st. Thanks for picking it up.

> I'm pretty swamped right now myself and plan to read your letter a bit

>more slowly after the craziness that is showing itself to be today :-).

>At a future time I will give some more information on the link between

>the nodes and kundalini....it is quite interesting to those who are

>interested in both yoga and astrology....especially with regard to Rahu

>who has behavior very similar to those who have active kundalinis without

>humility, purity or bhakti.


I'll be looking forward to that.

> I can certainly relate to the Pluto transformations in your life as I

>do not disregard the outer planets but prefer to work with the 7 majors

>and 2 nodals as there are remedials for them.


Some people are now saying that Pluto looks like the major indicator of

Kundalini... that would make sense, since it governs things that come from

underground, such as oil... and is the planet of transformation.

>>Hmm... Rahu has just passed over (and is still near) my natal Pluto at 28

>>Cancer, and I will indeed be meeting new people etc. in my new location.

>>But I can't see it as completely "new karma"... I'm moving to join my

>>recently rediscovered life partner, Matt, and we seem to have very old ties.


Good luck on your move and while you have 'old' history with Mark

maybe you'll reach 'new' levels at this time. I am in a similar situation

as I currently live with my ex-husband due to his waiting on disability

and need for a place to live. It's been an interesting journey....married

for 26 years....apart for 1....back again for now.....guess I've grown

while he's always been a good friend so many of the buttons are just not

there now.


Maybe it will come again. Being "in love" is ephemeral, but in a good

marriage it can go and come again. :)


I'm afraid I wasn't very clear... my situation is not the same at all. I

don't have old history with Matt in this life... though I plan to create

some. :)))




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