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Gracias a la Vida

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Gracias a la Vida Violeta Parra




Gracias a la vida Thanks to life

Que me he dado tanto Which has given me so much.

Me dio dos luceros It gave me two bright stars

Que cuando los abro, That when I open them,

Perfecto distingo I perfectly distinguish

Lo negro del blanco. The black from the white.

Y en el alto cielo, And in the highest sky,

Su fondo estrellado, The vastness filled with


Y en los multitudes And in the multitudes

El hombre que yo amo. The man that I love.






Gracias a la vida Thanks to life

Que me he dado tanto. Which has given me so much.

Me ha dado el oido It has given me hearing

Que en todo su ancho, Which in all its domain,

Graba noche y dia Records night and day

Grillos y canarios, Crickets and canaries,

Martillos y turbinas, Hammers and turbines,

Ladridos y chubascos, Barking and thundershowers,

Y la voz tan tierna And the voice so tender

De mi bien amado. Of my well beloved.







Gracias a la vida Thanks to life

Que me he dado tanto. Which has given me so much.

Me he dado el sonido It gave me sound

Y el abecedario. And the alphabet.

Con el, las palabras With it, words

Padre, amigo, hermano Father, friend, brother

Y luz alumbrando And light that illuminates

La ruta del alma The road of the heart

Del que estoy amando Of the one whom I love.






Gracias a la vida Thanks to life

Que me he dado tanto. Which has given me so much.

Me ha dado la marcha It has given me the walking

De mis pies cansados. Of my tired feet.

Con ellos anduve With them I walk

Ciudades y charcos, Cities and mud puddles,

Playas y desierto, Beaches and desert,

Montanas y llano, Mountains and plain

Y la casa tuya, Your house,

Tu calle y tu patio. Your street and your patio.






Gracias a la vida Thanks to life

Que me he dado tanto. Which has given me so much.

Me dio el corazon It gave me the heart

Que agita su marco, Which trembles in its cage,

Cuando miro el fruto When I look at the fruit

Del cerebro humano, Of humankind's mind,

Cuando miro el bueno When I look at the good

Tan lejos del malo, So far from the bad,

Cuando miro el fondo When I look into the depths

De tus ojos claros. Of your clear eyes.






Gracias a la vida Thanks to life

Que me he dado tanto. Which has given me so much.

Me he dado la risa It has given me laughter

Y me el dado el llanto. And it has given me weeping.

Asi yo distingo Thus I distinguish

Dicha de quebranto, Happiness from heartbreak,

Los dos materiales The two materials from

Que forman mi canto. Which my song is made.

Y el canto de ustedes And your song

Que es el mismo canto. Which is the same as mine.

Y el canto de ustedes And your song

Que es mi propio canto. which is alike to mine.






Gracias a la vida Thanks to life

Que me he dado tanto. Which has given me so much.






This says it all. I wept as I was typing this and could not

stop. What a waste of a beautiful soul when she was killed

in the not so distant past in the country of Chile.


Please allow me to sing and dedicate this song to you and

everyone as a most beautiful arising in consciousness.




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