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Diamond Hill people and things

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Dearest Greg-Ji! Your powers of observation are quite remarkable. You have

captured the essential love and fellowship of the retreat perfectly and you

exemplified that love with your presence among us.


I wanted to wait to write until everyone got home from the retreat. Jerry

and Andrew had driven the longest distance and so got home after everyone

else last night.


To be with you all was indeed a cause of celebration and the weekend was

pure and never ending delight that expands into infinity.


We were bathed in Andrew's gentle eyes and smile, Biff's heart felt

fellowship, silence, and sharing, and Christiana's deep sensitivity and



We were enveloped in David's purity and radiance, Gloria's caring and

sharing and her beautiful heart of a mother for all of us, and Greg's

kindness and wisdom and taking the time to teach us.


We were gifted with Jerry's companionship and support, good humor, quiet

eyes, and his courage and honesty and commitment to us all (Jerry came to

the retreat having had an operation a few weeks before).


Mark's radiant and spontaneous smile energized us and Mary's instant and

total comfort with Mark's friends (us!) delighted us.


Michael's overwhelming beauty and presence captivated us, Nora's deep

sharing from the heart and her embracing us as her own moved us.


Amrita's (OH) quiet smile and joyful and peaceful company filled us with

joy. Petros's sharing about his travels on the path enriched us with the

beauty of his story.


Victor's laughter made us laugh and his tears made us cry. Victor penetrated

our hearts.


If I recall correctly, Michael, of overwhelming beauty and joy said, "I came

with no expectations and they have been fulfilled (or surpassed)!"


Perhaps that sums it up for all of us. We came with no expectations. Love

and fellowship brought us together, sometimes from long distances. We found

it easy to hug and embrace each other as brothers and sisters. We found it

easy to tell our stories.


It was the purest experience of joy. Thank you.


With love and gratitude for all your gifts. Thank you.








Gregory Goode [goode]

Wednesday, July 19, 2000 1:50 AM

goode; NondualitySalon ;

Diamond Hill people and things



As seen from here.


This was a remarkable retreat. A total and effortless celebration of Love

and Self. It was very much an in-person extension of the activities of NDS

and . There were endless stories and conversations at the

12-person kitchen table. Plus, we had book exchanges, and few activities

in the beautiful Korean zendo which was a Kwan Yin Hall (Kwan Yin, the

Bodhisattva of compassion). It was right in our building! We had

meditations which were seated, walking, talking, and whirling meditations -

all celebratory. There was salsa dancing, sitting on the lakefront, walks

in the woods, and an outing to eat pizza.


We want to do it again. One of my friends, Michael Rosker here in NYC, is

not a lister, but wants to come along next time. After hearing about it,

he declared that in 15 years of spiritual activities, he'd never heard of a

group outing with so much grounded love and clarity. Petros might come

down NYC-way to hang with us one of these days, as Petros and Michael know

many of the same people across the country.


The only lister I had met face-to-face before this gathering was

Christiana. So everyone was brand new, even Christiana! Here are some

capsule description/impressions as seen from here, of the wonderful and

beautiful people at Diamond Hill. I THINK I got everyone. Please remind

me and forgive me if I forgot anyone. The monk who made our meals while we

were jabbering at the table seemed to smile and perk up his ears at the





Andrew - A wry, witty, intelligent sense of humor that is always kind.

With an unerringly accurate ability to sum up any conversation in fewer

than 10 words! Might be a breatharian, I don't remember seeing him eat

anything, even though he came for pizza with us...


Biff (Glora's husband) - So far, not a post-er to NDS/Harsha. Razor-sharp

intellect, combined with tender curiosity and an open heart. With

salt+pepper hair and beard, like a wise scientist or a dignified ship's



Christiana - Living, serving compassion combined with psychic and intuitive

and artistic abilities, always there for any/everyone at every moment.

Dances beautifully to salsa, and likes spicy curly fries.


David - Sweet, tender and selfless, with radiant angelic energy emanating

from his physical form and kindly face. I wanted to talk to him some more

but he had to go home before Sunday. Posted great driving directions,


us from major traffic jams on the drive through Connecticutt.


Gloria - Divine-mother energy, honest and courageous. The actual backbone

of the retreat. Gave us form and direction, or we'd have sat at the

kitchen table aimlessly yakking for 18 hours a day. Brought her sweet

husband Biff. She has a touch of a Southern accent, a beautiful way of

drawing out words, especially as heard with NYC ears!


Harsha (pronounced "HERsha") Our fearless leader. - Always


celebrating everyone's uniqueness and special-ness. Impossible to feel bad

in his presence. Likes fruit and tea for breakfast. Much better looking

than Deepak Chopra.


Jerry - Our fearless NDS leader. The guy who, the closer you look, just

isn't there. Always giving everything to everyone else, like the

compliments we give him, and love and other stuff. Well, everything except

those whipped-cream-filled chocolate Devil Dogs he likes for breakfast.


Mark - A loving, beating, giving poetic Heart, temporarily taking the form

of a

human being. Introduced the Jelly Roll – not food, but a unique and

wonderful way of saying "I love you" with a lot of feeling and a Zen twist

at the end. I'd never seen it before!


Mary (Mark's wife) - So far, not a post-er to NDS/Harsha. The most

beautiful brown doe eyes, very much at home with 14 people she'd never met.

I wanted to talk to her more!


Michael - With a face like Jack Nicholson and a great, rock-solid, psychic

strength, he continuously celebrates everyone's existence as awareness

Itself. If someone has a belief that they are a this-thing or a

that-thing, or if they have a concept that they are somehow not really OK,

then just hang with Michael for a few seconds... Likes pizza with hot

Italian pepper.


Nora - Vast depths of multi-cultural awareness, a bibliophile, with a

prodigious memory, and a great navigator with a map. Always had water and

fruit for everyone. Has beautiful children that we all fell in love with

from the photos. Loves Prince Edward Island.


o.h./Indra - Neither old, nor a hag! Beautiful and radiant with a touch of

Southern accent. Because she said she really has no name that fits, and

because of her effortless way of reflecting what others feel/think/say, I

would like to call her Indra, after the jewels in Indra's Net.


Petros - Tender-hearted, open curiosity, with an encyclopedic acquaintance

with satsang in the Western world - I wouldn't be surprised if he someday

wrote a book on that phenomenon. I'd buy it! Brought Dunkin Doughnuts for

everyone, and holy water from Ammachi. Hope he comes to NYC some day.


Victor - Been involved with Tibetan Buddhism in the U.S. since the 1950's.

Falstaffian bearing, looks like Swami Satchitananda, especially with the

robe we made for him out of a colorful bedsheet. Has the enthusiasm and

wonder of an energetic schoolboy.







Find long lost high school friends:






All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


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