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[K-list] Sound poll : how many?

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percyval <percyval

kundalini-list <Kundalini-Gateway >

Thursday, July 20, 2000 1:45 AM

Re: [K-list] Sound poll : how many?



Sorry, Percival. Your very question reminds me about another important

point. We all have a tendency to take things for granted, to take the

semantics of words for granted, forgetting that a simple word means one

thing for one person and something completly different for another person...

and in the end it eventually end up as empty phrases....


It's almost impossible for me to explain in our language what I mean with

the term *Primordial sounds*. To *explain* it, to *understand* it, is a

contradiction in terms, in a sense, because primordial sounds precedes our

understanding, our mortal language and semantic itself - and every attempt

to force into definitions is yet another aspect of maya, of *relative

measurements*, these ghosts we call things and incidents which our ego use

in order to cling to the relative as an escape from sunnyata or emptiness.


Primordial sounds precedes mantras. They have specific effects on different

organs in our body, and are for healing purposes. There are a spesific sound

for the throath chakra, a specific sound for the hearth chakra, specific

sounds for every organ in the body etc. However, while mantras sometimes

have a semantic MEANING, primordial sounds do not have any meaning. They

just ARE, plain and simple.


I experience Kriya Yoga and similar techniques as a stepwise process, a

meditation consisting of different steps, similar to the gears in the car.

We cannot start in the fourth gear; we have to start with the first gear

(one meditation technique), and when the *revolution counter* reach a

certain velocity speed (that is, when the effects of the meditation reach

its fullest heights), we shift into the next gear (the next meditation

technique) in order to explore the next dimension in ourself, in our

communion with Our Holy Guardian Angel and the Universe etc.


So, we do have these three main steps (among many intermeditate); First

seeing colours clairvoyantly, second hearing sounds, thirdly our body begins

to vibrate, even the sofa we sit on and our environment can begin to vibrate

and manifest telechinese. These three steps corresponds to Manomaya kosha,

Vijnanamaya kosha and Anandamaya kosha in Raja Yoga, or rather are the

concrete signs, their concrete manifestations.


In a sense everything comprehenseable within certain limits in our dimension

ARE sounds. An Atom is nothing more than a sound, a special vibration UNIQUE

only for itself, and it's only by sounding an alternate note disharmonious

to that vibration that it can be decomposed or destructed. Modern physicists

have these PINK ELEPHANT that they can *blow up* atoms with nuclear bombs in

a similar manner like they *break* or *decrystallize* physical things in the

everyday environment surrounding us. This is an erronous concept. Because an

atom is not a *thing* comparable to how de define *things* in our

macrocosmic world, but a SOUND. And it can only be decomposed by sounding

the alternate, disharmonious tone...... These tones and sounds becomes

obvious and self-evident when entering the 4th Initiation of

Decrystallization-Crystallization, the the Initiation of manifesting why on

Earth, but cannot be revealed on these lists. Our politicians do have ENOUGH

weapons and toys in their posession which they certainly haven't shown the

maturity to handle, so I cannot, I'm not allowed, to mention these mystery

on these lists - these mystery of THE SIX SOUNDS IN ONE, profoundly

mentioned in the poem:


"Six stars of the Nothern Cross,

in mourning of their Sisters Loss,

in a final flash of glory,

nevermore to grace the night........"


When going back to the times of the Ancient Antlantis, we find 13 temples.

There were 13 different mystery schools or secret societes, dedicated to

each of the 12 planets and the Sun - in our solar system. These crucial

points and locations do have specific vibrations, a specific kind of aura

even today. The temple and the mystery school of planet Earth was located on

what's very near the present Long Island, New York. At that time the

inhabitans build huge towers, huge buildings, from where they spread sounds

around the world. And these incidents later became the fountainhead of the

parable of the Tower of Babel.


At that time, Atlantis was surrounded by a WARM stream of water, which we

experience today as a remniscence in the Golf stream. It went from south to

north through what's now the *Baffin Bay*, continued through *Greenland*,

and northwards before continuing eastwards. At that point, these stream

became COLD before entering southwards through the Ural area of the present

*Russia* and *Sibiria*, returning, touching the present *Carpates*, floating

into the present *Sahara*, into the present *Atlantic Ocean* again at what's

now is the *Bay of Biscaya* before beginning the circle anew.


There lies a deep, deep mystery hidden in these circulation between heath

and cold - combined with the science of sound on elementary particles near

Long Island, which no Initiate are aloud to reveal. That's all I'm allowed

to mention about these theme. Those who see will understand what I'm

refering to, but I cannot, I would not, I should not, reveal these things

further on any lists. It's my moral obligation.


However, I've said enough to contribute a bit to someone on these

lists......... Four days straight, I've been sitting in secret meetings,

confering with the people in charge of NATO's nuclear defence system -

people with security declarance 13 levels above the President of the United

States, those in charge with the *button*, in order to make an end for the

use of the secret services (CIA included) for criminal ends, and my main

goal, my main effort, in these modern soap opera of injustice, is to

reestablish jusctice in the western world. I know this is a side theme;

however, I just needed to explain that my physical acticity is more

stressfull than ever - even paid snipers tried to eliminate me before these

meeting earlier these month. We are a small group in Norway, growing larger

and larger - a group whose members have declared WAR against organized crime

and corruption in our justice system and the secret services. I have to be

careful, since at July the 18, one member of our group - which revealed

organized crime among state officials (number 15 on the list) was killed; on

December the 19th last year, orders was given from a central person within

our Norwegian Justice departement to murder several persons (children 2

months - 6 Years old, was among the persons on the list; i visited these

children and had them on my knees a few weeks ago), and the orders to kill

us was prevented due to an American Spy Satelite who downloaded and tape

recorded phone conversations which our justice system in Norway REJECTS to

reveal in an open court ! Corruption par excellence!


I'm sorry about getting too emotional. This is an answer in a hurry. I'm

extremly busy. However, this have been my main effort in the previous

months: Avoid war with my life at stake, and destroy the material power

structures who has functioned as a pure tyranny among the masses. Today, I

drove a person from the Czech Republic several kilometers southwards from

where I live, in a certain *mission*. My everyday life, in short, is nothing

to envy. It's the way of the warrior, the way of manifesting the spiritual

mission of why on Earth, despite the mockery, the resistance among those in

power. However, the biggest enemy of any warrior is the ego, and *the dark

night of the soul* begets rebirth of a new age. I do not wan't the next

generation to grow up into our present degenerated, corrupted culture as

integrated parts of the same soap opera.


This is my mission here and now, and the process of decrystallization and

crystallization is intimately connected to SOUND. It's connected to the

process of disintegrating the old in order to rebirth the new, the science

of using sounds for healing purposes - in these last minute part of our

traumatic age of transmutations.


And - when thinking about my everyday life, it's first and foremost a war

against the limits in my self in order to make these E-mail public. I know

these E-mail will cause reactions. But I do not have a choice. For several

years, I've felt like the person in these now so famous novel:


"Anyway, one time when she went to the ladies' room, way the hell down in

the other wing, D.B. asked me what I thought about all these stuff I just

finished telling you about. I didn't know what the hell to say. If you want

to know the truth, I don't KNOW what I think about it. I'm sorry I told so

many people about it. About all I know IS, I sort of MISS everybody I told

about. Even old Stradlater and Ackley, for instance. I think I even miss

that goddam Maurice. It's funny. Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you

do, you start MISSING everybody."


(D.J.Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye")



Blessings from Norway


>hi Magne,


>please explain a little more about what primordial sounds are... thanks...






>"Magne Aga" <magneaga

>> Moreover, I see primordial sounds as symptoms of a certain step during

>> meditation: First we experience inner colours, seen clairvoyantly;


>> we hear inner sounds; the third step is vibration - the body begins to

>> vibrate as a *levitation light*.






>Wish you had something rad to add to your email?

>We do at www.supersig.com.





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