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In a message dated 7/22/00 3:17:41 PM, fisher1 writes:

>...I happened to notice Vesta's very interesting position at this Full Moon

>eclipse and opposing Mars a little later. If Vesta is indeed a meaningful

>force in the planetary picture, then this might be significant... hard


>know how to state that without getting into some theory of energies etc....


Hi Dharma. Thanks for all the interesting astrology info. I confess that I

know next to nothing about even basic astrology, much less the influence

of asteroids ;-)


Would you have any recommendation for a source of information (book,

website, etc.) that could satisfy a little of my curiosity about astrology?


Thanks! Also, thanks to everyone who has written about the retreat. It

sounds like it was a wonderful time, and it gladdens my heart that it

went so well. Thanks, also, for the pictures. It is nice to see faces to

match with names.


I hope life is treating everyone kindly. Namaste, and take care-



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On Fri, 21 Jul 2000 19:25:58 Dharma wrote:

>But here's something else! The astrology computation programs usually give

>the positions for four big asteroids, which I don't use... don't pay much

>attention to them. But one of them, Vesta, was conjunct the Moon and Node

>at the eclipse. It's retrograde now... that is, its apparent motion is

>backward, and at noon GMT today it was at 230 3' Capricorn... just past

>opposition with Mars! Vesta and Mars in opposition on the eclipse points.



>No wonder I couldn't sleep and you saw the Full Moon >eclipse!


Could you explain closer why

this combination would give a high energy ?

What is Vesta, most ppl knows Mars represents active

energy ?


I don't know too much about astrology either.


Thanks in advance, Dharma.


I have also seen lots of falling stars and fire

works in sleep, but I believe this is "my own"

energy just acting up at night.

>The one coming up on the 31st looks like another whopper. It's a New Moon

>with Sun and Moon together at 80 Leo, with the cluster Praesepe and the two

>stars, the Aselli. The old star books, which tend to see everything as

>black or white, call that degree a degree of blindness and issue dire

>warnings about it. But I've found that degree... or the degrees opposite

>or square to it, about 80 of Scorpio, Aquarius, or Taurus... in the charts

>of many spiritually oriented people... and I think it's a degree

>associated with light in some way... light, insight, intuition,

>enlightenment, illumination...


And who says darkness cannot be light at the same time,

such as the void is filled with itself and not

empty yet at the same time is devoid of any

characteristic ? :)









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Hi Amanda,

>>But here's something else! The astrology computation programs usually give

>>the positions for four big asteroids, which I don't use... don't pay much

>>attention to them. But one of them, Vesta, was conjunct the Moon and Node

>>at the eclipse. It's retrograde now... that is, its apparent motion is

>>backward, and at noon GMT today it was at 230 3' Capricorn... just past

>>opposition with Mars! Vesta and Mars in opposition on the eclipse points.



>>No wonder I couldn't sleep and you saw the Full Moon >eclipse!


>Could you explain closer why

>this combination would give a high energy ?

>What is Vesta,


An ephemeris is a book that gives sidereal time, the positions of Sun,

Moon, planets, and Moon's Nodes, and various other facts, usually for once

a day, usually for either Greenwich (GMT) noon or Greenwich midnight. The

one I use is Neil F. Michelsen's _The American Ephermeris for the 20th

Century: 1900 to 2000 at Noon_. (Yes, I have to buy the next one fast! :))

This ephemeris gives positions for all the known planets plus Chiron...

Michelsen says:

>A MONTHLY POSITION is given for the recently discovered planetoid CHIRON,

>whose 51-year orbit around the Sun is between Saturn and Uranus.

>Suggested keywords for Chiron are teacher and healer, related to the sign

>of Sagittarius.


I also use an astrology program called Astrolog for computer calculations,

instead of doing them all "by hand," which used to be pretty

time-consuming. Astrolog gives the known planets and Chiron, and it also

gives four large asteroids that some people are using now: Ceres, Pallas,

Juno, and Vesta. It also gives the position of Lilith, which is supposed

to be a hidden planet on the other side of the Sun from the earth, I think.

(Don't ask me how its position is known. :)))


As I said, I haven't been using these four asteroids. I know nothing about

them, except that some people have been using them and apparently find

their movements meaningful. Once in a while, as I look at the list of

positions, I do notice something interesting in their positions... so

maybe one of these days, I'll look into them more.


I happened to notice Vesta's very interesting position at this Full Moon

eclipse and opposing Mars a little later. If Vesta is indeed a meaningful

force in the planetary picture, then this might be significant... hard to

know how to state that without getting into some theory of energies etc.


I'm sure you could find people who could tell you more about Vesta...

Jeanne Garner may use the asteroids. If she isn't still on K-list, I could

give you her email address privately.

>(most ppl knows Mars represents active

>energy ?


Yes, the physical, the male principle, aggression, active expression...

for instance, its position in a personal horoscope tells a lot about how a

person expresses physically or channels various energies into physical

expression. Its movement has been called "the action time-table," and it's

considered very important in prediction.


So just the movement of Mars over the eclipse point is very significant! :)

>I have also seen lots of falling stars and fire

>works in sleep, but I believe this is "my own"

>energy just acting up at night.


Sure, unless something seems especially symbolic. The language of dreams

and of the unconscious is symbolism.


Of course, your perception of something happening in the outer world could

also turn up in your dreams... and Alan Vaughn in _Prediction_ makes a

good case for precognitive knowledge in dreams. He thinks it's in

everyone's dreams, though it may be just one precognitive thing in a larger

dream... gives that "deja vu" experience when it actually happens. :)




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