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Buddhist discourse on happiness (long)

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>From the -Mahamangala Sutta (Suttanipata 1)


Discourse on Happiness


I heard these words of the Buddha one time when the Lord was

living in the vicinity of Shravasti at the Anathapindika mona-

stery in the Jeta Park. Late at night a deva appeared whose light

and beauty made the whole Jeta Grove shine radiantly. After

paying respects to the Buddha, the deva asked him a question in

the form of a verse:


"Many gods and men are eager to know

what are the greatest blessings

which can bring about a peaceful and happy life.

Please, Tathagata, will you teach us?"


(This is the Buddha's answer):

"Not to be associated with the foolish ones,

to live in the company of wise people

and to honor those who are worth honoring-

this is the greatest happiness.


"To live in a good environment,

to have planted good seeds

and to realize that you are on the right path-

this is the greatest happiness.


"To have a chance to learn,

and to be skillful in your profession or craft

and to know how to practice the precepts and loving speech-

this is the greatest happiness.


"To be able to support your parents,

to cherish your own family

and to have a job that you like-

this is the greatest happiness.


"To live correctly, to be generous in giving,

to be able to give support to relatives and friends

and to live a life of blameless conduct-

this is the greatest happiness.



Discourse on Happiness



"To avoid doing bad things,

to avoid being caught by alcoholism or drugs

and to be diligent in doing good things-

this is the greatest happiness.


"To be humble and polite,

to be grateful, and content with a simple life

and not to miss the occasion to learn the dharma

this is the greatest happiness.


"To persevere and be open to change,

to have regular contact with monks and nuns

and to participate in dharma discussions-

this is the greatest happiness.


"To live diligently and attentively,

to perceive the Noble Truths

and to realize Nirvana-

this is the greatest happiness.


"To live in the world,

with your heart undisturbed by the world,

with all sorrows ended, dwelling in peace,

this is the greatest happiness.


"He or she who accomplishes this

will remain unvanquished wherever she goes.

Always he will be safe and happy-

This is the greatest happiness."


-Mahamangala Sutta (Suttanipata 1)

(quoted from Peter Della Santina's Chico Dharma Study Group



Greg Goode (e-mail: goode)

Computer Support

Phone: 4-5723

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