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I find that much of my judging of self comes from my feelings.

As an empath, I pick up a lot of other people's stuff. It feels just like

it is mine, and I begin to judge myself for all these feelings of negativity

and blockages -- which bring up doubts, fears, and unacceptance of myself.

But many times, the feelings I am feeling are not mine at all! I'll grasp

on to the feeling and get into terrible judgement of myself. It can get

quite confusing at times, especially if another is feeling confused or

scattered! LOL Not to mention how doubtful and fearful I feel off and on

when I do grasp on to the feelings as mine, and go with judgement.


As I begin to accept that we are One and realize ''hey this feeling is not

mine!", the awareness allows me to release the thoughts/feelings (and my own

judgements of fear that may go along with them), not only from myself, but

many times from the other, since we are One. What used to be a gawd-awful

curse to me -- because of the judgements and unacceptance of these feelings I

took on as mine -- is beginning to be a beautiful blessing of healing as I

become more aware of my internal feelings. I find the judgements and

unacceptance of my own self comes from thinking that my feelings are my own

and that somehow we are NOT all connected.


To be in the company of wise, wonderful, and peaceful people is such a GREAT

feeling, because we ARE connected! No wonder the retreat felt so good to

everyone that attended!


I've found that what I cannot see, nor understand in another, many times is

actually their own blockages that have stopped me from seeing/understanding.

I would think it was my own blockage, and begin rolling with self-judgement!

As I began understanding this empathic-ness, I went through (even more)

judgements of having put the blame on another and making myself victim of

their crap, instead of accepting it as my stuff. Whoa, that felt bad. And

in a sense, I can see that this is what I do, and saying, in a sense -- I am

perfect and free of (these feelings), and you are not. (nah nah nah nah

nahhhh nahhhhh). But how free was I when I felt (and accepted!) everything

as my own? Knowing they are not mine and releasing them in myself alone,

does not release the other, nor myself permanently. I'll only pick it right

back up and eventually begin judging them and/or myself!


Recognizing we are One and surrendering them internally or externally,

unlocks the chains that have been binding both of us.


The feelings and blockages we pick up from others, we have the (un)natural

tendancy to feel as if they are ours alone. We begin feeling bad about

ourself, BECAUSE we are in judgement that our feelings are ours alone -- that

we are separate. To recognize our thoughts and feelings are not ours alone,

is a step towards letting go of judgement and surrendering our empathy --

which create the judgements -- for healing.


Years ago, I was sitting on the beach with the most peaceful and gentle

friend. We would sit in quiet for long periods of time, enjoying the

internal peace we felt from the beauty that surrounded us. A man was

walking along the beach, and as he passed us, he turned back around and

walked up to us. He thanked us over and over for the beautiful feelings he

felt as he walked by us. That was the first moment I realized that we are

not alone with our feelings.


Much Love,


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Nice, tg. Do you ever seem to pick up global feelings? Sometimes (living

out here in the country) I pick up feelings that seem to belong to the earth,

herself -- or sometimes feelings generated by the dance between the earth and

the sun. I'm beginning to believe feelings are everywhere in the cosmos and

our job is to become the most excellent, delicate receivers we can. Flesh

radios! Holly

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, Hbarrett47@a... wrote:

> Nice, tg. Do you ever seem to pick up global feelings? Sometimes


> out here in the country) I pick up feelings that seem to belong to

the earth,

> herself -- or sometimes feelings generated by the dance between the

earth and

> the sun. I'm beginning to believe feelings are everywhere in the

cosmos and

> our job is to become the most excellent, delicate receivers we can.


> radios! Holly


Yes, thanks tg. You, too, Holly.


I have had the pleasure of being a human radio as well. Actually,

it happens a lot! I do not know if it is our 'job' or not. But it

is a powerful piece of work!




Peace - Michael

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