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RE: Faith

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>>Dear Rainbo,


>> I'm now thinking that my "problem" is about faith. I need an experience

>> that will give me a faith, for my faith is my truth. We just could live

>> according to our level of understanding. What do you say about that?

>> Thanks for your understanding and insightful idea.


>> With Love & Light,

>> Nasir

>Dear Nasir,


>Here is a try at writing on a rather difficult subject to define (for me).

> Faith is a grace. Faith is trusting that I give Divine this piece of my

>life and Divine will work it out. Then I give another piece of my life. Or,

>I develop Faith and pray that it grows. I once had three experiences where

>i *knew* in a row, very beautiful, mystical, and you would think that would

>be it. Other experiences, other times, yet still.. sigh.


>And, honestly, had the children not done that, I would even doubt I had

>the experience. I'm turning red just to write this, but it's true. An


>Jesus Christ, said, "with faith the size of a mustard seed, we could move

>mountains." <snip>


Lovely post, Annette. Thank you.


Nasir, I see doubt (i.e., lack of faith) as part of the journey, at least my

own journey. At times I have doubted the existence of something greater

than myself, and I frequently doubt myself (and my own divinity). At times

such as these, I try to remember that "the obstacle is the path," and if I


to "act as if" (by continuing meditation, prayer, etc.) the universe seems to

meet me halfway to help restore some faith.


It also helps me to remember that most all people have periods of doubt.

Even the avatar mentioned above (Jesus Christ) is reported to have said,

"Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?"


This also brings to mind a passage from the book "The Invitation" by Oriah

Mountain Dreamer:


"Tell me, can you love life and let love find you when you are lost? What

sustains you, what helps you sit without hope and wait, opening your heart to

love when you have no faith that love exists? My (spiritual) practices are

simply ways of picking up my end of the thread that links me to love and

life, even when I have no hope or faith that the other end of the thread is

connected. And every time -- every single time -- love finds me, sometimes

in the impossible relief of experiencing once again the deep knowing that I

am held, sometimes in the shiver of sweet ecstasy as I unexpectedly kiss the

face of the Mystery, and sometimes in the warmth of being touched deeply by

the words and actions of the people who reach out for me. It may take a

moment or what feels like forever, but I am found and I can receive the touch

of Spirit, of the world, of others -- the touch that brings me back to life

and hope."



Take care, Nasir, and be peaceful-



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Dear Sister Annette,


What a beautiful story, thanks for your kindness to share it with me.

Seems like God has given you a seed, and now it become a big tree where you

could take shelter. I feel your grace, just like rainbow colouring the

sky...what a beautiful gift I got from you.

I understand that your experiences are not mine, but reading your

stories/experiences is really a great experience of mine.

God bless you...


With Love & Light,



> ----------

> Rainbolily[sMTP:Rainbolily]

> Wednesday, August 23, 2000 7:35 AM


> Faith


> In a message dated 08/22/2000 9:01:24 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

> writes:


> << Dear Rainbo,


> I'm now thinking that my "problem" is about faith. I need an experience

> that will give me a faith, for my faith is my truth. We just could live

> according to our level of understanding. What do you say about that?

> Thanks for your understanding and insightful idea.


> With Love & Light,

> Nasir >>


> Dear Nasir,


> Here is a try at writing on a rather difficult subject to define (for me).


> Faith is a grace. Faith is trusting that I give Divine this piece of my

> life

> and Divine will work it out. Then I give another piece of my life. Or, I


> develop Faith and pray that it grows. I once had three experiences where

> i

> *knew* in a row, very beautiful, mystical, and you would think that would

> be

> it. Other experiences, other times, yet still.. sigh.


> Still I can doubt. I was very lucky in the last experience I slipped into


> mystic sight, and *saw* love all around me. I dropped my son off at

> nursery

> school, this is about five years ago, and all the children came and threw

> their arms about me.


> And, honestly, had the children not done that, I would even doubt I had

> the

> experience. I'm turning red just to write this, but it's true. An

> avatar,

> Jesus Christ, said, "with faith the size of a mustard seed, we could move

> mountains."


> Often, I know. And, sometimes, I simply doubt. When I doubt, I think my

> fear is greater than my love. Then I pray. For a long time, I've just

> meditated. I've slowed on the meditation and just live, but

> interestingly, I

> pray alot for people, events, to let go of any unhealed issues with anyone

> in

> my life, to ask God, as Antoine describes a sense, " to be the Dragon, to

> eat

> the air," something I've thought alot about lately.


> In one sense, I am extremely lucky in that I have never in my life

> questioned

> the existence of Divine. On the other hand, how much faith I have is a

> completely different issue <g>. Very difficult to write on this, sorry,

> here

> is a try.


> Let me know what your own experiences are and anyone and everyone else...

> as

> I'm in digest mode, there may be already 20 responses <g> i don't know...


> L*L*L

> Annette




> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

> It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

> all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

> the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your

> subscription

> between digest and normal mode.





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Dear Brother Mike and All,


It's my luck having you here. Your way of thinking and seeing a matter is

so amazing, wiseful and so clear.

Seeing and analyzing a thing or problem with many points of view is really

help to see that thing or problem as IT IS. Sometime, it's quite difficult

for me to see thing more than 2 points of view, so the way of your thinking

and others are really helped me.

Thanks Mike, Annette and Michael for your insightful writing on Faith,

thanks Harshaji for the space for me in this list, and to all of you here...

I enjoy the conversation very much...

God bless you all...





> Nasir, I see doubt (i.e., lack of faith) as part of the journey, at least

> my

> own journey. At times I have doubted the existence of something greater

> than myself, and I frequently doubt myself (and my own divinity). At

> times

> such as these, I try to remember that "the obstacle is the path," and if I


> try

> to "act as if" (by continuing meditation, prayer, etc.) the universe seems

> to

> meet me halfway to help restore some faith.


> It also helps me to remember that most all people have periods of doubt.

> Even the avatar mentioned above (Jesus Christ) is reported to have said,

> "Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?"


> This also brings to mind a passage from the book "The Invitation" by Oriah


> Mountain Dreamer:


> "Tell me, can you love life and let love find you when you are lost? What


> sustains you, what helps you sit without hope and wait, opening your heart

> to

> love when you have no faith that love exists? My (spiritual) practices

> are

> simply ways of picking up my end of the thread that links me to love and

> life, even when I have no hope or faith that the other end of the thread

> is

> connected. And every time -- every single time -- love finds me,

> sometimes

> in the impossible relief of experiencing once again the deep knowing that

> I

> am held, sometimes in the shiver of sweet ecstasy as I unexpectedly kiss

> the

> face of the Mystery, and sometimes in the warmth of being touched deeply

> by

> the words and actions of the people who reach out for me. It may take a

> moment or what feels like forever, but I am found and I can receive the

> touch

> of Spirit, of the world, of others -- the touch that brings me back to

> life

> and hope."



> Take care, Nasir, and be peaceful-


> Mike



> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

> subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

> different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

> nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

> It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

> Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

> Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

> all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

> the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your

> subscription

> between digest and normal mode.





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