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Joining the online world again :)

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Hello All,


I'm here in our new home in a mountain canyon near LA, and it's wild and



On my trip from San Antonio, I found such heat that I began driving only at

night, and it was New Moon time, so I didn't see much. But as I came

across New Mexico and into Arizona, I drove through a huge electrical

storm. As I got nearer to it, I began to feel rotten and then really

sick... didn't know what was wrong. Then as I came right under it, I

began to feel wonderful! So much energy... I was completely charged up

and didn't stop for a rest at all that night! I should go back and read

Matt's references about electro-magnetic activity... I want to know more

about that... it certainly is powerful, one way or another!


This is the most beautiful country... it's a desert, they say. The palm

trees were imported from Hawaii not so long ago, and water from the

Colorado River makes the desert bloom. But I can tell it's a desert... I

thought this close to the ocean, my hair would be frizzy curly, and it's



The whole coast line has been crumpled up, and there's a series of canyons

between mountains. Not like anything I've seen before... It's

breath-taking, driving down the canyon in the morning with the steep

mountains on both sides and mist in the valley between.


The houses are nestled here and there... ours is at the bottom of a steep

hill, and the view out one side is just the hillside. Across the road from

us is a man with a one-room house and a jacuzzi outside... a California

bachelor apartment, Matt says. :) Next to him is a house that "just

grew"... one room at a time. Odd but typical here, Matt says... I

haven't seen the inside yet. Going out the road, the next neighbor is a

potter with an outside workspace and kiln... then there's Henry the

horse.... The dirt road is up and down... very steep in places. I

arrived in the midle of the night and thought I was in Wonderland...

couldn't believe I was supposed to drive down THAT dirt path or up THAT

incredible hill! :))


The movers were delayed... the driver had a death in the family and just

left the truck somewhere... my things were air-freighted in to a local

company, who then couldn't find the paperwork... Finally they came out

with the van and a small truck and shuttled my stuff in over the wild road

a bit at a time.


I finally got the kitchen and dining-room things unpacked, but our lovely

house has no closets except in Emily's room... so the living room is still

full of a huge pile of boxes. We bought a little outdoor storage shed, and

as Matt finds time on the weekends, he'll put that up, and then build us a

big bedroom closet and bookshelves... and then everything will get put

away. :)


The house is certainly in a powerful location... at first I didn't feel

like doing anything. Thought it was the after-effects of the trip... or

the effect of a new climate... but Matt says it always has affected him

that way. You just want to sit still and smile and enjoy the energy!


Inside it are specific power spots... where Matt's white couch is, must be

one. I can't lie down there without the K. starting up right away... and

even sitting there causes it to start up pretty soon.


My son lives near here - down in Santa Monica, where Matt works - and it's

wonderful to be seeing Dave again!


Matt's daughter, Emily, will be starting college soon in Santa Monica.

Today I have to drive her to a job interview, if my car is still holding

up! It's giving out fearful clanks on these steep hills coming in the dirt

path... the man at the garage couldn't find anything wrong, but it's still



I'm sorry to have been away for so long, but glad to be joining my on-line

friends again!




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Dharma <deva

; < >

Thursday, August 24, 2000 8:15 AM

Joining the online world again :)



Hello All,


I'm here in our new home in a mountain canyon near LA, and it's wild and





Welcome back!!!! Wowee zowee!! Such adventures..at your age or any age!! Now you


making me a bit nostalgic for CA, please don't talk about your great weather.


You know, now that you mention it, there may be a reason I always got a high


thunderstorms. Settle in, Harsha will be back soon.




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