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On Sun, 27 Aug 2000 01:43:57 Rainbolily wrote:

>I think we manifest much more than we believe we do, our lives and experiences

>as we grow older and grow out of "thought patterns" perhaps even to our

>bone structure... should we know it is fine to be beautiful, than indeed we

>are... we manifest this reality..*g* ?



at least a freeing of emotional or otherwise energy of the cells of the physical

body as emotional armor is shed on the spiritual path, solving neuroses stuck in

the physical body giving /life/ more free flow through the body, must have a

rejuvenating effect...


I stopped ageing some time ago and nicks and scratches heal very quickly.

No stranger believes me when I tell them my age, they refuse to think I'm older

than 20.

:) Some day a group of ppl will come to my door holding torches, hay forks,

muskets and spades shouting: "Get the witch, get the witch ! She came here 20

years ago and hasn't aged since !"

Good thing I move once a year so no one can keep up with me. :)





Amanda. (<-- Witch)






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Dear mumble cat,


I'm sorry, I didn't catch it. where do you live?


Love, Mark

(My favorite Monty Python sketch is the witch trial in Monty Python and

the Holy Grail. Have you seen it? "Throw her into the bog!") I do

that to poor Mary whenever we are near water of any form (puddles,

streams, rivers, Ocean, glasses of water... She puts up with so much. I

like her. I like you too. But if I tell you that I love you, don't test

my love, accept my love...'cause maybe I don't love you all that much...

(Dan Bern))


okay, here it is - Jerusalem by Dan Bern:




When I tell you that I love you

Don't test my love

Accept my love don't test my love

Cause maybe I don't love you all that much


Don't ask what kind of music I'm gonna play tonight

just stay awhile hear for yourself awhile

and if you must put me in a box

make sure it's a big box

with lots of windows

and a door to walk through

and a nice high chimney

So we can burn burn burn

Everything that we don't like

And watch the ashes fly up to Heaven

Maybe all the way to India

I'd like that


All the ancient kings came to my door

They said do you want to be an ancient king too

I said oh yes very much

But I think my timings wrong

They said time is relative

Or did you misread Einstein

I said do you really mean it

They said what do you think we come here for

Our g**damn health or something?


Everybody's waiting for the messiah

The Jews are waiting

The Christians are waiting

Oh so are the Muslims

It's like everybody's waiting

They been waiting a long time

I know how I hate to wait

Like even for a bus or something

An important phone call

So I can imagine how darned impatient

Everyone must be getting


So I thnk it's time now

Time to reveal myself

I am the Messiah

I am the Messiah


Yes I think you heard me right

I am the Messiah

I was gonna wait till next year

Build up the suspense a little

Make it a really big surprise

But I could not resist

It's like when you got a really big secret

You're just bursting to tell someone

It was kinda like that with this

And now that I've told you

I feel this great weight lifted

Dr. Nusbaum was right

He's my therapist

He said get it out in the open


I spent ten whole days in Jerusalem

Mmmm Jerusalem sweet Jerusalem

And all I ate was olives

Nothing but olives

Mountains of olives

It was a good ten days

I like olives

I like you too


So When I tell you that I love you

Don't test my love

Accept my love don't test my love

Cause maybe I don't love you all that much



be well folks.



mumble cat wrote:


> On Sun, 27 Aug 2000 01:43:57 Rainbolily wrote:


> >I think we manifest much more than we believe we do, our lives and

> experiences

> >as we grow older and grow out of "thought patterns" perhaps even to

> our

> >bone structure... should we know it is fine to be beautiful, than

> indeed we

> >are... we manifest this reality..*g* ?


> Hmmmm....

> at least a freeing of emotional or otherwise energy of the cells of

> the physical body as emotional armor is shed on the spiritual path,

> solving neuroses stuck in the physical body giving /life/ more free

> flow through the body, must have a rejuvenating effect...


> I stopped ageing some time ago and nicks and scratches heal very

> quickly.

> No stranger believes me when I tell them my age, they refuse to think

> I'm older than 20.

> :) Some day a group of ppl will come to my door holding torches, hay

> forks, muskets and spades shouting: "Get the witch, get the witch !

> She came here 20 years ago and hasn't aged since !"

> Good thing I move once a year so no one can keep up with me. :)



> Love,


> Amanda. (<-- Witch)





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