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Song of Kabir

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This is a song of Kabir, followed by commentary (not sure who the commentator

is, probably Jagdish Das Shastri), from the Kabir Association of Canada









O Saints! If I speak the truth who will believe me? In the world lies

appear to become the truth; The precious, flawless, and priceless jewel

is shining, but there is no buyer and no owner; This priceless jewel

is shining in all directions and it's brilliance spreads everywhere;

When Sat Guru showered his grace on me, I was able to see the invisible

and attributeless God; In sahaj samadhi (easy union) enlightenment dawned,

and easily I found union with God; Now, wherever I look there I see Him,

as my gem-like mind has pierced (seen) the perfect diamond; You can obtain

the Eternal Essence from the Sat Guru; this is the advice of Kabir.




The essence of spiritual teaching and practice is to realize Divinity

within. The soul is spoken of a being a precious diamond which is beyond

price, and is flawless. This precious diamond does not really have a

buyer and it has no owner. This is so because nobody can sell or buy

the soul, and the soul has no owner because the soul is the gift from

God, and it accepts a physical body in order to live in a material world.

God is also not the owner of the soul because the soul itself is a part

and parcel of God. So, in a spiritual or mystical sense, the soul does

not belong to God but the soul is a manifestation of God himself. This

type of truth is hardly taught in the various religions of the world.

So Guru Kabir asks the question that who will believe him if he speaks

what he knows to be Truth or the Reality. He has observed, as we continue

to observe, that in the world, a great deal of falsehood is passed on

to be the truth. People often gullibly accept all the false paraphernalia

of religion to be the Truth and the Essence. They literally become bogged

down with the practice of religion, but do not arrive at the realization

or knowledge of this peerless Essence of God dwelling within.


Guru Kabir is saying that the brilliance of this Eternal Divine Light

that is within is shining in all directions and it spreads everywhere.

God is not hidden in any corner of the world, but is manifested everywhere.

That is why He is said to be Omnipresent. It is the lack of spiritual

vision on our part that causes us not to see God. In one of his bhajans

Guru Kabir said that "with open eyes, I joyously behold the beautiful

form of God everywhere". He wants us to have the same experience. But

as long as we accept as truth the teachings going around, then we will

not have that realization.


He states that with the grace of the Sat Guru he was able to see the

invisible Lord who is beyond all qualities or attributes. How many of

us can understand such Divinity? God truly has no qualities, but we ascribe

qualities to him. God is neither male, nor female, nor neuter gender.

God is neither good nor bad; He is beyond the dualities of the material

world. God is the power that "just is". How can we realize such a being?

Guru Kabir states that in an easy way he gained unity with this Being

(God) and he became enlightened. Now he states that wherever he looked

he saw this Divinity. His mind was pure as a gem, and it was able to

pierce the priceless diamond of God that dwells within as the soul. He

advises us that we can also obtain this eternal essence if we follow

the teachings given by Sat Guru.


The lesson here is that we must seek the Reality through purity of the

heart, and not to accept all the falsehood perpetrated in the name of








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