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I have been enjoying reading this book "The Science of Enlightenment" by

Nitin Trasi that I know to be a member of the Advaita list and maybe this

one as well.


Here is a quote from it.


"The Paradox of Spiritual Effort


Why is the `succes rate` of any and all of the spiritual techniques so

abysmally low in practice (in spite of claims of the contrary by their

respective adherents)?


Most people presume that this is because the techniques themselves are too

difficult, or that the entire subject too abstruse, and quite beyond an

average person's abilities - both physical and intellectual. But this is

not so. The cause is much more basic, more fundamental than that.


Actually it is not very surprising that Enlightenment should occur so

rarely. Enlightenment, it has already been explained, is the actual

percepttion or realisation (not belief or mere intellectual understanding)

that one is not separate entity. Therefore, the very persuit of this as a

goal to be 'attained' by 'me' will be counter-productive, because the very

effort will reinforce the conviction in the existence of a 'me' as separate

entity. As this is the exact opposite of the result desired, the aspirant

wil be moving around in circles.




In fact, (though the average seeker may not see this), the very idea that a

'method' or 'technique' is required for Enlightenment, reveals a deep

ignorance of what Enlightement is all about. Most people fail to realise

that Enlightenment is simply the _understanding_ of the situation, and not

a physical, mental or intellectual feat or achievement. (And Liberation is

the automatic, natural result of Enlightenment.) And thus it is that the

seeker makes a very fundamental error right at the point where he begins

the search - he begins with the presumption that he his a separate entity -

and the battle is lost before it is even begun!


For as long as it is the entity which wishes to eliminate itself, it

cannot. And as long as there is any 'wishing' or any question of

'achievement', the entity is involved, and there can be no 'success' in the

endeavour. By no amount of mental gymnastics or contortionism can the

entity acieve its own dissolution.


It is only when there is a totally different type of seing or perception,

when there is no 'wish' to change, when there remains no question of

'achievement' or 'success', that it is seen very clearly that _there really

never was an entity ever_."



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Thanks for the quote: many good morsel's to taste. And, thank you for

sending on a good read. Smiles, Robert

Antoine Carré

[carrea (AT) videotron (DOT) ca]Monday, August 28, 2000 12:10 PMTo:

Subject: ReadingsI have

been enjoying reading this book "The Science of Enlightenment"

byNitin Trasi that I know to be a member of the Advaita list and

maybe thisone as well.Here is a quote from it."The Paradox of

Spiritual EffortWhy is the `succes rate` of any and all of the

spiritual techniques soabysmally low in practice (in spite of claims

of the contrary by theirrespective adherents)?Most people presume

that this is because the techniques themselves are toodifficult, or

that the entire subject too abstruse, and quite beyond anaverage

person's abilities - both physical and intellectual. But this isnot

so. The cause is much more basic, more fundamental than that.Actually

it is not very surprising that Enlightenment should occur sorarely.

Enlightenment, it has already been explained, is the

actualpercepttion or realisation (not belief or mere intellectual

understanding)that one is not separate entity. Therefore, the very

persuit of this as agoal to be 'attained' by 'me' will be

counter-productive, because the veryeffort will reinforce the

conviction in the existence of a 'me' as separateentity. As this is

the exact opposite of the result desired, the aspirantwil be moving

around in circles.(...)In fact, (though the average seeker may not

see this), the very idea that a'method' or 'technique' is required

for Enlightenment, reveals a deepignorance of what Enlightement is

all about. Most people fail to realisethat Enlightenment is simply

the _understanding_ of the situation, and nota physical, mental or

intellectual feat or achievement. (And Liberation isthe automatic,

natural result of Enlightenment.) And thus it is that theseeker makes

a very fundamental error right at the point where he beginsthe search

- he begins with the presumption that he his a separate entity -and

the battle is lost before it is even begun!For as long as it is the

entity which wishes to eliminate itself, itcannot. And as long as

there is any 'wishing' or any question of'achievement', the entity is

involved, and there can be no 'success' in theendeavour. By no amount

of mental gymnastics or contortionism can theentity acieve its own

dissolution.It is only when there is a totally different type of

seing or perception,when there is no 'wish' to change, when there

remains no question of'achievement' or 'success', that it is seen

very clearly that _there reallynever was an entity

ever_."Antoine// All

paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

subside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of

the nature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always

Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart

to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It

Self. Welcome all to a.To from this list,

go to the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on the

left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.

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In a message dated 8/29/00 1:42:29 PM, truthlovepeace writes:




~~~~~Persuit is not spelled correctly.



Antoine is writing in a foreign language, and most of us are typo fluent,

when Americans do this, it makes me nuts, how many languages do most of us

speak? We are in many cases so arrogant, we think the rest of the world

should learn our language.


So, how many languages do you speak?


Your letter is abusive in the extreme, if you have something worthwhile to

contribute, we are all ears. If you have only criticism to offer, may I

suggest you take it elsewhere?


Wisdom and Insight are always welcome. Useless negativity is not. My

intuition is that you are in alot of pain, and do not know how to express

yourself without rage. See if you can write about your pain and you will

find much compassion and wisdom in people on this list.


Anna Maria van der Zon

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In a message dated 8/28/00 10:20:54 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

carrea writes:



Why is the `succes rate` of any and all of the spiritual techniques so

abysmally low in practice (in spite of claims of the contrary by their

respective adherents)?


Most people presume that this is because the techniques themselves are too

difficult, or that the entire subject too abstruse, and quite beyond an

average person's abilities - both physical and intellectual. But this is

not so. The cause is much more basic, more fundamental than that.


Actually it is not very surprising that Enlightenment should occur so

rarely. Enlightenment, it has already been explained, is the actual

percepttion or realisation (not belief or mere intellectual understanding)

that one is not separate entity. Therefore, the very persuit of this as a

goal to be 'attained' by 'me' will be counter-productive, because the very

effort will reinforce the conviction in the existence of a 'me' as separate

entity. As this is the exact opposite of the result desired, the aspirant

wil be moving around in circles.




In fact, (though the average seeker may not see this), the very idea that a

'method' or 'technique' is required for Enlightenment, reveals a deep

ignorance of what Enlightement is all about. Most people fail to realise

that Enlightenment is simply the _understanding_ of the situation, and not

a physical, mental or intellectual feat or achievement. (And Liberation is

the automatic, natural result of Enlightenment.) And thus it is that the

seeker makes a very fundamental error right at the point where he begins

the search - he begins with the presumption that he his a separate entity -

and the battle is lost before it is even begun!



Hi Antoine-ji,

l'm a little reluctant to express my feelings on the above point of

view -- both because l'm not even sure what enlightenment is, and because l

don't want to appear to be supporting the abusive remarks by *truthpeacelove*


l don't feel that using a method to become

enlightened is ultimately inconsistent with the essence of enlightenment,

altho l would concede an apparent contradiction. lt seems to me that it's

understood that one comes to a point when one realizes that one must go

beyond the method; that the method is more for the purpose of preparation of

the aspirant for that moment -- a moment at which realization or grace or

whatever occurs.


So l think what l'm saying is that the method is both used and abandoned at

the appropriate time. Does the typical seeker begin the journey with all

sorts of misconceptions? Undoubtedly. Do his/her efforts reinforce the sense

of separateness rather than dissolve it? Probably so, along the way, but alot

of good things are happening at the same time -- things such as quieting the

mind, opening the heart, gaining more insight and making the aspirant

receptive to higher truths. And if the commitment is there, with grace,

realization can occur.

An approach which emphasizes that

enlightenment is simply a matter of understanding has its downsides too, such

as fostering rationalization, over-intellectualization and mental

masturbation. Of course, no one on this list has succumbed to this, but just

thought l'd point that out! :)))




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In a message dated 08/29/2000 4:42:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

truthlovepeace writes:



Obviously, my technique is too subtle and I extend apologies for any

hurt feelings. Next time, I will be more politically correct. :-).

Maybe I will just sign off. Thanks for your comments.


If that's "subtle" then I fear for your sensibilities.

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, Rainbolily@a... wrote:


> In a message dated 8/29/00 1:42:29 PM, truthlovepeace@h... writes:


> <<


> ~~~~~Persuit is not spelled correctly.


> >>


> Antoine is writing in a foreign language, and most of us are typo


> when Americans do this, it makes me nuts, how many languages do

most of us

> speak? We are in many cases so arrogant, we think the rest of the


> should learn our language.


> So, how many languages do you speak?


> Your letter is abusive in the extreme, if you have something

worthwhile to

> contribute, we are all ears. If you have only criticism to offer,

may I

> suggest you take it elsewhere?


> Wisdom and Insight are always welcome. Useless negativity is not.


> intuition is that you are in alot of pain, and do not know how to


> yourself without rage. See if you can write about your pain and

you will

> find much compassion and wisdom in people on this list.


> Anna Maria van der Zon


Thank you Anna Maria van der zon :-). We are all in pain actually.

This is what Buddha thought anyway. You have taken everything I said

out of context.


My understanding was that Antoine was quoting someone else. My

comments were directed at the content of the quote and not at Antoine.


Frankly, I have nothing against spelling errors at all. However,

since the author being quoted by Antoine was speaking against the so

called "persuit" of the speaker, I simply pointed out that he did not

understand the true nature of the "pursuit" and hence the spelling



Obviously, my technique is too subtle and I extend apologies for any

hurt feelings. Next time, I will be more politically correct. :-).

Maybe I will just sign off. Thanks for your comments.


Love light and laughter



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Dear Truthlovepeace,


We have a policy on HarshaSatsang that whenever Anna Maria van der Zon

yells at someone, that someone has to send $1.00 to Mark for his boat

fund. (Don't think of it as a punishment, think of it as a chance to

make Mark float away...)


Harsha, I do have this correct, don't I? (that this is an original

policy in effect for years now...gosh if it hasn't, it should have

been.) Maybe we can make up for lost time by making it $2.00. Feel free

to yell at Harsha, Anna. He owes me big time.


Love, Mark


truthlovepeace wrote:



> , Rainbolily@a... wrote:

> >

> > In a message dated 8/29/00 1:42:29 PM, truthlovepeace@h... writes:

> >

> > <<

> >

> > ~~~~~Persuit is not spelled correctly.

> >

> > >>

> >

> > Antoine is writing in a foreign language, and most of us are typo

> fluent,

> > when Americans do this, it makes me nuts, how many languages do

> most of us

> > speak? We are in many cases so arrogant, we think the rest of the

> world

> > should learn our language.

> >

> > So, how many languages do you speak?

> >

> > Your letter is abusive in the extreme, if you have something

> worthwhile to

> > contribute, we are all ears. If you have only criticism to offer,

> may I

> > suggest you take it elsewhere?

> >

> > Wisdom and Insight are always welcome. Useless negativity is not.

> My

> > intuition is that you are in alot of pain, and do not know how to

> express

> > yourself without rage. See if you can write about your pain and

> you will

> > find much compassion and wisdom in people on this list.

> >

> > Anna Maria van der Zon


> Thank you Anna Maria van der zon :-). We are all in pain actually.

> This is what Buddha thought anyway. You have taken everything I said

> out of context.


> My understanding was that Antoine was quoting someone else. My

> comments were directed at the content of the quote and not at Antoine.


> Frankly, I have nothing against spelling errors at all. However,

> since the author being quoted by Antoine was speaking against the so

> called "persuit" of the speaker, I simply pointed out that he did not

> understand the true nature of the "pursuit" and hence the spelling

> error.


> Obviously, my technique is too subtle and I extend apologies for any

> hurt feelings. Next time, I will be more politically correct. :-).

> Maybe I will just sign off. Thanks for your comments.


> Love light and laughter





> //


(I leave the link here so that more people can join the fund to buy Mark

a boat...)

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Dear Mark,


In keeping with said policy: sub-clause A, Section 32 most clearly states

that these monies are to be spent in improving the self-flagelation

characteristics of the permanent-entity ass-kicking machine. You obviously

intend to contribute to this endeavor rather than that mundanity "The Mark

Otter Boat Fund". If Harsha were on line at this time he would certainly

indicate the correct course of action to follow. I certainly hope that

there are no legal ramifications that would interfere with carrying forward

this policy as amended. $2.00 is certainly apropos for a work of this



Yours in the obfuscation of reality,





Quoting Mark Otter <mark.otter:


Dear Truthlovepeace,


We have a policy on HarshaSatsang that whenever Anna Maria van der Zon

yells at someone, that someone has to send $1.00 to Mark for his boat

fund. (Don't think of it as a punishment, think of it as a chance to

make Mark float away...)


Harsha, I do have this correct, don't I? (that this is an original

policy in effect for years now...gosh if it hasn't, it should have

been.) Maybe we can make up for lost time by making it $2.00. Feel free

to yell at Harsha, Anna. He owes me big time.


Love, Mark


truthlovepeace wrote:



> , Rainbolily@a... wrote:

> >

> > In a message dated 8/29/00 1:42:29 PM, truthlovepeace@h... writes:

> >

> > <<

> >

> > ~~~~~Persuit is not spelled correctly.

> >

> > >>

> >

> > Antoine is writing in a foreign language, and most of us are typo

> fluent,

> > when Americans do this, it makes me nuts, how many languages do

> most of us

> > speak? We are in many cases so arrogant, we think the rest of the

> world

> > should learn our language.

> >

> > So, how many languages do you speak?

> >

> > Your letter is abusive in the extreme, if you have something

> worthwhile to

> > contribute, we are all ears. If you have only criticism to offer,

> may I

> > suggest you take it elsewhere?

> >

> > Wisdom and Insight are always welcome. Useless negativity is not.

> My

> > intuition is that you are in alot of pain, and do not know how to

> express

> > yourself without rage. See if you can write about your pain and

> you will

> > find much compassion and wisdom in people on this list.

> >

> > Anna Maria van der Zon


> Thank you Anna Maria van der zon :-). We are all in pain actually.

> This is what Buddha thought anyway. You have taken everything I said

> out of context.


> My understanding was that Antoine was quoting someone else. My

> comments were directed at the content of the quote and not at Antoine.


> Frankly, I have nothing against spelling errors at all. However,

> since the author being quoted by Antoine was speaking against the so

> called "persuit" of the speaker, I simply pointed out that he did not

> understand the true nature of the "pursuit" and hence the spelling

> error.


> Obviously, my technique is too subtle and I extend apologies for any

> hurt feelings. Next time, I will be more politically correct. :-).

> Maybe I will just sign off. Thanks for your comments.


> Love light and laughter




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Dear Victor,


well... uh... I was gonna get a pretty ass-kicking boat... and I

probably would capsize it right away like my Dad and I did with the

Force 5 he bought... Maybe I shouldn't bring that up just now. Anna

might yell at me. Anyway, we brought it up right away, after it

happened, but we had to unhook the sail to do so, and then we couldn't

get it reconnected, so we had to be towed back home by a guy and his two

small kids in a canoe. I think I'll just stay on land from now on.

carry on folks.


Love, Mark

ps "obfuscation" - is that a polite word? I think I heard the big kids

using it recently. I gotta go now, my Mom's looking for me.


Victor Torrico wrote:

> Dear Mark,


> In keeping with said policy: sub-clause A, Section 32 most clearly

> states

> that these monies are to be spent in improving the self-flagelation

> characteristics of the permanent-entity ass-kicking machine. You

> obviously

> intend to contribute to this endeavor rather than that mundanity "The

> Mark

> Otter Boat Fund". If Harsha were on line at this time he would

> certainly

> indicate the correct course of action to follow. I certainly hope

> that

> there are no legal ramifications that would interfere with carrying

> forward

> this policy as amended. $2.00 is certainly apropos for a work of this


> magnitude.


> Yours in the obfuscation of reality,


> VictoriO



> Quoting Mark Otter <mark.otter:


> Dear Truthlovepeace,


> We have a policy on HarshaSatsang that whenever Anna Maria van der

> Zon

> yells at someone, that someone has to send $1.00 to Mark for his boat

> fund. (Don't think of it as a punishment, think of it as a chance to

> make Mark float away...)


> Harsha, I do have this correct, don't I? (that this is an original

> policy in effect for years now...gosh if it hasn't, it should have

> been.) Maybe we can make up for lost time by making it $2.00. Feel

> free

> to yell at Harsha, Anna. He owes me big time.


> Love, Mark


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On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Mark Otter wrote:


> Love, Mark

> ps "obfuscation" - is that a polite word? I think I heard the big kids

> using it recently. I gotta go now, my Mom's looking for me.


the problem with obfuscation is that it is rather hard to get one's mouth

around the word and say it without a dilemma of confusion of pronuciation.


Hard to write due to its difficult spelling as well.


obscure hard to say word. You know, i'd say it is NOT a polite word at

all. Why that word, that horrible word, is downright MEAN. Unlike say, the

word Mayonaise. Now that is a friendly lovely word. Pretty pronuciation,

slightly difficult spelling, but recogonizable to those of us who speak



Totally unlike obfuscation.


Goes well also on sandwiches, mayonaise does. Shy word, will not tell me

if it needs 2 s's or not.


Would you not agree?



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Hi Mark,


In my recent email, kindly change the word obfuscation to pecuiliarization.

This is more in keeping with my intent.


Yours in the Katzenjammer Kids,




PS: Rollo, the Captain, and the Inspector send their regards. They

thoroughly are into the use of the word obfuscation.



Quoting Mark Otter <mark.otter:


Dear Victor,


well... uh... I was gonna get a pretty ass-kicking boat... and I

probably would capsize it right away like my Dad and I did with the

Force 5 he bought... Maybe I shouldn't bring that up just now. Anna

might yell at me. Anyway, we brought it up right away, after it

happened, but we had to unhook the sail to do so, and then we couldn't

get it reconnected, so we had to be towed back home by a guy and his two

small kids in a canoe. I think I'll just stay on land from now on.

carry on folks.


Love, Mark

ps "obfuscation" - is that a polite word? I think I heard the big kids

using it recently. I gotta go now, my Mom's looking for me.


Victor Torrico wrote:

> Dear Mark,


> In keeping with said policy: sub-clause A, Section 32 most clearly

> states

> that these monies are to be spent in improving the self-flagelation

> characteristics of the permanent-entity ass-kicking machine. You

> obviously

> intend to contribute to this endeavor rather than that mundanity "The

> Mark

> Otter Boat Fund". If Harsha were on line at this time he would

> certainly

> indicate the correct course of action to follow. I certainly hope

> that

> there are no legal ramifications that would interfere with carrying

> forward

> this policy as amended. $2.00 is certainly apropos for a work of this


> magnitude.


> Yours in the obfuscation of reality,


> VictoriO

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I'm very glad you are on the list so we can finally have some serious

discussions about things that matter.


I've always kinda liked the oxymoron "Miracle Whip". It's sorta sexy...

(or is it just sexist?) I like it on sandwiches too. I thought I was

going to have to dump Mary because she refused to eat the stuff,

insisted on Mayonnaise... Mayonaisse (beats me how to spell it...) I

never did break up with her because I'm kind of lazy that way, and then

one day she saved our relationship by showing me that she had bought

some Miracle Whip. I think it was just because it was in a squeeze

bottle, but I love her just the same. (true story... well, the squeeze

bottle part anyway)


Love, Mark


"Debora A. Orf" wrote:



> On Tue, 29 Aug 2000, Mark Otter wrote:

> >

> > Love, Mark

> > ps "obfuscation" - is that a polite word? I think I heard the big

> kids

> > using it recently. I gotta go now, my Mom's looking for me.


> the problem with obfuscation is that it is rather hard to get one's

> mouth

> around the word and say it without a dilemma of confusion of

> pronuciation.


> Hard to write due to its difficult spelling as well.


> obscure hard to say word. You know, i'd say it is NOT a polite word at


> all. Why that word, that horrible word, is downright MEAN. Unlike say,

> the

> word Mayonaise. Now that is a friendly lovely word. Pretty

> pronuciation,

> slightly difficult spelling, but recogonizable to those of us who

> speak

> Typo.


> Totally unlike obfuscation.


> Goes well also on sandwiches, mayonaise does. Shy word, will not tell

> me

> if it needs 2 s's or not.


> Would you not agree?


> --janpa


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How strange. The natives seem restless. note to Self: must have them

put down. Perhaps I can get Anna to yell at them.


Love, Mark

now stop responding to my drivel. Harsha is gonna be mad when he gets

back! You know how fierce he can be!


Victor Torrico wrote:



> Hi Mark,


> In my recent email, kindly change the word obfuscation to

> pecuiliarization.

> This is more in keeping with my intent.


> Yours in the Katzenjammer Kids,


> VictoriO


> PS: Rollo, the Captain, and the Inspector send their regards. They

> thoroughly are into the use of the word obfuscation.



> Quoting Mark Otter <mark.otter:


> Dear Victor,


> well... uh... I was gonna get a pretty ass-kicking boat... and I

> probably would capsize it right away like my Dad and I did with the

> Force 5 he bought... Maybe I shouldn't bring that up just now. Anna

> might yell at me. Anyway, we brought it up right away, after it

> happened, but we had to unhook the sail to do so, and then we couldn't


> get it reconnected, so we had to be towed back home by a guy and his

> two

> small kids in a canoe. I think I'll just stay on land from now on.

> carry on folks.


> Love, Mark

> ps "obfuscation" - is that a polite word? I think I heard the big

> kids

> using it recently. I gotta go now, my Mom's looking for me.


> Victor Torrico wrote:


> > Dear Mark,

> >

> > In keeping with said policy: sub-clause A, Section 32 most clearly

> > states

> > that these monies are to be spent in improving the self-flagelation

> > characteristics of the permanent-entity ass-kicking machine. You

> > obviously

> > intend to contribute to this endeavor rather than that mundanity

> "The

> > Mark

> > Otter Boat Fund". If Harsha were on line at this time he would

> > certainly

> > indicate the correct course of action to follow. I certainly hope

> > that

> > there are no legal ramifications that would interfere with carrying

> > forward

> > this policy as amended. $2.00 is certainly apropos for a work of

> this

> >

> > magnitude.

> >

> > Yours in the obfuscation of reality,

> >

> > VictoriO

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