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Hi All,


This is a "Ray of Light" I received today from www.light-mission.org.

They are provided on a daily basis for anyone interested. They are

generally most informative and useful.


Love and affection,





" Our only concern is to find an immediate answer to our various

problems. But sooner or later the immediate answers are found to be

unsatisfactory because no problem has an answer apart from the problem

itself. But if we can Understand the problem, all the intricacies of it,

then the problem no longer exists. Our Awakening would not allow it to

exist in Understanding it. When we are Seeking to Understand a problem we

tend not to look at the problem itself, but rather at the *resulting

effects* of the problem. And so our *band-aids* and *quick-fixes* lose

their enchantment when we Realize that the problem still exists. The

*solution* to the problem is IN the problem itself, as the Cause of our

Suffering is IN the Suffering. To Understand it is to Realize it's



God's Will ? My Will ? Your Will ? Will Rogers ? Why must it

be someone's ? Why must it be one in leu of the other ? What is other ?

Is not Will, Will ? May I offer, that if there is a Will, BE that Will

and pay no mind to *possessing* it or that someone else possesses it.

Will IS, why not let it BE as it IS rather than projecting our own

conditioned notions into/onto it. If Will could be possessed, it would be

bottled and could be purchased in the all-night drugstore -- so have no

fear as long as there are all-night drugstores.


To See our own conditionings and frailties and shortcomings in the

antics of others is indeed looking into The Mirror of Truth. Mirrors of

Truth most often are in the most unlikely of places, yes ? And by Seeing

such conditionings in ourselves and discarding them, we do not necessarily

Save the world but we do Save a bit of it (ourselves). And what happens

when we *empty* ourselves of these beloved conditionings ? Unprotected by

the security-blanket that these conditionings seem to afford us ?

Treading realms that even eagles fear to tread ? Opening our Inner

Darkness to the Inner Light ? Dwelling IN the Eternal Moment ? We Reach

and Touch the Face of God ! We are to 'God' what a wave is to the ocean,

what a branch is to the vine. Each of us is a wave in the Ocean of Life,

a branch of the Vine. And what is the Ocean without waves ? Where is

the vine if not in the branches ? The Ocean is the Reality of every wave,

as the Vine is the Reality of every branch.


May I offer that such Realization is neither happiness or joy, but

rather the Realization of What-IS IS as it IS -- no happiness, no joy, no

depression, no unhappiness, just IS What-IS."

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