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Hello again, Dear Harsha,


Just finished a little exercising before having to leave for work when it



Actually, "some" never return to "this world" from Nirvikalpa Samadhi but

rather merge "at that point". But should "one" return , so to speak, then

Sahaja Samadhi is the next stage beyond - to be taken to- if there is still

an 'appearance' of a body/mind .


As Ramana said,


"The one who is aware of his Divinity,

while in the body,

is in a state of bliss beyond description,

transcending bondage and liberation.

This is here, now."


Upadesa Saram (Essence of Teaching)

Verse 29


P.S. Perhaps you could forward to Horia as when I mailed it, I received a

could not deliver, because I am not a member of that egroup.



~ jessica





"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar



> We have had conversations on this topic several times before on

> a. The remarkable depth of so many people here is always of

> great beauty and wonder and we are grateful.


> Love to all

> Harsha


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Hello Jessica or Harsha,


Maybe one of you has or knows a Name for this beautiful flower to which I

know no Name to yet:


Someone sitting on top of a mountain looking at the sunset allowing its

body to dissolve, like so many cells becoming so many bees flying away in

the sky to then dissolve in the surrounding like a rainbow of colors.


As for example from literature there was said to have a rainbow following

the physical death of Milerapa, or that of Jesus, or else.


Was simply wondering if there was a Name for this wonderful unknown flower.



> Hello again, Dear Harsha,


> Just finished a little exercising before having to leave for work when it

> dawned...


> Actually, "some" never return to "this world" from Nirvikalpa Samadhi but

> rather merge "at that point". But should "one" return , so to speak,


> Sahaja Samadhi is the next stage beyond - to be taken to- if there is


> an 'appearance' of a body/mind .


> As Ramana said,


> "The one who is aware of his Divinity,

> while in the body,

> is in a state of bliss beyond description,

> transcending bondage and liberation.

> This is here, now."


> Upadesa Saram (Essence of


> Verse 29


> P.S. Perhaps you could forward to Horia as when I mailed it, I received a

> could not deliver, because I am not a member of that egroup.


> Love,

> ~ jessica

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Hi Antoine,


I'm not cetain this is what you're looking for, but based on what you

describe; the sitting on top of the mountain, the rainbow colors, (one of

sounds heard ) the sacred sound of Om; buzzing bees, it may the Sahasrara.

It has been symbolically spoken of as the thousand-petalled lotus in the

brain and is regarded as the 7th and highest of the yogic centers of

consciousness. It's when the top of the head (crown)opens and it's as

though, seeing light through the top of the head; looking through "Sky



If the Sahasrara is that "flower" it is indeed wonderful, but not unknown.


Much love to you, Antoine,





"Antoine Carré" <carrea

> Hello Jessica or Harsha,


> Maybe one of you has or knows a Name for this beautiful flower to which I

> know no Name to yet:


> Someone sitting on top of a mountain looking at the sunset allowing its

> body to dissolve, like so many cells becoming so many bees flying away in

> the sky to then dissolve in the surrounding like a rainbow of colors.


> As for example from literature there was said to have a rainbow following

> the physical death of Milerapa, or that of Jesus, or else.


> Was simply wondering if there was a Name for this wonderful unknown



> Antoine



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