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On Samadhi and Asthanga Yoga

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Beautifully put Jessica.


I like the following that you stated:


"The Light of Awareness has brought the understanding that ultimately all

experiences are of the mind. All of the samadhis, eventually lead to the

greatest samadhi, Sahaja samadhi, wherein one is taken beyond mind; where

there is no experiencer left; all experiences melting away, revealing

nothing ever really happened, no you, but rather the "you" is the space in

which all experiences arise. You are "God"."


Thanks for that gift Jessica.


Ramana Maharshi often pointed out the differences between Nirvikalpa Samadhi

and Sahaj Samadhi and these discussions can be found in the "Talks" or in

"Be As You Are" edited by David Godman.


We have had conversations on this topic several times before on

a. The remarkable depth of so many people here is always of

great beauty and wonder and we are grateful.


Love to all




Jessica [ellam-ondre]

Wednesday, September 06, 2000 1:28 PM

; Kundalini-Gateway@

Re: On Samadhi and Asthanga Yoga

Hello to Harsha, Horia and all,



Sharing in response to your post...from both my exposure to Robert Adams (a

self-realized devotee of Ramana Maharshi, who actually had an experience of

complete realization at the age of 14 - 4 years prior to meeting Ramana in

the flesh) and my own personal experience:


....when your concentration becomes one pointed, you go into a state of

Savikalpa Samadhi


....merging in consciousness for awhile, you taste the bliss of eternity. You

may become proficient in this samadhi; Nirvikalpa Samadhi, where you can do

feats like being buried alive and then being unburied and you're still

alive. You may make your heart stop beating, look as if you're dead, but you

have merged with Absolute Reality, but it doesn't last. You come back to the

world. This is as far as a person can go by themselves. It is only a rare

few who can go further by themselves. The average meditator has to find a

Satguru, one who has passed that stage, and the enlightened one may "give"

them Grace, that they may transcend that stage and go into


....Sahaja Samadhi, which is becoming normal again, but always in a state of

bliss, transcending the world, being in a permanent state of liberation and

yet back to functioning in the world. But deep inside you are not of this

world. You have become totally liberated. You have become Absolute Reality,

Pure Awareness, all-pervading and totally free.


However, all experiences are of a personal nature, and ultimately, the

greatest "samadhi" leads to the non-personal, nobody home; no individual

doership. In my own personal experience, (this is impossible to describe,

but I'll do the best I can) about 17 years ago, when I was not a meditator,

one day, while reading a book, ( nothing of significance) suddenly, my

breath was being sucked out of me. I have no idea how long this lasted.

Simultaneously, I felt an indescribable, almost unbearable Love and felt as

though my heart would burst. I felt connected to everybody and everything in

the entire Universe and beyond and in that instant there was a Knowing,

there was no time, only awareness.


Horia, in response to your question about the "signs", those would be of an

individual nature.


The Light of Awareness has brought the understanding that ultimately all

experiences are of the mind. All of the samadhis, eventually lead to the

greatest samadhi, Sahaja samadhi, wherein one is taken beyond mind; where

there is no experiencer left; all experiences melting away, revealing

nothing ever really happened, no you, but rather the "you" is the space in

which all experiences arise. You are "God".


Love to all,



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