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On Resonance

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<< We may never get to experience an object or event (they are the same

things), we only sense channeled resonance "information." >>

Nick Tesla




<< Identical twins can be linked to the generalization of the Pauli

Exclusion Principle in that no two objects can occupy the same space, and

so the these twins manifest the one object in TWO spaces! >> Chris Lofting.



The sense of _channeled resonance "information"_, (that is another word for

all the senses from the sense of touch to that of subjective time), may

seem to differ or be opposed to the exclusion principle of Pauli, (that is

the property that creates what we call space). At the speed of light the

two opposite properties, that form space and time, are known to come to

melt as one.


One could use the image of the Pauli Exclusion principle as forming the

container of the resonating substance. This substance could be said the

One, in property, manifesting in two space, defining space by that manner.

There is a strong belief in science that there is a key in finding the

means of teleportation not only of properties but that of mass by pushing

two object to be exact twins to the level of 10 exponential(-20) meters.The

two different object occupying two different spaces, would come to occupy

the same space, no matter their distance between them.


The light would of been returned for those two specific twin objects who

became one. It would point to a possibility to reverse the flowing of time



But their is a more easy way at looking at this, the unity of the

subjective sense of what is behind that Time, is already here, and

naturally we are flowing towards it following it, like it is said in a

thermodynamic perspective of the world, towards maximum Entropy (Maximum

level of disorder).


The perspective of finding Unity in the concept of space or infinity of the

place, as opposed to Eternity of the moment, seems to go opposed to the big

bang theory, but yet it reflects the intelligence of ADN, Life and



I find myself privilege to be in such a world where so many wonders may be

observed with each breath, or simply ignored in front of others beauty that

come and go with no patterns at all.





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thank you a lot Antoine, :))




Antoine Carré <carrea


Saturday, September 09, 2000 8:57 PM

On Resonance



> << We may never get to experience an object or event (they are the same

> things), we only sense channeled resonance "information." >>

> Nick Tesla



> 1529


> << Identical twins can be linked to the generalization of the Pauli

> Exclusion Principle in that no two objects can occupy the same space, and

> so the these twins manifest the one object in TWO spaces! >> Chris


> http://pages.infinit.net/carrea/physics/twin.htm


> The sense of _channeled resonance "information"_, (that is another word


> all the senses from the sense of touch to that of subjective time), may

> seem to differ or be opposed to the exclusion principle of Pauli, (that is

> the property that creates what we call space). At the speed of light the

> two opposite properties, that form space and time, are known to come to

> melt as one.


> One could use the image of the Pauli Exclusion principle as forming the

> container of the resonating substance. This substance could be said the

> One, in property, manifesting in two space, defining space by that manner.

> There is a strong belief in science that there is a key in finding the

> means of teleportation not only of properties but that of mass by pushing

> two object to be exact twins to the level of 10 exponential(-20)


> two different object occupying two different spaces, would come to occupy

> the same space, no matter their distance between them.


> The light would of been returned for those two specific twin objects who

> became one. It would point to a possibility to reverse the flowing of time

> also...


> But their is a more easy way at looking at this, the unity of the

> subjective sense of what is behind that Time, is already here, and

> naturally we are flowing towards it following it, like it is said in a

> thermodynamic perspective of the world, towards maximum Entropy (Maximum

> level of disorder).


> The perspective of finding Unity in the concept of space or infinity of


> place, as opposed to Eternity of the moment, seems to go opposed to the


> bang theory, but yet it reflects the intelligence of ADN, Life and

> evolution.


> I find myself privilege to be in such a world where so many wonders may be

> observed with each breath, or simply ignored in front of others beauty


> come and go with no patterns at all.


> Sharing


> Antoine




> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.






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This is a rather long dissertation on principles of physics, beginning with

Newton, on with Einstein, Plank, Heisenberg, de Broglie, Schrodinger and

their correlation to metaphysics. You may find this useful, you may well

have already done the math Horia, I wouldn't be surprised at all <g>! Enjoy!


Here's the forward: "Foreword

>From 1992 through 1995, I taught several seminars on reality and

consciousness according to quantum theory for humanities undergraduates at

the University of Virginia. These seminars attempted to outline in a way

understandable to the nonscientist the reasons why consciousness is a

necessary part of the most widely accepted interpretations of quantum theory.

For these seminars, I wrote concise but complete notes which I handed out to

my students, and which summarized the salient points in order to make as

clear as possible the scientific basis for the seminar. A revised and refined

version of these notes comprises Part 1 of this work.


In 1995, 1996, and 1998, again for the undergraduate nonscientist, I taught

seminars on nonduality, or Advaita, beginning with the above described

scientific information as Part 1, following with several speculative chapters

on the metaphysics of nonduality as Part 2, and concluding with the teachings

of several contemporary jnanis, or enlightened sages, as Part 3. Sages are

not usually interested in teaching the principles of nonduality in a

systematic, logical way such as this since such a conceptual system can be a

prison for the mind, leading it to think that it can transcend itself (escape

from its self-imposed prison) merely by mastering the system. Nevertheless,

for teaching purposes, I wrote a set of notes for these seminars also.


Since 1998, I have updated and refined these notes as my experience and

insights have evolved, and as I have come into contact with other sages.


While there is little about Part 1 that any scientist would disagree with,

given enough time for careful contemplation, there is considerable material

in Parts 2 and 3 that might be in disagreement with what some sages say. The

reason for this difference is that science deals entirely with concepts,

which can be seen to be either self-consistent or not, and in agreement with

observations or not, while it is impossible for a sage to use concepts to

describe Reality, because Reality transcends all concepts. In science,

concepts are (or are not) truth, while in spiritual teachings, concepts can

only be pointers to Truth. The sage uses concepts as tools to crack open the

conceptual prisons in which we live, but then all of those concepts must be

thrown away or they become chains in our bondage. Nevertheless, there are

many concepts in Parts 2 and 3 that are susceptible to verification by direct

observation by those who think they are still in prison, and these impart

credence to the rest of the teaching."


Love and Light,

~ bo ~

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In a message dated 09/11/2000 3:54:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

horia writes:


<< 2. resonance is the principle that structures the universe; because of

resonance we have three worlds - physical, astral and causal, seven chakras,

five koshas, astrological influences, angelic hierarchies, a enumeration of

tattvas; resonance is the principle of order and hierarchy; also resonance

is the principle of interconnection, the mysterious network of correlations

and connections in the universe also studied by Tantra.


Goodness Horia,


I think, cogit ergo sum, wow, laughing, am not sure I am up to this.

But, as you have asked me, perhaps one idea may be on the "

three worlds." It is only my very limited experience, but in travelling

the Kabbalah Tree, the elements are laid out: Earth, Air, Water, Fire.


As both someone who has studied physics and metaphysics, this

never made sense to me, because it doesn't follow the path from

most dense to least dense, nor vise versa. Then one day while reading

the Dalai Lama, I ran into his Tibetan order which was:


Earth > Water > Fire > Air > Aether and then back again:


Aether > Air > Fire > Water > Earth


from manifestation to demanifestation to manifestation, in other

words, the cycles of the Worlds. This made sense to me, and so,

I wrote a friend in Paris who does translation work for Tibetan

monks (Mike) and asked could I travel the Tree in this fashion?


His response was, yes, I could be he suggested caution, and so,

I wrote back and asked that he and a Teacher of his ground me

while I did this. Someone on this list, with whom I travelled,

suggested that I would take the microcosm to the macrocosm

by doing this.


Anyway, karma and kundalini unfolded very rapidy with this

travel, it was not an easy travel, but in the end, it was an

exceptionally beautifull travel.


So, it is just an idea for you to contemplate.


Another idea I ran into this morning while reading about living

saints from the "Stories by Ramana Maharshi" site, was this

idea of "resonance" i think it was Ram Tzu who told the story

that when one entity meets another with whom it/he/she has

resonance then this recognition and opening, awakening can



I cannot validate any of this for you, they are just a few

ideas for you, since you asked, I would ask some others here,

and perhaps on other sites as well.


Love and Light,

~ bo

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Hi Horia,


This is a pretty name, your last name looks Greek? I have been sitting here

debating whether to tell a little story, it seems appropriate.


Anyway, this morning I was on Ramana's site looking at all the living

saints sites to see if anyone lived close or was going to give or be in

Virginia for Satsangh. There are about 20, male and female.


One of the names really turned me off, and I read everyone else's

site but his. Finally, as no one else was going to be in Virginia,

I went to his site to see who could own this name. When I saw his photo, I

was in shock, it was like I had seen him hundreds of times.

Like he was in the grocery store this morning, or a dream last night,

very strange feeling.


So, I sent an email to the address on the site, I think it was in

Europe, and within five seconds I had a reply from him.


Anyway, in this five seconds, I almost

passed out, literally, I sat here at the computer and felt

somewhere in between high and passing out, like

my inside was about 10 feet up in the air and I

couldn't get it back in my body.


It was like I could feel his awareness seek out my

awareness and my awareness was blowing up. I had to turn

off the computer and go sit on the porch, and still i felt like

my mind was, for lack of a better word expanding.


Anyway, i think if i meet him, I will not wake up, I'll

just pass out <g>! Or, I will begin to cry, which is likely.


Jan, Dan, Glo, TG, Jill, Holly, Antoine, y'all

how about helping Horia out



Horia, there are much better minds than mine

here. Also, soon, I will be back to work and back

on digest, I have indulged myself with a

spontaneous sabbatical.


Thanks, and Love and Light,

birdbrain ~ bo

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Hi Bo,


I too study the correlations between the science of physics and the notion

of resonance.


I've come up with these interesting connections :

1. space and time in relativity and quantum physics : spiritual aspects of

these 'strange' developments in physics

2. the energy of the void : correlations between the blissful void and the

infinite zero point energy of empty space

3. the matter is energy : human body and the whole universe are condensed


4. everything is movement : the dance of Shiva and quantum physics

5. the holographic model of the universe : everything is reflected in

everything else

6. correlations between the specific vibration frequencies of universe


I am preparing some documentation on all these topics. If you can, please

suggest more ideas.


In fact what are the functions of resonance ?


I can see two main functions performed by resonance :

1. resonance is at the basis of all phenomenons and processes in the

universe; practically resonance is embedded in all the dynamic aspects of


2. resonance is the principle that structures the universe; because of

resonance we have three worlds - physical, astral and causal, seven chakras,

five koshas, astrological influences, angelic hierarchies, a enumeration of

tattvas; resonance is the principle of order and hierarchy; also resonance

is the principle of interconnection, the mysterious network of correlations

and connections in the universe also studied by Tantra.









Monday, September 11, 2000 6:30 PM

Re: On Resonance



> http://faculty.virginia.edu/consciousness


> This is a rather long dissertation on principles of physics, beginning


> Newton, on with Einstein, Plank, Heisenberg, de Broglie, Schrodinger and

> their correlation to metaphysics. You may find this useful, you may well

> have already done the math Horia, I wouldn't be surprised at all <g>!



> Here's the forward: "Foreword

> From 1992 through 1995, I taught several seminars on reality and

> consciousness according to quantum theory for humanities undergraduates at

> the University of Virginia. These seminars attempted to outline in a way

> understandable to the nonscientist the reasons why consciousness is a

> necessary part of the most widely accepted interpretations of quantum


> For these seminars, I wrote concise but complete notes which I handed out


> my students, and which summarized the salient points in order to make as

> clear as possible the scientific basis for the seminar. A revised and


> version of these notes comprises Part 1 of this work.


> In 1995, 1996, and 1998, again for the undergraduate nonscientist, I


> seminars on nonduality, or Advaita, beginning with the above described

> scientific information as Part 1, following with several speculative


> on the metaphysics of nonduality as Part 2, and concluding with the


> of several contemporary jnanis, or enlightened sages, as Part 3. Sages are

> not usually interested in teaching the principles of nonduality in a

> systematic, logical way such as this since such a conceptual system can be


> prison for the mind, leading it to think that it can transcend itself


> from its self-imposed prison) merely by mastering the system.


> for teaching purposes, I wrote a set of notes for these seminars also.


> Since 1998, I have updated and refined these notes as my experience and

> insights have evolved, and as I have come into contact with other sages.


> While there is little about Part 1 that any scientist would disagree with,

> given enough time for careful contemplation, there is considerable


> in Parts 2 and 3 that might be in disagreement with what some sages say.


> reason for this difference is that science deals entirely with concepts,

> which can be seen to be either self-consistent or not, and in agreement


> observations or not, while it is impossible for a sage to use concepts to

> describe Reality, because Reality transcends all concepts. In science,

> concepts are (or are not) truth, while in spiritual teachings, concepts


> only be pointers to Truth. The sage uses concepts as tools to crack open


> conceptual prisons in which we live, but then all of those concepts must


> thrown away or they become chains in our bondage. Nevertheless, there are

> many concepts in Parts 2 and 3 that are susceptible to verification by


> observation by those who think they are still in prison, and these impart

> credence to the rest of the teaching."


> Love and Light,

> ~ bo ~


> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.






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> So, I sent an email to the address on the site, I think it was in

> Europe, and within five seconds I had a reply from him.


> Anyway, in this five seconds, I almost

> passed out, literally, I sat here at the computer and felt

> somewhere in between high and passing out, like

> my inside was about 10 feet up in the air and I

> couldn't get it back in my body.


> It was like I could feel his awareness seek out my

> awareness and my awareness was blowing up. I had to turn

> off the computer and go sit on the porch, and still i felt like

> my mind was, for lack of a better word expanding.


> Anyway, i think if i meet him, I will not wake up, I'll

> just pass out <g>! Or, I will begin to cry, which is likely.


Hello Birdbrain ~ Bo,


Your story is very beautiful. Thank you very much. It is a clear example of

resonance "in action". When this kind of synchronicity occurs one is left

speechless and amazed. I experienced this in many ways in the past and I am

grateful for each of these moments. I wonder if there are other people that

have personal stories about these strange synchronicity phenomenons ?





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