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Notes gathered from listing

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Personal notes gathered from the Harsha listing, for your amusement:

One of the first observations on the path we recognize is that of suffering.

And, we all know that Buddha was correct when stating, "life is to live a

life of suffering."

But then, in the silent meditation of the heart, we realize that sometimes

that the Divine shows us one way, and sometimes in opposite ways - and this

gives the religionist nothing but bewilderment. "Oh, what to do?" In this

area of SW MO., there are bumper stickers of WWJD - "what would Jesus do?"

Someone should print off WWBD?

And, from our concentration and contemplation, we soon realize that "things

of this life" can only be known through their opposites. What we call God,

who must have no opposite, that is of a non-dual nature, cannot be known but

through opposites. Such a statement is contradictory in nature. In a

mystical sense, the pairs of opposites could be represented as a ladder in

which each person must gradually pass from the outer world of duality to the

inner non-dual dimension of Oneness. It is in this inner dimension of

Oneness that the knowing of the heart replaces the knowledge of the mind.

Think about the non-duality dimension of Oneness! If you can? HA! It is not

what one thinks!

The energy of love, the knowing of the heart, and the devotion of, is the

agent and mediator of transformation. The mind and the ego usually resist

and will fight with the heart and will serve us with their many doubts and

arguments. The work of the worthy seeker is to cooperate with the inner

dynamics of the heart - and to walk happily to the gallows - "Jesus said

unto his disciples, If any * 'man' will come after me, let him deny himself,

and take up his cross, and follow me." Matt.16:24. (*generic man -


Even though the "yearning" and "duty" of the lover are the most significant

factors, it also helps to understand, as much as possible, the processes of

the "pathless path" - the Way. The more we can understand, the more we are

able to surrender the mind to the path.

Learning the logic of love, which is no easy task, we can see more clearly

the guidance of the heart and the pointers on this Path of Return. The

discernment of the inner meaning of apparent love's contradictions enables

us to appreciate the subtleties of our inner unfolding, the mystery and

wonder of this most particular and peculiar journey.

By turning our thoughts and consciousness to the inner processes of the

heart, we learn to walk the Razor's Edge between the two worlds. Outwardly

we remain in the world of the "many" while inwardly the lover becomes

immersed in Oneness.

Living in the two worlds, we bring the secrets of the heart into everyday


Working upon our self, polishing the mirror we look in, which is the mirror

of our heart, we learn to see our own qualities from a different perspective

from that of the ego with its distorted split - between the many opposites.

Gradually...so unceasingly, the eye of the heart opens (the Anahata) and a

consciousness founded upon Oneness is born within the seeker. This

consciousness of the heart, also known as the higher mind, reflects Oneness

of the Self rather than the duality of the ego.

When our little ego - the me, me, I, I syndrome - is relinquished to the

Self (our Higher Nature - the Christ, Buddha, Krishna mind), the eyes of the

lover become the eyes of that we call God.

The lover within our self knows that the pain of love, the heart's longing

for a God connection, is the swiftest way Home.

Love, Robert

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