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A Place

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Dear Friends,


Bidding you all a fond farewell for the time being. I'm spending

entirely too much time at the computer generating all these inane

ramblings when I should really be working on learning to be. This is

only an individual job and cannot be done by someone else. I've had

enough pointers towards reality to last ten lifetimes. Now it's time

to put these pointers to work.


The project of my heart is building a place to be used as an

occasional retreat center, meeting place and for individual meditation

retreats. I have no idea why I'm doing this crazy thing --- something

just is urging me on. With luck I hope to be finished with the main

part by next year (May of 2001).


It is located on fifty acres in the Western Appalachian mountains about

thirty miles West of the Shenandoah Valley and about as far West as you

can go in the state of Virginia --- a place of singular beauty and peace.

It is in a wooded place, immediately behind our home, overlooking a

meadow and river.


I plan to post occasional reports to let everyone know how the

building is going on. Ground leveling, digging of foundation holes, pole

raising, and saw-milling of lumber on site will start in the next

couple of weeks. Then the lumber will have to season over the Winter

with actual work starting around February or March.


I invite one person to help me build this next year. If you are

interested please send email and we can talk about it. This would be a

labor of love since the pay would be room, board and fellowship.


With love, peace, equanimity and happiness to everyone,





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A Sukta for your inner travel, that you find the Flame. Perhaps Glo and I

can travel out to help you one weekend. From Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Sri

Aurobindo's translations of the Rig Vedas.





l. Blazing out brilliant as the lover of the Dawn, filling the two equal

worlds [[Or, the two companions]] like the Light of Heaven, thou art born by

our will and comest into being all around us; thou hast become the father of

the Gods, thou who art the Son.



2. The Fire having the knowledge is a creator [[Or, ordainer of things]]

without proud rashness; he is as if the teat of the Cows of Light, the

sweetener [[Or ,taster of all foods]] of the draughts of the Wine. He is as

one blissful in a man, one whom we must call in; he is seated rapturous in

the middle of the house.



3. He is born to us as if a son rapturous in our house; like a glad horse of

swiftness he carries safe through their battle the peoples: when I call to

the beings who dwell in one abode with the Gods, [[Or, with men,]] the Flame

attains all godheads.



4. None can impair the ways of thy workings when for these gods [[Or, these

men]] thou hast created inspired knowledge. This is thy work that yoked with

the Gods, thy equals, thou hast smitten, [[Or, that thou hast slain,]] that

thou hast scattered the powers of evil.



5. Very bright and lustrous is he like the lover of Dawn. May his form be

known and may he wake to knowledge for this human being, may all bear him in

themselves, part wide the Doors and move into the vision of the world of the

Sun. [[Or, come to the seeing of the Sun.]]



~ rainbo ~ or the leela lily

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Victor Torrico wrote:


> Dear Friends,


> Bidding you all a fond farewell for the time being. I'm spending

> entirely too much time at the computer generating all these inane

> ramblings when I should really be working on learning to be. This is

> only an individual job and cannot be done by someone else. I've had

> enough pointers towards reality to last ten lifetimes. Now it's time

> to put these pointers to work.


> The project of my heart is building a place to be used as an

> occasional retreat center, meeting place and for individual meditation

> retreats. I have no idea why I'm doing this crazy thing --- something

> just is urging me on. With luck I hope to be finished with the main

> part by next year (May of 2001).


> It is located on fifty acres in the Western Appalachian mountains about

> thirty miles West of the Shenandoah Valley and about as far West as you

> can go in the state of Virginia --- a place of singular beauty and peace.

> It is in a wooded place, immediately behind our home, overlooking a

> meadow and river.


> I plan to post occasional reports to let everyone know how the

> building is going on. Ground leveling, digging of foundation holes, pole

> raising, and saw-milling of lumber on site will start in the next

> couple of weeks. Then the lumber will have to season over the Winter

> with actual work starting around February or March.


> I invite one person to help me build this next year. If you are

> interested please send email and we can talk about it. This would be a

> labor of love since the pay would be room, board and fellowship.


> With love, peace, equanimity and happiness to everyone,


> Victor


Dear Victor,


'If only' I could go build with you.


Wonderful project.





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Elegant, and Eminently Profound




Thank You for Sharing





Rainbolily wrote: >

> From Hymns to the Mystic Fire, Sri

> Aurobindo's translations of the Rig Vedas.


> SUKTA 69


> l. Blazing out brilliant as the lover of the Dawn, filling the two equal

> worlds [[Or, the two companions]] like the Light of Heaven, thou art born by

> our will and comest into being all around us; thou hast become the father of

> the Gods, thou who art the Son.


> 2. The Fire having the knowledge is a creator [[Or, ordainer of things]]

> without proud rashness; he is as if the teat of the Cows of Light, the

> sweetener [[Or ,taster of all foods]] of the draughts of the Wine. He is as

> one blissful in a man, one whom we must call in; he is seated rapturous in

> the middle of the house.


> 3. He is born to us as if a son rapturous in our house; like a glad horse of

> swiftness he carries safe through their battle the peoples: when I call to

> the beings who dwell in one abode with the Gods, [[Or, with men,]] the Flame

> attains all godheads.


> 4. None can impair the ways of thy workings when for these gods [[Or, these

> men]] thou hast created inspired knowledge. This is thy work that yoked with

> the Gods, thy equals, thou hast smitten, [[Or, that thou hast slain,]] that

> thou hast scattered the powers of evil.


> 5. Very bright and lustrous is he like the lover of Dawn. May his form be

> known and may he wake to knowledge for this human being, may all bear him in

> themselves, part wide the Doors and move into the vision of the world of the

> Sun. [[Or, come to the seeing of the Sun.]]


> Love*Light*Laughter,

> ~ rainbo ~ or the leela lily


> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.

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"Victor Torrico


> Dear Friends,


> Bidding you all a fond farewell for the time being...


I've had enough pointers towards reality to last ten lifetimes. Now it's


> to put these pointers to work.





A fond farewell to you Victor and just a "little food for thought" or "no

thought" on "the way".


~ from an unedited transcript (not posted yet) from Robert Adams satsang ~


"All of your desires, all of your needs, all of your wants are already

withing you, waiting to be fulfilled and expressed...Ponder this"


"All of the masters, the teachers, the saints, the sages that you have

worshipped all your life, whether it's Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, Moses,

whomever, have always been within you, waiting to be expressed...Ponder



"The only problem you have, that does not allow these sages, your desires,

your wants to be expressed for you, is your noisy mind...Ponder this"


"Whatever you see in your life right now, good or bad, is a result of your

thoughts and your belief. It has no other reality. It is not

permanent...Ponder this"


"You have absolutely nothing to do with this world, this universe, or with

others. Yet at the same time you are this universe. You are places things

and others...Ponder this"


"No one is responsible for where you are right now, whether you like your

position or you do not. This is where you are karmically. This is where

you're supposed to be, and all is well...Ponder this"


"Your past only exists because you think about it. Your fears, your

frustrations, only exist because you think about them. Where would they come

from if you didn't think about them? If you didn't bring them into play in

the present? Where would they come from? How would they be there? You are

the cause of all of your problems...Ponder this"


"Who is the one that is pondering all these things? That one must

go!...Ponder this"


"You have absolutely nothing to do with pondering anything, for the truth is

already present, shining in all it's glory and splendor, and you are

that...Ponder this"


"There is really no one who can do anything for you. I cannot really do

anything for you, because I am really in yourSelf. There's no difference

between mySelf and yourSelf. There's one Self. Therefore, when you look at

me, you see your Self. What do you see?

....Ponder this"


"Ponder the one who has been pondering all this time..."


"Since there is no one to ponder, why are you pondering this?


"That's enough pondering."

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"Jessica" <ellam-ondre

; <Advaita-Ashram >;

<NondualitySalon >; <ANetofJewels >;

<ACES-KEEPERS >; <dzogchen >

Wednesday, September 13, 2000 11:48 AM

Re: A Place



> -

> "Victor Torrico

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> >

> > Bidding you all a fond farewell for the time being...

> snip

> I've had enough pointers towards reality to last ten lifetimes. Now it's

> time

> > to put these pointers to work.

> snip




> A fond farewell to you Victor and just a "little food for thought" or "no

> thought" on "the way".


Lots of Love,



> ~ from an unedited transcript (not posted yet) from Robert Adams satsang ~


> "All of your desires, all of your needs, all of your wants are already

> withing you, waiting to be fulfilled and expressed...Ponder this"


> "All of the masters, the teachers, the saints, the sages that you have

> worshipped all your life, whether it's Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, Moses,

> whomever, have always been within you, waiting to be expressed...Ponder

> this"


> "The only problem you have, that does not allow these sages, your desires,

> your wants to be expressed for you, is your noisy mind...Ponder this"


> "Whatever you see in your life right now, good or bad, is a result of your

> thoughts and your belief. It has no other reality. It is not

> permanent...Ponder this"


> "You have absolutely nothing to do with this world, this universe, or with

> others. Yet at the same time you are this universe. You are places things

> and others...Ponder this"


> "No one is responsible for where you are right now, whether you like your

> position or you do not. This is where you are karmically. This is where

> you're supposed to be, and all is well...Ponder this"


> "Your past only exists because you think about it. Your fears, your

> frustrations, only exist because you think about them. Where would they


> from if you didn't think about them? If you didn't bring them into play in

> the present? Where would they come from? How would they be there? You are

> the cause of all of your problems...Ponder this"


> "Who is the one that is pondering all these things? That one must

> go!...Ponder this"


> "You have absolutely nothing to do with pondering anything, for the truth


> already present, shining in all it's glory and splendor, and you are

> that...Ponder this"


> "There is really no one who can do anything for you. I cannot really do

> anything for you, because I am really in yourSelf. There's no difference

> between mySelf and yourSelf. There's one Self. Therefore, when you look at

> me, you see your Self. What do you see?

> ...Ponder this"


> "Ponder the one who has been pondering all this time..."


> "Since there is no one to ponder, why are you pondering this?


> "That's enough pondering."




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Sounds great Victor - surely a place to visit, if destiny allows.


May you succeed,







On 9/13/00 at 6:51 AM Victor Torrico wrote:




ºDear Friends,


ºBidding you all a fond farewell for the time being. I'm spending

ºentirely too much time at the computer generating all these inane

ºramblings when I should really be working on learning to be. This is

ºonly an individual job and cannot be done by someone else. I've had

ºenough pointers towards reality to last ten lifetimes. Now it's time

ºto put these pointers to work.


ºThe project of my heart is building a place to be used as an

ºoccasional retreat center, meeting place and for individual meditation

ºretreats. I have no idea why I'm doing this crazy thing --- something

ºjust is urging me on. With luck I hope to be finished with the main

ºpart by next year (May of 2001).


ºIt is located on fifty acres in the Western Appalachian mountains about

ºthirty miles West of the Shenandoah Valley and about as far West as you

ºcan go in the state of Virginia --- a place of singular beauty and peace.

ºIt is in a wooded place, immediately behind our home, overlooking a

ºmeadow and river.


ºI plan to post occasional reports to let everyone know how the

ºbuilding is going on. Ground leveling, digging of foundation holes, pole

ºraising, and saw-milling of lumber on site will start in the next

ºcouple of weeks. Then the lumber will have to season over the Winter

ºwith actual work starting around February or March.


ºI invite one person to help me build this next year. If you are

ºinterested please send email and we can talk about it. This would be a

ºlabor of love since the pay would be room, board and fellowship.


ºWith love, peace, equanimity and happiness to everyone,








ºAll paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


ºTo from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

º www., and select the User Center link from the

menu bar

º on the left. This menu will also let you change your


º between digest and normal mode.

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> "Who is the one that is pondering all these things? That one must

> go!...Ponder this"


Hey! That can be dangerous for my ego, don't you know that ? :)))






Jessica <ellam-ondre

; <Advaita-Ashram >;

<NondualitySalon >; <ANetofJewels >;

<ACES-KEEPERS >; <dzogchen >

Wednesday, September 13, 2000 9:48 PM

Re: A Place




> -

> "Victor Torrico

> >

> > Dear Friends,

> >

> > Bidding you all a fond farewell for the time being...

> snip

> I've had enough pointers towards reality to last ten lifetimes. Now it's

> time

> > to put these pointers to work.

> snip




> A fond farewell to you Victor and just a "little food for thought" or "no

> thought" on "the way".


> ~ from an unedited transcript (not posted yet) from Robert Adams satsang ~


> "All of your desires, all of your needs, all of your wants are already

> withing you, waiting to be fulfilled and expressed...Ponder this"


> "All of the masters, the teachers, the saints, the sages that you have

> worshipped all your life, whether it's Buddha, Christ, Muhammad, Moses,

> whomever, have always been within you, waiting to be expressed...Ponder

> this"


> "The only problem you have, that does not allow these sages, your desires,

> your wants to be expressed for you, is your noisy mind...Ponder this"


> "Whatever you see in your life right now, good or bad, is a result of your

> thoughts and your belief. It has no other reality. It is not

> permanent...Ponder this"


> "You have absolutely nothing to do with this world, this universe, or with

> others. Yet at the same time you are this universe. You are places things

> and others...Ponder this"


> "No one is responsible for where you are right now, whether you like your

> position or you do not. This is where you are karmically. This is where

> you're supposed to be, and all is well...Ponder this"


> "Your past only exists because you think about it. Your fears, your

> frustrations, only exist because you think about them. Where would they


> from if you didn't think about them? If you didn't bring them into play in

> the present? Where would they come from? How would they be there? You are

> the cause of all of your problems...Ponder this"


> "Who is the one that is pondering all these things? That one must

> go!...Ponder this"


> "You have absolutely nothing to do with pondering anything, for the truth


> already present, shining in all it's glory and splendor, and you are

> that...Ponder this"


> "There is really no one who can do anything for you. I cannot really do

> anything for you, because I am really in yourSelf. There's no difference

> between mySelf and yourSelf. There's one Self. Therefore, when you look at

> me, you see your Self. What do you see?

> ...Ponder this"


> "Ponder the one who has been pondering all this time..."


> "Since there is no one to ponder, why are you pondering this?


> "That's enough pondering."





> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside

back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is

where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal

Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously

arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.


> To from this list, go to the ONElist web site, at

> www., and select the User Center link from

the menu bar

> on the left. This menu will also let you change your


> between digest and normal mode.






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