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mail and occult

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Was out yesterday evening... came home and there was no mail on Harsha's

list, which surprised me. I went out and checked the web for another mail,

and saw there had been lots of mail last night... is there a problem with

OneList? Does mail from some groups bump mail from other groups?


The moon was so full last night...


We were driving home, my escort drove home from the party, i had all of three

swallows of this port (yukky wine <g>) and all of a sudden my kundalini shot

up... i said, "oh my God, that wine really hit me." Person driving said,

"are you going to be able to drive?" Then I realized it wasn't wine it was

k, my head was on fire, i only know one person who can send me that much k ...

intentionally or not... :o)


Sharing on occult. Read on Robert Adams site and have run into this before,

that the occult can be very dangerous. I have been very worried about this

as i am clairvoyant (not all the time, just pops in now and then, only when

someone asks or wants me to know)... so, I asked a friend from list and she

said, "oh, i think not to worry, just don't let it be ego." (Yes, you have

great common sense!) Robert also made this caution with respect to the

hearing the sounds and so on.


Then I asked a friend who is very dedicated, a devotee, with a lovely wife

and children, who has really an enlightened Teacher, and he said, "oh, don't

worry, these are minor things as qualities go." I thought I would post this

as I never dared ask and worried about this intuition for years, and thought

others may have the same concerns and the same fears about asking... so, is

just a small sharing for you, whoever you are or the many of you are ... :o)


He added, just keep going, means that the ocean of samsara is a little bit

calm, you managed a little bit of work. I love this guy, he knows exactly

how to smash my ego *g*! I felt about the size of an ant for asking ... and

laughed out loud when i read his response.


I dreamt i have to cut the grass... i'd better do so :-)



Leela Lily

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In a message dated 09/14/2000 8:11:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

carrea writes:


<< k, my head was on fire, i only know one person who can send me that much

k ...

> intentionally or not... :o)


Wonder who that might be :)


Was lost in heavy k last night, it was not intentionnal and it was not



All open, blushing :)


And enjoy,




En~joy~ed and En~joy~ing :-)


yes, knew it had to be you *g*


Anna Maria

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In a message dated 09/14/2000 8:15:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

ellam-ondre writes:




Very Hairy/Scary!

and it turned into a nightmarish hell! >>


I meant dangerous to my "ego" to my "i"... not to my astral,

that part is over, for me, like for you, this has been now too

long to worry about those astral yuks <g>!



~ bo ~ annette

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Then I realized it wasn't wine it was

my head was on fire, i only know one person who can send me that much k ...

intentionally or not... :o)



Have been having kundalini in various stages for 16 years. Kundalini

experience is of the mind. It doesn't matter what phenomena is taking place

and I know from personal experience kundalini can be extremely intense. But

after things built to a point where i almost died, had a heart attack and

nervous breakdown, i was led to the "Light" of Advaita and Robert and

Awareness has shown for whom it was intense. Only the i/body/mind/jessica.

The experience actually has brought about the process of dis-identification,

with the body/mind; a blessing.


Kundalini for this body/mind was opened (unbeknownst to me at the time)by a

black magician. It was extremely intense,and an experience that took me into

the depths of hell, not only once, but twice. But there has been a gift. Out

of the experience a shattering of jessica began. Actually the experience I

shared here last week or so in response to Horia about samadhi occurred 1

year prior to the aforementioned. Grace! What I would like to share with you

from personal experience is a suggestion to treat the kundalini experience;

anything for that matter as just another arising upon the Screen of

Consciousness. (Also, a reminder that this was an individual experience,)

(guess i had a flair for the dramatic, teehee!)! (I can say that now, but

phew! When i was going thru it NEVER!)Some need a little tap, it looks like

i needed a sledgehammer! : )




Sharing on occult. Read on Robert Adams site and have run into this before,

> that the occult can be very dangerous.



Very Hairy/Scary!

and it turned into a nightmarish hell! But the outcome of going through

hell; opened to astral and otherwise had a silver lining! Though the

shattering, Awareness started "shaking/waking" me from the dream; this dream

at times being a nightmare! Just the script I was handed!


I have been very worried about this




No need for worrying. Worrying is just another (series of) thought. Treat it

as you would any thought. It doesn't matter if the thought is good or bad,

or thoughts about Kundalini or what your body 'appears' to be going through.

It is only the thoughts that obscure Reality. Everything is in it's right

place....that's where you 'appear' to be right now in the unfolding and

unraveling of the dream and all is well.




> as i am clairvoyant (not all the time, just pops in now and then, only


> someone asks or wants me to know



i/jessica 'appears' to be clairvoyant as well; even did clairvoyant healing

as a living for a number of years with referrals from doctors, etc. It's

just the way the leela is being played out through, jessica, bo, etc....




Robert also made this caution with respect to the

> hearing the sounds and so on.

> snip



Don't know what to say here. Haven't heard that. Perhaps you could direct me

to that. But i will say this, whether it's clairvoyance, psychic phenomena,

kundalini, bodies/individuals "appearing' to go through endless experiences,

trees, minerals, animals; all objects & experiences and phenomena 'appear'

in duality. It is important to remember, what you're identifying with.

Identify with what is permanent, does not come and go; is not born, nor does

it die. Abide and rest in the Self. It's a tall order as I know, but it's

the ONLY SAFE PORT. Everything else is delusion and illusion.



> as I never dared ask and worried about this intuition for years, and


> others may have the same concerns and the same fears about asking... so,


> just a small sharing for you, whoever you are or the many of you are ...





Nothing wrong with intuition. It has it's place in duality. Only the mind

has concerns, fear and worry. The mind is nothing more than a conglomeration

of thoughts. As Ramana, Robert, Nisargadatta, etc. have said, the mind is to

be annhialated. Thoughts(maya/mind) are the only thing obscuring Reality,

the only separation. When the thoughts subside, Reality/Realization shines

unto itself and you are that.


Love and Peace to all,


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> Morning,

> We were driving home, my escort drove home from the party, i had all of


> swallows of this port (yukky wine <g>) and all of a sudden my kundalini


> up... i said, "oh my God, that wine really hit me." Person driving


> "are you going to be able to drive?" Then I realized it wasn't wine it


> k, my head was on fire, i only know one person who can send me that much

k ...

> intentionally or not... :o)


Wonder who that might be :)


Was lost in heavy k last night, it was not intentionnal and it was not



All open, blushing :)


And enjoy,



> Sharing on occult. Read on Robert Adams site and have run into this


> that the occult can be very dangerous. I have been very worried about


> as i am clairvoyant (not all the time, just pops in now and then, only


> someone asks or wants me to know)... so, I asked a friend from list and


> said, "oh, i think not to worry, just don't let it be ego." (Yes, you


> great common sense!) Robert also made this caution with respect to the

> hearing the sounds and so on.


> Then I asked a friend who is very dedicated, a devotee, with a lovely


> and children, who has really an enlightened Teacher, and he said, "oh,


> worry, these are minor things as qualities go." I thought I would post


> as I never dared ask and worried about this intuition for years, and


> others may have the same concerns and the same fears about asking... so,


> just a small sharing for you, whoever you are or the many of you are ...



> He added, just keep going, means that the ocean of samsara is a little


> calm, you managed a little bit of work. I love this guy, he knows


> how to smash my ego *g*! I felt about the size of an ant for asking ...


> laughed out loud when i read his response.


> I dreamt i have to cut the grass... i'd better do so :-)


> Love*Light*Laughter,

> Leela Lily

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> I meant dangerous to my "ego" to my "i"... not to my astral,

> that part is over, for me, like for you, this has been now too

> long to worry about those astral yuks <g>!


> Love,

> ~ bo ~ annette


Hi bo~ annette,


Perhaps it wasn't that you weren't communicating clearly but rather that i

just misunderstood. Anyway, Life has an interesting way of filing away the

ego in it's own designated time; in it's own designated way! No escape! Lots

of love, Id like to meet you sometime as well, fellow time-traveler.





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