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What We Can Learn From Geese

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Loved this post. The original animal behavior work was done by Konrad Lorenz

in Austria. He wrote several books, one called, _Solomon's Ring_,

very humble, beautiful book on animals (mice making nests in the bed, I think

his wife was probably a saint, i knew his nephew Kris Lorenz, great guy, also

humble and brilliant).


And the film "We'll all Fly Home" was shot at Airlie Farm here, Mark Head,

M.D. owns it, and they did the first geese work in the U.S. They're now

doing black trumpter swans ~ to reintroduce these to the No. American

contninent as they're onlly in Alaska. And, they've nesting eagles on the

property, and I got to see one fly over the house this summer and a baby one

in my tree in the yard, but my mother told me today she saw six in formation,



I also got to do my only satsangh's at Mark's with a young Korean buddhist

monk, incredible young man, two summers ago.



Leela Lily ( ~ bo, Annette, etc)

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Loved this post. The original animal behavior work was done by Konrad Lorenz

in Austria. He wrote several books, one called, _Solomon's Ring_,

very humble, beautiful book on animals (mice making nests in the bed, I think

his wife was probably a saint, i knew his nephew Kris Lorenz, great guy, also

humble and brilliant).


And the film "We'll all Fly Home" was shot at Airlie Farm here, Mark Head,

M.D. owns it, and they did the first geese work in the U.S. They're now

doing black trumpter swans ~ to reintroduce these to the No. American

contninent as they're onlly in Alaska. And, they've nesting eagles on the

property, and I got to see one fly over the house this summer and a baby one

in my tree in the yard, but my mother told me today she saw six in formation,



I also got to do my only satsangh's at Mark's with a young Korean buddhist

monk, incredible young man, two summers ago.



Leela Lily ( ~ bo, Annette, etc)


Oh girl of many names,


Well, now you definitely must take me to the farm!! I happened to catch seeing

that movie on TV, and I was in tears by the end. People who go to such

extraordinary lengths for the love of geese. He practically invented a whole new

way of towing the ultralight, engineless plane so that the geese would be

willing to follow it to make the migration. Beautiful story!


The eagles would fly around you, Bo. :)




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In a message dated 09/14/2000 10:49:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

glee writes:


<< Well, now you definitely must take me to the farm!! I happened to catch


that movie on TV, and I was in tears by the end. >>


Hiya Glo,


Would be my great pleasure, it's now only going to get more beautiful for

awhile watching the leaves change here in ole Virginny...


Want to hear something interesting? In a valley in Colorado, Hanne Brenken

has made a retreat center with every major world religion represented, and

they farm and they each have their own religious center, and there are

children and a school.


It was her dedication to world peace, she felt most wars were fought over

religion, and if there was a place where they could all talk to each other

and then fly home and talk to people at home, it would increase world peace.

She's about 60, Danish, married to a powerful Canadian industrialist, petit,

and honest. I would love to visit her valley one day. She may come for the

concert for peace at the Pentagon next week.


Love and Light

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