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words and form

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The scriptures and the masters have been saying for hundreds of years

that one should be free of form and words. My apriciation for this

fact has grown along with me. It has been my experience both in my

own life and in speaking with others that there is far too much

investment put on words. Not that words are not needed, but rather

that words often create conceptual cages. It is particually tempting

to do so when the teaching is one of a non-dual nature. Moreover, it

is far too easy to "hide" behind a conceptual understanding, which in

many cases makes talking to a person like talking to a wall. I

discovered that I had taken non-dual teachings of "no-effort, non-

doing, just being etc.", and worn it like a very heavy cloke around

my neck. The truth is beyond these concepts. I look forward to

communicating to anyone who is really willing to lay it down, and is

willing as I am to always be humbled.


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mazudaoyi [mazudaoyi]

Friday, September 15, 2000 5:20 PM

words and form


The scriptures and the masters have been saying for hundreds of years

that one should be free of form and words. My apriciation for this

fact has grown along with me. It has been my experience both in my

own life and in speaking with others that there is far too much

investment put on words. Not that words are not needed, but rather

that words often create conceptual cages. It is particually tempting

to do so when the teaching is one of a non-dual nature. Moreover, it

is far too easy to "hide" behind a conceptual understanding, which in

many cases makes talking to a person like talking to a wall. I

discovered that I had taken non-dual teachings of "no-effort, non-

doing, just being etc.", and worn it like a very heavy cloke around

my neck. The truth is beyond these concepts. I look forward to

communicating to anyone who is really willing to lay it down, and is

willing as I am to always be humbled.





You are right Maju. Welcome to the Satsangha. Here is something I wrote

sometime back. Perhaps it speaks to some of the points you make.


Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, Taoism and other religions and

spiritual traditions use different words and concepts to describe the

nature of Reality. Even within the Shiva and Shakti traditions there are

great debates about the nature of the highest state. The difference can

only be in the words, not in the experience (or non-experience) or in

understanding of great Sages. The ultimate state is not "nothingness"

but NO-Thing-Ness which includes nothingness. It is empty of all things,

concepts, images and is the end of all experiences. It Is Both Full of

ItSelf and Empty of ItSelf. Even the notion of no-self and self are

concepts. In order to communicate, words have to be used to indicate the

experience of the Reality. What ever term one uses to describe THAT, It

is what It Is. Call it God, God Consciousness, or the Self, or the

no-self or Shunya, etc. Satsangha means keeping the company of the Truth

or spiritual people. It leads to Self-Awareness and resolution of

effort. With gentle compassion for oneself and others, one should remain

aware with a feeling of surrender to Lord of the Heart within. You are

not separate from Him. You are That!


Absolute Awareness dawns with Perfect Clarity when the mind subsides

into the Total Silence of the Self. The Unlimited Nature of "Now - The

Present Moment", becomes Fully Self-Evident. The Self Sees IT Self by It

Self and Through It Self.



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