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Autumn moon, emotions and Witness

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In a message dated 9/16/00 3:41:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, cpd



< watching the personality engage on the day to day level.


How does one know that one's emotions have been cleared and are under

the mindful eye. Seems to me that this is tremendously subtle and the

trickster is ever present, even under the guise of Witness. In fact,

I've inculcated a general suspect-lever whenever I so assume. At best,

it seems, for me, it is an endless process of humility and surrendering

of position. I'm interested in how others *know* this?


stepping lightly,

Christiana >>


Hi Christiana,


I would agree the ego is ever a trickster ... ever ready to find a new path

to catch us off guard. The emotions are a bit easier for me than the mind.

For example, if I feel upset, I can look and ask, "okay what am I afraid of?"

The emotions are "Did we engage fully?" In other words, do my emotions

overwhelm me or am I able to watch from a detached place?


Actually, it's a really wonderful question Christiana, because it makes me

think if i am able to do this emotionally, then why should I not be able to

do the same thing with watching my mind take off on tangents, or engage in

concepts, abstractions, ideas, theories, and so on... presents very

interesting possibilities... not easy but certainly could be enormously

useful in this path...


I spent the day in nature, observing a swan, some geese, some crows, flowers,

waters, watching everything be the fullness of its being, was very beautiful

here today and I'm sunburned... at the ex's picking up Nicolas and being

called to dinner... love to all ... "passghetti" time <g>


What do you think? Anyone else have thoughts here?




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Hi Annette..

> A bit on the Moon ... it is the container of our emotions... and is

> considered the container of the Astral sheath. So, it is very difficult to

> move beyond an elementary level of meditation until the emotions are

> somewhat cleared and somewhat under the mindful eye of the one

> watching the personality engage on the day to day level.


> The New Moon is considered the time for *seed* intent. This is the time

> to focus our energies on the directions of our desired manifestations. The

> Full Moon is considered the Harvest.


> Interestingly, the physical degree symbol for this particular Moon which

> being at 21dPisces18m (21 degrees and 18 minutes) which would read as

> 22 degrees, is called: "A Prophet carrying tablets of the New Law is

> walking down the Slopes of Mt. Sinai. "


> The occult symbol is "Revelation."


> The next New Moon will be on the 27th of September at 5d Libra;


****** stepping further into the esoteric, these dates also encompass

Michaelmas (29th)... the feast of the Archangel Michael, harbinger of

the Revelation into the "New Jerusalem".


And a question about this:

> So, it is very difficult to move beyond an elementary level of meditation

until the emotions are

> somewhat cleared and somewhat under the mindful eye of the one

> watching the personality engage on the day to day level.


How does one know that one's emotions have been cleared and are under

the mindful eye. Seems to me that this is tremendously subtle and the

trickster is ever present, even under the guise of Witness. In fact,

I've inculcated a general suspect-lever whenever I so assume. At best,

it seems, for me, it is an endless process of humility and surrendering

of position. I'm interested in how others *know* this?


stepping lightly,


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