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k seeds

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Morning k,


I know some of you are interested in this ...

Alice O. Howell

suffered a stroke and has

difficulty writing... i could fix it, but

i love the beauty of her writing

thru her difficulty bec of her

great love for people

so, an exchange

between she and Mike Dickman.

(Mike's has a "*")

> mike - are u familiar w/Hans Jenny's work on cymatics/kymatik? 2 vols pub in

> Basel. he photographed patterns made by sound by fern spores etc. w/fine

> instruments. Results extraord! the vowel O Makes a rising sphere; a bar of

> Mozart symph, a web. the cover to my book THE WEB IN THE SEA is the shri


> made by sound!! HJ found that as u go up scale, the patts alternate betw


> found in inorganic n organic nature. there is a video of his work avail fr

> Anthroposophic Press.


*I know about him through you, Alice. You mentioned him on Iona. I looked

him up on the web (there's quite a bit - can't recall exactly where now).

I became fully aware of this capacity for sound to create form several years

ago through the writings of Lama Govinda (Ernst Hoffmann), particularly his

'Creative meditation and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness' where he

discusses the movements of the four 'seed syllables' (bija-mantra) OM, AH,

HUNG and HRIH, very central to Tibetan Buddhist practice. According to him

(and based on some fairly arcane material, bits of which I've hinted at here

before), the mantra OM radiates outward in spherical form and is all

encompassing, the mantra AH gives horizontal, planar extension, HUNG is

descent into this plane, and HRIH a shooting up out of it.


I was, indeed, aware that the Sri Yantra on your cover was actually created

by sound - I love the idea of it! It's a still from a film by Ronald Nameth.

In the same book I have that in (Madhu Khana's 'Yantra - The Tantric Symbol

of Cosmic Unity' [THAMES & HUDSON]), there's also an amazing yantra of

an 18-pointed star radiating out from a 6-pointed star (symbolising the

interpenetration of the masculine/feminine energy arising as the 4 elements)

in the centre of which is a bindu - a point-instant of energy/sound/light...


aura of the star is made up of sixteen layers of alternated red and white 18-

pointed bands containing every conceivable combination of the Sanskrit

alphabet... The pulsation of the thing is palpable and Madhu Khana's caption

to it (it's the frontispiece) reads: 'Yantra depicting the evolution and


of the cosmos. The expanding and contracting currents of vibration

symbolised by the Sanskrit letter form a web-like image as the cosmos

emanates and returns again to the primordial One.'

> the implic are stupendous! n some of the pics shld be stud by architects

bec of

> structural secrets.


*Absolutely. That and Vitruvius.

> also the sacred vowels in sanskrit, hebew, latin impact chakras - can give


> if anyone interested.


*I would certainly be interested in any list you have... Compare notes (tee-


> Bode's Law shows that the distances of planets fr sun [incl asteroids] out


> saturn are in same proportion as notes on a guitar string - music of the

> spheres! Pythagoras

*This is exactly what Fludd was onto... A reference for him is 'Robert Fludd-

Hermetic Philosopher and Surveyor of Two Worlds' by Jocelyn Godwin


> only just able now to listen to music ag w/out tears for my darling

departed, so

> there is the connection for me betw music n memory, as w/fragrances - they

> evoke.


> sigh..........!

*I love you!




k seeds


love you


anna maria

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