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Ken Wilber and time

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riverjohn77 [riverjohn77]

Monday, September 18, 2000 5:04 PM


[NondualitySalon] Fwd: Re: Ken Wilber and time


, riverjohn77@e... wrote:

Harsha, I should apologize for excerpting and/or misrepresenting Ken

Wilber. Having spent some time with his writings, I can only surmise

that he is highly aware of his conditioning and, moreover, of the

nature of Now as a living Reality... I could be wrong. Peace and

thanks for moderating such a fine community, John


Thanks John. You are a scholar and gentleman. You posted this on both lists.

First, no need to apologize.

Yes, a is a fine and unique community.

Of course that is to be expected just from the name.

Harsha means Joy and Satsangha means fellowship.

So it is a fellowship of joy (most of the time).

Thank you and many others for being a part of it.


Now about Ken Wilber. I only know of him what I read on this list.

Same goes for the other new writers and speakers, Ramesh, Ram Tzu, Poonja Ji

and his students and rest of the merry crowd. My response is based on what I

read here and I am not familiar with what else they say.


No doubt they are good people, but I have not had the slightest interest in

reading them due to my own tendencies.

I can certainly understand how these people may be important for others.


I used to love to read books, but that was a long time ago.


My last readings of the "modern" writers and speakers, other than Ramana

Maharshi was over two decades ago.

Books of Secrets spoken by (at the time known as Rajneesh)were delightful

and among my favorites.

The Knee of Listening by (at the time by a gentleman calling himself Bubba

Free John)was wordy but enjoyable. I knew his experience inside and out but

I also sensed confusion and an effort to rationalize it and whitewash it.

Knowing the Truth makes one immune to seduction. Any kind of seduction. That

is my state. Those were the last books. Having Known the Truth as my Own

Self, I gave up the books. I did not have to, but my mind did not go there

any more. So I distributed what I had to friends.


Now I read mostly that which I have to in my profession in order to make a

living. Now and then I browse over so called spiritual books. Sometimes, I

might read a paragraph here and there but it seems so utterly pointless.

Totally and utterly pointless. But that is just me. When people ask me on

these list to read this classic or that because it describes some glorious

ultimate reality, I don't know what to say. The words in such books may be

meaningful and important to some. But one cannot read books forever. How can

Reality be found in books? How many books can one read? How many wise words

does it take. And the words have no end. They perpetuate themselves.


Of course, if there was a practical need and I had to read, I would read.

Since there is no need, I do not.


So my comments are directed only at quotes of the writers posted here. I

have not read their full works nor do I have a desire to. My feeling is that

I get enough of a flavor about what a person is all about (like Ram Tzu) by

reading their quote. In that sense, these lists (NDS, a,

Advaitin, etc.) have been very educational for me.


Love to all














> Thanks for sharing this John.


> Ken Wilber certainly is eloquent and a master of words. One wonders


> some one so infatuated with language and conditioned to think in

terms of

> past and future understands the nature of NOW, not as an


> exercise but as a living Reality.


> Love to all

> Harsha


> //


> All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

> perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and


> back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

different than

> the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of


> Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It is Home.

Home is

> where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of


> Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge,


> arising from within into It Self. Welcome all to a.

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