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[ANetofJewels] A Story

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Once in the garden of a Master there lived a monkey. And as monkeys are

curious people, he became very curious about the Master. He would see the

Master, sitting silently, doing nothing, and by and by he started coming

close to him - what was he doing? It was a mystery. Certainly to a monkey,

the most mysterious thing is somebody sitting silently, doing nothing.

Restlessness is just natural to a monkey, but resting in silence...?

'Has this man gone mad?' By and by he started coming closer to watch him.

The closer he came the more he was surprised. Not only was the man silent,

but the space around him was tremendously quiet. Even the monkey could feel

the vibe as he came closer.

Then he started loving the man and just to be close to him became one of

his hobbies: whenever he could find time and whenever the Master was

available sitting in the garden, he would come close and sit by his side.

One day he said to the Master, 'What do you do? Please tell me also. I

surrendur to you. Accept me as a disciple.'

The Master looked at the monkey, felt great compassion for him and said,

'I don't do anything. You can also do it. It is non-doing. Sitting silently,

the Spring comes and the grass grows all by itself. You simply sit silently.

When the right moment comes, suddenly you are full of tremendous joy and

peace and God. You are not supposed to do anything. Anything done on your

part is a disturbance, creates ripples, creates waves. And when your mind is

wavy, God cannot enter. When the mind is a quiet surface, when everything is

silent, calm, God enters. He enters from the door of silence and silence is

possible only when you are not the doer. So you can do it, you can try it.'

The monkey nodded his head. He said, 'It's impossible. I thought that if

there were something that I could do, I would do it, but this is impossible.

If you told me to fetch the moon, I could bring it; if you told me to remove

the Himalayas I could do it - because in the old, ancient days, other

monkeys like Hanuman have been known to do it. I am a monkey. I have the

potentiality, I can also do it. But sitting silently, doing nothing? Sir

that is impossible. It is just against my nature. That would drive me crazy!

If God comes through silence, then God is not for me, and I am not for God'.


The Human Mind is nothing but a Monkey. Man has not changed much.

Charles Darwin says that man has evolved only on the surface - deep down,

man is as restless as other monkeys.


Taken from a Sannyas Magazine article - from the words of Osho.


I love this story.



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