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Ego, kundalini & the Yeti

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Dear Linda !


I agree with your agreeing !:))


<IMHO there are simply many people still in a state of kundalini awakening

and <who are still purifying or getting baked. Without the proper surrender

or <discrimination I believe they imagine they have achieved 'it' and make

their <belief known to others. Of course, that is also part of a process but

all too often <people believe these claims.>


I've been in that weird state in which I believed I had "achieved it" - first

I ran around on a cloud, full of shakti, the world was excessively beautiful

and my mind was going : "Wow, I can't believe it, first the Buddha, then

Ramakrishna and now ME ...!! :))) ROTFL !!


It feels very strange when you then realise that you have bills to pay, the

car just broke down, and you find yourself arguing with somebody about

something trivial - after which you start craving a beer... - so much for

enlightenement !!:))


The mind rapidly goes back into some of it's old grooves, the good thing

however seems to be the certitude that the higher - or maybe "less

restricted" is a better expression - state is there within at all times, even

if it's veiled and sealed off temporarily.


I'm actually completely convinced of the fact that this whole

enlightenment-business, the different samadhis and everything, rely on

specific neural circuits in the brain for their manifeststation in this

physical world - so, one needs to get a handle on the switch that flicks on

the Brahmarandra (or gateway to God) within the brain to experience these

things. Otherwise they remain just concepts or ideas.


The kundalini-shakti seems to do just that by itself, surrender means letting

it reach out and travel through the body so that it can press that button.

So, it's really the kundalini that does and achieves, the ego with it's

habits and quirks is just in the way.


I think that it's probably helpful for people observing and interacting with

those claiming to have "experiences" or some sort of spiritual achievement

to know that, if the experience is real, if there's a leap in spiritual

growth, it's all due to the working of kundalini (or God's energy, if you

want) and not something the person can brag about as a personal achievement.

In fact, in order for this to happen, the ego has had to die a little bit :))


Of course people are gullible, it seems as if humans really want to believe

all kinds of strange things - look at all the cults, Scientology, thousands

of spaceships clogging up the skies, just waiting to come and save us from

ourselves - all this kind of stuff.


Hmmmh, I'm not at all saying that there are no spaceships up there, the point

is to not naively believe it to be so, just because some more or less

charismatic person says it's true :)


Nah, I think being sceptical about anything extraordinary and miracolous

until the extraordinary and miracolous comes looking for me and hits me on

the head, is a good way to be - just have to take care to be open to all

possibilities and remember that the whole universe takes place within the

mind !:))


I saw an interesting program on tv recently about a researcher going up into

the Hindukush-mountains in Northern Pakistan to verify claims of

Yeti-sightings. He interviewed a number of high altitude shepherds who had

either heard of the Yeti or claimed personal encounters with it (him ?). The

shepherd that had his herd highest up on the mountain was an old guy that

really couldn't understand what the fuss was all about - a man coming all the

way from Europe just to interview him and everything. "It's just the Yeti

after all" he said, "I've seen him loads of times when he comes here at

night to raid my supplies ..." :))


A nice illustration of how the miraculous becomes ordinary once it becomes

an everyday fact of life.


Well, come to think of it on the other hand, why should the Yeti be

miraculous - just because none of us has seen him ? I advocate never to

trust conventional truth - it's relative and doesn't account for limitless



And, oh yeah a nice little quantum leap within consciousness is, when really

everything reverts back to miraculous...


'Nuff rambled


Take care,



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