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Astrology, Galactic Center and the Kali Yuga.

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>Just FYI,>I forget who asked what here, but the earth has not

"wobbled" the signs >have >changed and are recognized as such

although not read as such by>both Vedic and Western. Western reads

according to the month rather than>where the actual signs are. The

movement of the signs is due to the >movement >of the Solar System in

the Galaxy, around the Galactic Center, which is >27d >Sag which is a

natural progression which takes approximately 26,000 years >to

>travel all the way around. This is why we have the Ages, e.g., Age

of >Taurus >(Midas, the Golden Bull, the Calf) Age of Aries (Ram,

Rama, lamb >sacrifice, >Abraham, Jason and the Golden Fleece, etc.,


Vedic Astrology not only recognizes the 'change' of the signs but has

always calculated the positions of the planets according to where

they are actually placed. There are records that date back to around

6,000 BC which calculate the 'galactic' center. Currently, the center

is placed at around 6 Sagittarius.

The system of recognizing and calculating the position of the

'galactic' center is the basis for the calcuations of yugas(cycle).

Anybody familiar with yoga or Eastern philosophy has heard that we

are currently in the dark age known as the Kali Yuga. This is the

4th of 4 yugas. The first yuga is known as gold (satya), the second

as silver (treta), the 3rd as bronze (Dwaarpa) and the last as iron

(Kali). These yugas have always been calculated according to where

the sun of our solar system is located in relation to the sun of the

universe...what today's scientists refer to as the galactic center.

It is believed that the closer our sun is to the galactic center the

higher the overall intelligence of human beings and this group

intelligence will determine the nature of society in general.

Currently we are in the kali yuga which is a darker time but also in

a lesser cycle that is ascending which is why our current time is not

as forbidding as the 'offical' dark ages of current written history.

>There is a new astrology, called Galactic, which reflects more>the

actual placement of the Stars, the woman who has researched>it used

to be a physicist with NASA, her name is Jane Axtell, and>her work is

rather extraordinary. It isn't easy, but it>is indeed fascinating.

Yes, Jessica <g>, more mind wanders :-)>and body wanders this week as

I'm travelling, have a great>week all.

Hmmm.....I understand that there are people who claim this system is

2,000 years old. >Love and Light, ~ bo ~ playing in the Leela Lily


Linda// All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

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Linda: Currently, the center is placed at around 6 Sagittarius.


Bo: That would translate considering that Vedic has moved the positions and

Western not,


The system of recognizing and calculating the position of the 'galactic'

center is the basis for the calcuations of yugas(cycle). Anybody familiar

with yoga or Eastern philosophy has heard that we are currently in the dark

age known as the Kali Yuga. This is the 4th of 4 yugas. The first yuga is

known as gold (satya), the second as silver (treta), the 3rd as bronze

(Dwaarpa) and the last as iron (Kali). These yugas have always been

calculated according to where the sun of our solar system is located in

relation to the sun of the universe...what today's scientists refer to as the

galactic center. It is believed that the closer our sun is to the galactic

center the higher the overall intelligence of human beings and this group

intelligence will determine the nature of society in general. Currently we

are in the kali yuga which is a darker time but also in a lesser cycle that

is ascending which is why our current time is not as forbidding as the

'offical' dark ages of current written history.


>There is a new astrology, called Galactic, which reflects more

>the actual placement of the Stars, the woman who has researched

>it used to be a physicist with NASA, her name is Jane Axtell, and

>her work is rather extraordinary. It isn't easy, but it

>is indeed fascinating. Yes, Jessica <g>, more mind wanders :-)

>and body wanders this week as I'm travelling, have a great

>week all.


Linda: Hmmm.....I understand that there are people who claim this system

is 2,000 years old.



: Different system, not the system like the Fixed Stars of Bernadette Brady

which is much older than 2,000 years; more like 6,000 back to the Age of

Taurus, each age being approximately 2300 years, Age of Taurus, Aries,

Pisces, now, depending on your calculations and your perspective, Aquarius.







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